22 research outputs found

    Integrated management system of a transport company

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    Unaprjeđenjem proizvoda i usluga kao preduvjeta poslovnog uspjeha na tržiÅ”tu, raste potreba za efikasnim sustavima upravljanja Å”to rezultira intenzivnim razvojem normizacije. U interesu je vlastitog tržiÅ”nog položaja praćenje pomaka u razvoju normi i promjenama koje one donose. Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom, okoliÅ”em, zdravljem i sigurnosti na radu predstavlja moderan način organiziranja rada i upravljanja tvrtkom pa se menadžment svake organizacije, tako i prijevozničke tvrtke, susreće s problemom koji je ovdje postavljen kao zadatak. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je analiza mogućnosti i načina, prednosti i nedostataka uvođenja sustava i organiziranja rada prema zahtjevima međunarodnih normi primijenjenih na prijevozničko poduzeće, a iz perspektive njegovog menadžmenta. Opisani su zahtjevi pojedinih točaka normi radi istraživanja konkretne primjenjivosti u prijevozničkom poduzeću. Rad je prezentacija dovoljnog broja jasnih i sažetih informacija na jednom mjestu a zamiÅ”ljen je kao svojevrsna smjernica menadžmentu prijevozničkog poduzeća prilikom odluke o uvođenju sustava sukladno zahtjevima normi.The improvement of products and services as precondition for the business success on the market means an increase in the need for efficient management systems which in turn results in intensive development of standardization. It is in the interest of oneā€™s own market position to monitor the shift in the development of standards and the resulting changes. Quality, environment, occupational health and safety management systems represent a modern way of organizing work and company administration so that the management of every organization, including transport companies, encounters a problem which is here set as a task. The subject of research in this paper is the analysis of the possibilities and methods, advantages and drawbacks of introducing the systems and organizing work according to the requirements of international standards applied to a transport company, from the perspective of its management. The requirements of single items of the standards have been described in order to study the concrete applicability in the transport company. The paper is a presentation of a sufficient number of clear and concise pieces of information in one place, and it has been conceived as kind of a guideline for the transport company management during decision-making about the introduction of the system pursuant to the requirements of the standards

    Modeling the Permeable Power of the Road on a Semaforized Crossing Using Petri Nets

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    With the growth in demand and the development of traffic over the last fifty years, the need for the introduction of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is growing every day. With a modern approach they solve complex traffic problems. One modern approach is modeling the dynamics of Petri Nets. The Petri Nets is a powerful graphical and mathematical model for working with discrete systems. This paper describes how using a Petri Net can manage signaled intersections, assist in choosing the best alternative route, or manage an intersection at which an incident occurred. The research was carried out in a real traffic environment, at the intersection of Zagrebačka Road and Bistrička Road in the center of the city Sesvete, by modeling with coloured timed Petri Nets

    Prognostic trend model of passenger transport performance of the Croatian maritime traffic system

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    This research analyses the dynamics and the modelling trend of the development of passenger transport performance of the Croatian maritime traffic system. Passenger transport performance represents a transport value which is, regarding its characteristic, a qualitative transport demand indicator in public passenger traffic, and expressed by the realized passenger transport operation in public maritime passenger traffic. Adequate mathematical statistic analysis of passenger transport performance has been performed at the level of maritime traffic system, forming in turn a mathematical prognostic trend model of the development dynamics of this traffic value. The prognostic trend model of the passenger transport performance is presented by a respective equation, with the calculation of the related determination coefficient as a measure of quality which determines the level of statistical significance of the description of the given data using the model equation. The law of development of the studied transport value during the considered time period is described by the computer calculated obtained model equation. During research, the scientific methods of mathematical statistics, modelling methods, and computer software Ā«Microsoft ExcelĀ» have been used

    Methodological Approach for Evaluation and Improvement of Quality Transport Service in Public Road Passenger Transport

