95 research outputs found
Angiotensin-(1–7)/Mas axis integrity is required for the expression of object recognition memory
AbstractIt has been shown that the brain has its own intrinsic renin–angiotensin system (RAS) and angiotensin-(1–7) (Ang-(1–7)) is particularly interesting, because it appears to counterbalance most of the Ang II effects. Ang-(1–7) exerts its biological function through activation of the G-protein-coupled receptor Mas. Interestingly, hippocampus is one of the regions with higher expression of Mas. However, the role of Ang-(1–7)/Mas axis in hippocampus-dependent memories is still poorly understood. Here we demonstrated that Mas ablation, as well as the blockade of Mas in the CA1-hippocampus, impaired object recognition memory (ORM). We also demonstrated that the blockade of Ang II receptors AT1, but not AT2, recovers ORM impairment of Mas-deficient mice. Considering that high concentrations of Ang-(1–7) may activate AT1 receptors, nonspecifically, we evaluate the levels of Ang-(1–7) and its main precursors Ang I and Ang II in the hippocampus of Mas-deficient mice. The Ang I and Ang II levels are unaltered in the whole hipocampus of MasKo. However, Ang-(1–7) concentration is increased in the whole hippocampus of MasKo mice, as well as in the CA1 area. Taken together, our findings suggest that the functionality of the Ang-(1–7)/Mas axis is essential for normal ORM processing
Aspectos clínico-patológicos do envenenamento botrópico experimental em equinos
Estudou-se as alterações clínico-patológicas e laboratoriais em equinos, inoculados experimentalmente com a peçonha de Bothropoides jararaca, Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops moojeni e Bothropoides neuwiedi, com a finalidade de fornecer subsídios para o diagnóstico do envenenamento pela picada dessas. Os venenos liofilizados foram diluídos em 1ml de solução fisiológica e administrados a seis equinos, por via subcutânea, nas doses de 0,5 e 1mg/kg (B. jararaca), 0,8 e 1,6mg/kg (B. jararacussu), 0,205mg/kg (B. moojeni) e 1mg/kg (B. neuwiedi). Todos os equinos, menos os que receberam o veneno de B. jararacussu, morreram Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se entre 8min e 2h10min após a inoculação. O período de evolução variou, nos quatro casos de êxito letal, de 24h41min a 70h41min, e nos dois equinos que se recuperaram foi de 16 dias. O quadro clínico, independente do tipo de veneno e das doses, caracterizou-se por aumento de volume no local da inoculação, arrastar da pinça do membro inoculado no solo, inquietação, apatia, diminuição da resposta aos estímulos externos, mucosas pálidas e hemorragias. Os exames laboratoriais revelaram anemia normocítica normocrômica com progressiva diminuição no número de hemácias, da hemoglobina e do hematócrito, e leucocitose por neutrofilia. Houve aumento de alamina aminotransferase, creatinaquinase, dehidrogenase láctica, ureia e glicose, bem como aumento do tempo de ativação da protrombina e do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada. Os achados de necropsia foram extensas hemorragias no tecido subcutâneo, com presença de sangue não coagulado e em boa parte associadas a edema (edema hemorrágico), que se estendia desde o local da inoculação até as regiões cervical, torácica, escapular e membro. Na periferia das áreas hemorrágicas havia predominantemente edema gelatinoso. Havia ainda presença de grande quantidade de líquido sanguinolento nas cavidades torácica, pericárdica e abdominal. Não foram encontradas alterações histológicas significativas
ALDH1A2 (RALDH2) genetic variation in human congenital heart disease
Signaling by the vitamin A-derived morphogen retinoic acid (RA) is required at multiple steps of cardiac development. Since conversion of retinaldehyde to RA by retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type II (ALDH1A2, a.k.a RALDH2) is critical for cardiac development, we screened patients with congenital heart disease (CHDs) for genetic variation at the ALDH1A2 locus.\ud
One-hundred and thirty-three CHD patients were screened for genetic variation at the ALDH1A2 locus through bi-directional sequencing. In addition, six SNPs (rs2704188, rs1441815, rs3784259, rs1530293, rs1899430) at the same locus were studied using a TDT-based association approach in 101 CHD trios. Observed mutations were modeled through molecular mechanics (MM) simulations using the AMBER 9 package, Sander and Pmemd programs. Sequence conservation of observed mutations was evaluated through phylogenetic tree construction from ungapped alignments containing ALDH8 s, ALDH1Ls, ALDH1 s and ALDH2 s. Trees were generated by the Neighbor Joining method. Variations potentially affecting splicing mechanisms were cloned and functional assays were designed to test splicing alterations using the pSPL3 splicing assay.\ud
We describe in Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) the mutations Ala151Ser and Ile157Thr that change non-polar to polar residues at exon 4. Exon 4 encodes part of the highly-conserved tetramerization domain, a structural motif required for ALDH oligomerization. Molecular mechanics simulation studies of the two mutations indicate that they hinder tetramerization. We determined that the SNP rs16939660, previously associated with spina bifida and observed in patients with TOF, does not affect splicing. Moreover, association studies performed with classical models and with the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) design using single marker genotype, or haplotype information do not show differences between cases and controls.\ud
In summary, our screen indicates that ALDH1A2 genetic variation is present in TOF patients, suggesting a possible causal role for this gene in rare cases of human CHD, but does not support the hypothesis that variation at the ALDH1A2 locus is a significant modifier of the risk for CHD in humans.Work supported by grants from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) 01/000090; 00/030722; 01/142381; 02/113402; 03/099982; 04/116068; 04/157044 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 481872/20078. We would like to thank the careful work and thoughtful suggestions of the two reviewers responsible for the reviewing editorial process.Work supported by grants from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) 01/00009-0; 00/03072-2; 01/14238-1; 02/11340-2; 03/09998-2; 04/11606-8; 04/15704-4 and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 481872/2007-8. We would like to thank the careful work and thoughtful suggestions of the two reviewers responsible for the reviewing editorial process
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