7 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship – cross-curricular and interdisciplinary topic in Elementary School

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    National Curriculum specifies entrepreneurship as a cross-curricular and interdisciplinary topic aimed on interconnection of educational areas and subjects in a harmonious whole with the aim of linking the different competencies of students. Entrepreneurial learning specifics are clear links between the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes, and their practical application. University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ conducted project named Introduction of Entrepreneurship as a Cross curricular Them in Primary Schools in order to develop the curriculum for entrepreneurial learning. Project was held in the school year 2013./2014. in Elementary School Precko, Zagreb. The project was attended by the school principal, pedagogue, professional staff, all the teachers, students and their parents. Project was implemented in every classroom and integrated across all subjects with special attention to psycho physical development of students. The professors were grouped in educational areas like language and communication area, mathematics, science, technology and informatics area, social sciences area, humanities area, art area, and physical and health area. By interactive teaching methods pupils adopted basic economic concepts: entrepreneurship, procurement of material resources, production, creation of new value, selling, price, distribution of income, consumption, advertisement etc., and produced a final product presented by School to the general public, parents and the local community

    Inovacije u radu učeničkih zadruga : Primjer dobre prakse

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    Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum za predškolski odgoj i opće obvezno obrazovanje u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi predvidio je uvođenje poduzetničke kompetencije kao međupredmetne teme u odgojno obrazovni sustav. U ovom članku autorice opisuju rad učeničke zadruge s naglašenim ciljem učenja za poduzetništvo. Zadruga je osnovana na dugogodišnjoj tradiciji zadrugarstva u našim osnovnim školama, ali sa suvremenim pristupom i inovacijama koje odgovaraju potrebama današnjih učenika. Polazeći od ideje „Učenje, rad i život zajedno“ voditelji zadruge organizirali su suradnički rad u međusobno ovisnim timovima od kojih svaki obavlja po jednu fazu proizvodnje čime se na kraju zaokružuje proces proizvodnje i prodaje. Tako su osigurani uvjeti za aktivno učenje, slični onima u pravom poduzeću. Iskorak iz tradicijskih okvira načinjen je i u izboru osnovne djelatnosti koja potječe iz područja IKT za razliku od dugogodišnje orijentacije na područje etnologije, tradicijske proizvodnje i ekologije. Glavni proizvod zadruge je e-slikovnica s dodatnim obrazovnim sadržajima za osnovne škole. Proizvodi zadruge, osim na sajmovima, prodaju se i u veleprodaji za poznatog kupca što je, također, novost u radu osnovnoškolskih zadrugaNational Pre-School, Elementary School and High School Curriculum Framework includes the introduction of entrepreneurial competency to the educational system as an intersubject theme. The authors describe the work of a children’s cooperative association with education for entrepreneurship in its focus. Under the maxim „Learning, doing, and living together“, the cooperative leaders have organized work in mutually dependent teams, each of which is tasked with a single production stage, which eventually come together to complete the production and sales cycle. This makes the conditions for learning by doing similar to those of a real company. Another aspect in which this cooperative steps out of the traditional framework is the choice of its core business, which is in the ICT field, unlike the traditional cooperatives that have long focused on ethnology, traditional manufacturing and environment protection. The cooperative’s main product is an e-picture book with additional educational content for elementary schools. The products are mostly sold in fairs, but the cooperative has also made a wholesale deal with a known buyer, which is another novelty for elementary school cooperatives

    Entrepreneurship – cross-curricular and interdisciplinary topic in Elementary School

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    National Curriculum specifies entrepreneurship as a cross-curricular and interdisciplinary topic aimed on interconnection of educational areas and subjects in a harmonious whole with the aim of linking the different competencies of students. Entrepreneurial learning specifics are clear links between the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes, and their practical application. University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ conducted project named Introduction of Entrepreneurship as a Cross curricular Them in Primary Schools in order to develop the curriculum for entrepreneurial learning. Project was held in the school year 2013./2014. in Elementary School Precko, Zagreb. The project was attended by the school principal, pedagogue, professional staff, all the teachers, students and their parents. Project was implemented in every classroom and integrated across all subjects with special attention to psycho physical development of students. The professors were grouped in educational areas like language and communication area, mathematics, science, technology and informatics area, social sciences area, humanities area, art area, and physical and health area. By interactive teaching methods pupils adopted basic economic concepts: entrepreneurship, procurement of material resources, production, creation of new value, selling, price, distribution of income, consumption, advertisement etc., and produced a final product presented by School to the general public, parents and the local community