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    Achieving the appropriate level of quality transport service is essential in the operations of the carriers in the public road intercity line passenger transport due to an increased competition between road carriers in the market of transport services. Effective assessment of achieved competitiveness is important for the survival and development of public road passenger carriers. The problem of research is reflected in the appropriate organization and giving importance to the criteria of quality of transport service in order to improve the methodology of its evaluation with the aim of optimizing business and competitiveness in public road intercity line passenger traffic. An efficient method for evaluating the quality of transport service would solve the problem of assessing the quality of transport service and assessing the competitiveness of bus carriers. It is proposed to develop a multi-criteria model for evaluating the quality of transport services by the method of measuring passenger satisfaction. The developed VAZP model (Multicriteria Analysis of Passenger Satisfaction) is based on multicriteria analysis AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process) which is based on the disaggregated approach and linear programming modeling. The results of the research will be described using numerical values and will be graphically presented using descriptive statistical analysis. The ability to qualitatively represent passengerźžŒs judgments and preferences makes the model a suitable tool for assessing passenger satisfaction and evaluating quality service in the transportation sector, as well as strategically positioning and gaining a competitive opportunities in the transportation services market. Using the Expert Choice software tool and sensitivity analysis it would establish differences between reached level of the quality of transport service of individual bus carriers and propose possible improvements to the business to gain a competitive advantage in the market of transportation services. Systematic optimization and quality management through continuous assessment of market competitiveness contributes to the development of the business of companies for road passenger transportation

    Model of Developement of Passengers Transport Demand in Croatian Maritime Traffic System

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    Predmet je ovoga rada istraživanje dinamike i mogućnosti modeliranja razvitka putničke prijevozne potražnje u pomorskomu prometnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Promatrana prometna veličina po svojem je obilježju kvantitativni pokazatelj prijevozne potražnje u javnomu putničkom prometu, koja se iskazuje brojem prevezenih putnika u javnom putničkom prometu. Odgovarajućom matematičko-statističkom analizom putničke prijevozne potražnje na razini prometnog sustava, utvrđeno je postojeće stanje, pa je potom oblikovan matematički prognostički trend-model dinamike razvitka te prometne veličine. Model prometne veličine predstavljen je odgovarajućom jednadžbom, uz izračun pripadajućeg koeficijenta determinacije kao mjerom kvalitete koja utvrđuje razinu statističke signifikantnosti u opisu zadanih podataka s pomoću jednadžbe modela. Jednadžbom modela opisuje se zakonitost razvitka promatrane prometne veličine tijekom određenoga vremenskog razdoblja. Pri istraživanju i formuliranju rezultata posebice su upotrijebljene znanstvene metode matematičke statistike, metode modeliranja i računalni program Ā«Microsoft ExcelĀ».The subject of this study is the research of the dynamics and the possibility of modelling the development of the passenger`s transport demands in the maritime traffic system in the Republic of Croatia. The studied traffic variable in its characteristic, is a quantitative index of the transport demands in the public passengers transport, which is shown by the number of passangers transported in public traffic. The current situation in the transport system is determined in terms of the corresponding mathematical and statistical analysis of the passengers transport demands and the mathematical prognostic trend model of the dynamics and the development of the traffic variable. The model of traffic variable is represented by the corresponding equation as well as with the calculated coefficient of determination which are used as a quality standard which establishes the level of statististical significance of the set data by the equation model.The equation model describes the development pattern of the studied traffic variable during the observation period. The scientific methods, especially mathematical statistics, and the mehods of modelling, that is, computer programme Microsoft excel have been used in the research and in the formulating of the results


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    Svrha ovog rada je istaknuti značenje tahografa kao nezamjenjivog uređaja za praćenje rada vozača u cestovnom komercijalnom, teretnom i putničkom prijevozu. Radom se ukazuje na značenje tahografa kao uređaja kojim se prati radno vrijeme, odmori i druge povezane aktivnosti profesionalnih vozača, a ujedno olakÅ”ava praćenje tehnike vožnje profesionalnih vozača. Tahografski uređaj, također, pruža temeljne informacije potrebne inspekciji cestovnog prometa u pogledu primjene zakonskih propisa od transportnih tvrtki, posebice praćenja radnog vremena i eventualne prekomjerne opterećenosti vozača u cestovnom transportu, kao bitnog čimbenika sigurnosti prometa i prevencije cestovnih nesreća.The importance of the tachograph is examined, as this device is crucial in monitoring the work of drivers in commercial and passenger road traffic, in particular drivers\u27 working hours, length of rest periods, manner of driving and other activities professional drivers engage in during work. A tachograph, moreover, provides vital information to the road traffic inspection regarding the transport companies\u27 compliance with the regulations, mainly their observance of the working hours and possible overwork in road transport. Strict adherence to these regulations is stressed as a crucial factor in road safety and accident prevention

