42 research outputs found
La simbologia identitaria nei motivi dell’esordio poetico di Giuseppe Ungaretti
Dalla nascita ad Alessandria d’Egitto, passando per l’incontro con l’Italia, la Terra Promessa dei suoi genitori, sino alle feconde esperienze parigina e brasiliana, Ungaretti traspone nei suoi versi la percepita condizione di esule deraciné alla continua ricerca di una sistemazione identitaria che continua a non trovare soluzione. Il contributo intende indagare le tappe dell’itinerario poetico ungarettiano rivolto alla ricerca e alla definizione di una simile dimensione, rilevando come le matrici figurali dei grandi miti dell’esilio, del naufragio e dello sradicamento culturale appaiano pienamente attestate sin dagli esordi poetici dell’Autore. L’accanita e capillare ricerca intorno agli stessi, poi aperta e condizionata da atteggiamenti mutevoli e diverse temperie culturali, condurrà il Poeta al raggiungimento di uno stadio superiore di comprensione, oltre ogni confine fisico o archetipico di frontiera, che coincide con il riconoscimento di se stesso nell’Altro.peer-reviewe
Variation of microsporogenesis in sexual, apomictic and recombinant plants of Poa pratensis L.
Apomixis is a rather widespread phenomenon in plants. It is defined as the asexual formation of a seed from the maternal tissues of the ovule, avoiding the processes of meiosis and fertilization. Some species are facultative apomicts and form seeds by means of sexual and apomictic pathways to different extents. This is the case of Poa pratensis, the Kentucky bluegrass, which reproduces by aposporous pseudogamous facultative apomixis. This grass is one of the most studied apomictic systems, however some aspects, such as the male meiotic behavior, have not been so far investigated. In this study the process of microsporogenesis in genotypes of P. pratensis with a different mode of reproduction was investigated. The analysis revealed an almost regular meiosis in the sexual plants whereas apomictic genotypes exhibited different levels of meiotic irregularities, mainly due to cell fusion and irregular segregation in I and II division. Our data did not reveal evident connections between the extent and types of abnormalities and the components of apomixis, apomeiosis and parthenogenesis. The meiotic behavior of the examined plants was discussed in the light of their origin
High Levels of Variation Within Gene Sequences of Olea europaea L.
Gene sequence variation in cultivated olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. europaea), the most important oil tree crop of the Mediterranean basin, has been poorly evaluated up to now. A deep sequence analysis of fragments of four genes, OeACP1, OeACP2, OeLUS and OeSUT1, in 90 cultivars, revealed a wide range of polymorphisms along all recognized allele forms and unexpected allele frequencies and genotype combinations. High linkage values among most polymorphisms were recorded within each gene fragment. The great sequence variability corresponded to a low number of alleles and, surprisingly, to a small fraction of genotype combinations. The distribution, frequency, and combination of the different alleles at each locus is possibly due to natural and human pressures, such as selection, ancestrality, or fitness. Phylogenetic analyses of allele sequences showed distant and complex patterns of relationships among cultivated olives, intermixed with other related forms, highlighting an evolutionary connection between olive cultivars and the O. europaea subspecies cuspidata and cerasiformis. This study demonstrates how a detailed and complete sequence analysis of a few gene portions and a thorough genotyping on a representative set of cultivars can clarify important issues related to sequence polymorphisms, reconstructing the phylogeny of alleles, as well as the genotype combinations. The identification of regions representing blocks of recombination could reveal polymorphisms that represent putatively functional markers. Indeed, specific mutations found on the analyzed OeACP1 and OeACP2 fragments seem to be correlated to the fruit weight
CODE-EHR best-practice framework for the use of structured electronic health-care records in clinical research.
Big data is important to new developments in global clinical science that aim to improve the lives of patients. Technological advances have led to the regular use of structured electronic health-care records with the potential to address key deficits in clinical evidence that could improve patient care. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown this potential in big data and related analytics but has also revealed important limitations. Data verification, data validation, data privacy, and a mandate from the public to conduct research are important challenges to effective use of routine health-care data. The European Society of Cardiology and the BigData@Heart consortium have brought together a range of international stakeholders, including representation from patients, clinicians, scientists, regulators, journal editors, and industry members. In this Review, we propose the CODE-EHR minimum standards framework to be used by researchers and clinicians to improve the design of studies and enhance transparency of study methods. The CODE-EHR framework aims to develop robust and effective utilisation of health-care data for research purposes
CODE-EHR best practice framework for the use of structured electronic healthcare records in clinical research.
Big data is central to new developments in global clinical science aiming to improve the lives of patients. Technological advances have led to the routine use of structured electronic healthcare records with the potential to address key gaps in clinical evidence. The covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the potential of big data and related analytics, but also important pitfalls. Verification, validation, and data privacy, as well as the social mandate to undertake research are key challenges. The European Society of Cardiology and the BigData@Heart consortium have brought together a range of international stakeholders, including patient representatives, clinicians, scientists, regulators, journal editors and industry. We propose the CODE-EHR Minimum Standards Framework as a means to improve the design of studies, enhance transparency and develop a roadmap towards more robust and effective utilisation of healthcare data for research purposes
CODE-EHR best practice framework for the use of structured electronic healthcare records in clinical research
Big data is central to new developments in global clinical science aiming to improve the lives of patients. Technological advances have led to the routine use of structured electronic healthcare records with the potential to address key gaps in clinical evidence. The covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the potential of big data and related analytics, but also important pitfalls. Verification, validation, and data privacy, as well as the social mandate to undertake research are key challenges. The European Society of Cardiology and the BigData@Heart consortium have brought together a range of international stakeholders, including patient representatives, clinicians, scientists, regulators, journal editors and industry. We propose the CODE-EHR Minimum Standards Framework as a means to improve the design of studies, enhance transparency and develop a roadmap towards more robust and effective utilisation of healthcare data for research purposes
Guido Gozzano e la poesia crepuscolare tra innovazione modernista e interferenze d’oltralpe
Il movimento crepuscolare italiano di inizio Novecento – riconosciuto e definito come tale non senza perplessità – appare segnare, per la sua intrinseca vocazione da un lato all’identificazione nell’esperienza delle esistenze più umili con cui il poeta è a colloquio, dall’altro alla considerazione dell’uomo nella fugacità della sua condizione finita, un primo momento di rottura, in un’ottica acerbamente modernista, rispetto alle tendenze della letteratura fin de siècle. Il contributo prende in esame gli aspetti della produzione letteraria di Guido Gozzano che maggiormente risultano ispirati da questa vena, rilevando parallelamente per quali vie le ben note influenze di Francis Jammes abbiano concorso alla costruzione della sua poetica più matura, che manterrà pur sempre una totale unicità d’ispirazione e d’espressione