    Poduzetničke vještine u osnovnoj školi Razredna nastava - primjer dobre prakse

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    U okviru projekta Senzibilizacija učenika, učitelja i roditelja za uvođenje poduzetništva u osnovne škole pod nazivom Dječji tjedan poduzetništva, Visoka škola za ekonomiju poduzetništvo i menadžment „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ iz Zagreba u suradnji s Osnovnom školom Prečko iz Zagreba provela je 2011. godine u osnovnim školama radionice s temom učenja za poduzetništvo u razrednoj i predmetnoj nastavi. U razrednoj nastavi provedene su dvije radionice. Na svakoj je radionici proizveden jedan proizvod, a učenici su se pri tom upoznali s osnovnim ekonomskim pojmovima, kao što su: nabava repromaterijala, proizvodnja, stvaranje nove vrijednosti, prodaja, cijena, raspodjela prihoda, potrošnja, reklama. Radionice su izvedene u obliku timskog rada koji prati tijek proizvodnog procesa. Korištene su tehnike interaktivnog učenja koje djeluju poticajno i olakšavaju usvajanje kako materijalnih, tako i funkcionalnih znanja i vještina. Tijekom izrade proizvoda učenici su, pored ekonomskih pojmova, usvajali i različite poduzetničke vještine primjerene njihovoj dobi: inovativnost, kreativnost, samouvjerenost, upornost i druge. U članku su navedene vještine potkrijepljene konkretnim primjerima aktivnosti u radionicama.Within the framework of the project Raising Awareness Of Pupils and Teachers On Introduction Of Education For Entrepreneurship In Elementary School, the event called „Children entrepreneur week“ was organized in 2011. It was composed of four workshops oriented on entrepreneurial learning which were conducted by University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management “Nikola Šubić Zrinski” in cooperation with Elementary School Prečko Zagreb. During the each workshop one product was produced and the pupils have learnt the basic economic terms: entrepreneurship, enterprise, production, product, team work, procurement of material resources, creation of added value, selling, price, spending, market, advertisement etc. The methodology of workshops was the teamwork which simulated production process. The techniques of interactive learning which have stimulative effect and facilitate adoption of material as well as functional knowledge and skills were used. During creation of products the pupils adopted, besides the economic terms, different entrepreneurial skills appropriate to their age: innovativeness, creativity, selfconfidence, perseverance, etc. In this article, above mentioned skills are described by concrete examples of workshops activities

    Raising Awareness Of Pupils And Teachers On Introducing Education For Entrepreneurship In Elementary School

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    According to the decision of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports on introduction of the entrepreneurial competencies into the National Curriculum for Preschool Education, general compulsory and secondary school education, the Educational Group Zrinski in cooperation with Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship conducts the project called „Childrens entrepreneur week“. This project for general compulsory education was conducted by team composed of Educational Group Zrinski and teachers of Elementary School Prečko Zagreb, Sandra Lovrenčić, Davorin Novosel and Marijana Vrančić. The goal of the project is to raise public awareness, especially of pupils, teachers and parents, of the need for introduction of education for entrepreneurship into the general compulsory education, and achievement of basic entrepreneurial competencies from the earliest age of children. The project is created as a set of workshops designated for pupils and teachers. Pupil’s workshops were organized according to stages of children’s development. The goal of every workshop was to invent and produce the product which would be presented and afterwards sold in local community. Therefore, children have been adopted basic entrepreneurial skills and terms (entrepreneurship, enterprise, production, product, team work, procurement of material resources, creation of added value…) During the teacher’s workshops participants exposed their stances and experiences about entrepreneurship. Most of teachers were consented that entrepreneurial competencies could be introduced in educational system as inter-subject thematic units. This project has proved that teachers and wider public recognize entrepreneurship as an important competency which should be acquired during the children’s education, influencing in that way economic and overall prosperity of our country