    Dynamics and trends of the development of transport relations in road freight transport

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    Ovim radom izučava se struktura transportnih relacija u hrvatskom cestovnom teretnom prometnom sustavu. Rad se temelji na podacima Državnog zavoda za statistiku Republike Hrvatske prema statističkim izvjeŔćima pod nazivom ā€žTransport i komunikacijeā€œ. Izučavano je vremensko razdoblje od 2002. Ć· 2012. godine. Analizira se apsolutna i relativna struktura transportnih relacija prema utvrđenim kategorijama u hrvatskom cestovnom teretnom prometu. VrÅ”i se grafička analiza apsolutne i relativne strukture transportnih relacija u hrvatskom cestovnom teretnom prometu prema količini cestovnog teretnog supstrata i ostvarenom transportnom radu prema izučavanim kategorijama transportnih relacija. Analizira se struktura transportnih relacija cestovnog teretnog supstrata u hrvatskom prometnom sustavu, uz koriÅ”tenje metoda matematičke statistike, prije svega matematičkih prognostičkih modela kojima se ocjenjuje statistička signifikantnost trenda izučavane varijable. Istraživanjem su ustanovljeni statistički signifikantni trendovi promjena u strukturi transportnih relacija i njihovoga apsolutnog i relativnog udjela podmirenju teretne transportne potražnje kao i ostvarenom transportnom radu na tim relacijama.This paper investigates the structure of transport relations in the Croatian road freight transport system. The paper is based on data from the Croatian Central Bureau of Statistics, according to statistical reports entitled "Transport and communications". The observed period is 2002 Ć· 2012. It analyzes the absolute and relative structure of transport relations according to the established categories in the Croatian road freight transport. It includes the graphical analysis of absolute and relative structure of transport relations in the Croatian road freight transport, according to the amount of road freight substrate and realised transport performance through the studied categories of transport relations. It analyzes the structure of transport relations of road freight substrate in the Croatian transport system, with the use of mathematical statistics, above all mathematical forecasting models to evaluate statistical significance regarding the trend of the studied variable. The survey established statistically significant trends of changes in the structure of transport relations and their absolute and relative share in meeting freight transport demand as well as the realised transport performance on these relations

    Development of tram transport system modeling in the City of Zagreb

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    Radom je provedeno istraživanje odnosa putničke transportne potražnje i veličina koje se odnose na tehnički, tehnoloÅ”ki i organizacijski podsustav tramvajskoga prometnog sustava, kao dominatnog podsustava u okviru javnoga gradskoga putničkog prijevoza Grada Zagreba. Nakon prikupljanja i matematičko statističke obrade podataka izučavanih veličina unutar vremenskoga razdoblja od 1995. do 2010. istražuje se zakonomjernost glede njihova razvitka i međusobne povezanosti. Svrha rada ogleda se u oblikovanju releventne stručno znanstvene osnove za donoÅ”enje odluka vezanih za upravljanje prometnim procesom na strateÅ”koj razini i planiranje daljnjeg razvitka tramvajskoga prometnog sustava. S obzirom na postavljeni cilj istraživanja modeliranja procesa, u radu su koriÅ”tene metode analize i sinteze, oblikovani su regresijski i matematički prognostički modeli izučavanih veličina. Istraživanjem je za deset veličina ustanovljen statistički značajan matematički prognostički trend model kao i regresijski model, pri tome se izdvajaju negativni trendovi bitnih veličina vezanih za kvalitetu transportne usluge i organizacijski podsustav uz istodobno smanjenje putničke potražnje u tramvajskom prometnom sustavu.The work was carried out through the research relationships on passengers transport demand and its size is related to a technical, technological and organizational subsystem in the tram transport system, as well as dominant subsystems within the public urban passenger transportation in Zagreb. After the collection of statistical and mathematical data processing, various studies within the time period since 1995 to 2010, that investigate the relationship do not respect their growth and interconnectivity. The purpose of this project is reflected into the design relevant professional scientific basis for making decisions regarding the management of this transport processes at the strategic level of planning and further development of tram transport system. The aim of the research process modelling given in the stated study within used methods of analysis and synthesis is designed by regression and predictive mathematical models studied size. The study size was established for ten statistically significant trend forecasting mathematical model and the regression model, thereby to distinguish the important size of the negative trends related to the quality of transport services and organizational subsystem while reducing travel demand in a tram transport system