    Poduzetničke vještine u osnovnoj školi Razredna nastava - primjer dobre prakse

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    U okviru projekta Senzibilizacija učenika, učitelja i roditelja za uvođenje poduzetništva u osnovne škole pod nazivom Dječji tjedan poduzetništva, Visoka škola za ekonomiju poduzetništvo i menadžment „Nikola Šubić Zrinski“ iz Zagreba u suradnji s Osnovnom školom Prečko iz Zagreba provela je 2011. godine u osnovnim školama radionice s temom učenja za poduzetništvo u razrednoj i predmetnoj nastavi. U razrednoj nastavi provedene su dvije radionice. Na svakoj je radionici proizveden jedan proizvod, a učenici su se pri tom upoznali s osnovnim ekonomskim pojmovima, kao što su: nabava repromaterijala, proizvodnja, stvaranje nove vrijednosti, prodaja, cijena, raspodjela prihoda, potrošnja, reklama. Radionice su izvedene u obliku timskog rada koji prati tijek proizvodnog procesa. Korištene su tehnike interaktivnog učenja koje djeluju poticajno i olakšavaju usvajanje kako materijalnih, tako i funkcionalnih znanja i vještina. Tijekom izrade proizvoda učenici su, pored ekonomskih pojmova, usvajali i različite poduzetničke vještine primjerene njihovoj dobi: inovativnost, kreativnost, samouvjerenost, upornost i druge. U članku su navedene vještine potkrijepljene konkretnim primjerima aktivnosti u radionicama.Within the framework of the project Raising Awareness Of Pupils and Teachers On Introduction Of Education For Entrepreneurship In Elementary School, the event called „Children entrepreneur week“ was organized in 2011. It was composed of four workshops oriented on entrepreneurial learning which were conducted by University College of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management “Nikola Šubić Zrinski” in cooperation with Elementary School Prečko Zagreb. During the each workshop one product was produced and the pupils have learnt the basic economic terms: entrepreneurship, enterprise, production, product, team work, procurement of material resources, creation of added value, selling, price, spending, market, advertisement etc. The methodology of workshops was the teamwork which simulated production process. The techniques of interactive learning which have stimulative effect and facilitate adoption of material as well as functional knowledge and skills were used. During creation of products the pupils adopted, besides the economic terms, different entrepreneurial skills appropriate to their age: innovativeness, creativity, selfconfidence, perseverance, etc. In this article, above mentioned skills are described by concrete examples of workshops activities

    Raising Awareness Of Pupils And Teachers On Introducing Education For Entrepreneurship In Elementary School

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    According to the decision of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports on introduction of the entrepreneurial competencies into the National Curriculum for Preschool Education, general compulsory and secondary school education, the Educational Group Zrinski in cooperation with Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship conducts the project called „Childrens entrepreneur week“. This project for general compulsory education was conducted by team composed of Educational Group Zrinski and teachers of Elementary School Prečko Zagreb, Sandra Lovrenčić, Davorin Novosel and Marijana Vrančić. The goal of the project is to raise public awareness, especially of pupils, teachers and parents, of the need for introduction of education for entrepreneurship into the general compulsory education, and achievement of basic entrepreneurial competencies from the earliest age of children. The project is created as a set of workshops designated for pupils and teachers. Pupil’s workshops were organized according to stages of children’s development. The goal of every workshop was to invent and produce the product which would be presented and afterwards sold in local community. Therefore, children have been adopted basic entrepreneurial skills and terms (entrepreneurship, enterprise, production, product, team work, procurement of material resources, creation of added value…) During the teacher’s workshops participants exposed their stances and experiences about entrepreneurship. Most of teachers were consented that entrepreneurial competencies could be introduced in educational system as inter-subject thematic units. This project has proved that teachers and wider public recognize entrepreneurship as an important competency which should be acquired during the children’s education, influencing in that way economic and overall prosperity of our country