4 research outputs found


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    In the first part of the paper, the author finds that in the present the question of collaboration between members of the majority and the members of cultural, religious, social and other minorities is one of the most essential civilisational questions. Consequently, intercultural pedagogy and intercultural education play an important role here. Due to such multicultural conditions, school counseling, too, has developed some special features. Furtheron in the paper, the author defines and presents the characteristic features of intercultural counseling set up for pupils who are members of cultural minorities and immigrants, as well as for people who live and work with them. The final part of the paper defines the intercultural competence of a school counselor. The latter should be able to detect cultural aspects relating to the counselee, to recognise their role in the causing of the problem of the person seeking counsel and its solution. He/she should be able to incorporate them in the counseling situation and process

    Schulleitung und Bildungsqualität: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in ausgewählten EU-Ländern

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    The paper focuses on different methods of school leadership and management styles. Effective school leadership is identified as crucial to students’ outcomes, second only to the quality of the teacher (Augustine et al., 2009 in OECD, 2012). In the paper the results of secondary empirical research based on TALIS data (2008) are presented. The predictive value of selected variables (such as school size, principals’ gender etc.) for different types of principals\u27 leadership and management styles were evaluated with multiple regression analyses. The results of the analysis are placed in the international context since the paper focuses on comparison of data from principals questionnaires for Austria, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The analyses indicate that the predictors for different leadership and management styles are mostly country specific and only years of experience have significant influence in most indexes. The answer to what are the best school management and leadership styles isn’t straightforward. Based on our research it is not possible to introduce or improve a specific indicator in order to achieve such school leadership.Članak se fokusira na različite metode vođenja škole i stilove (načine) upravljanja. Efikasno vođenje škole pokazalo se kao ključno za uspjeh učenika, odmah nakon kvaliteta učitelja (Augustine i dr., 2009 u OECD, 2012). U članku su predstavljeni rezultati drugog empirijskog istraživanja, koji se temelje na podacima iz projekta TALIS (2008). Predviđene vrijednosti izabranih varijabli (kao što su veličina škole, spol ravnatelja škole itd.) za različite vrste vođenja i stilova upravljanja škole bile su analizirane višestrukom regresijskom analizom. Rezultate analize možemo primijeniti u međunarodnom kontekstu (prostoru), pošto smo usporedili podatke upitnika za ravnatelje škola iz Austrije, Mađarske, Slovačke i Slovenije. Analizom je utvrđeno da su pokazatelji (prediktori) za različite vrste vođenja i stilove upravljanja školom pretežno zavisni odspecifike pojedinih država, značajan utjecaj na većinu indeksa imaju jedino godine radnog iskustva ravnatelja. Odgovor napitanje koje su najbolje vrste vođenja i stilovi upravljanja školom nije jednoznačan. Na temelju našeg istraživanja nije moguće izdvojiti neki posebni indikator za postizanje dobrog upravljanja.Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit verschiedenen Schulleitungsmethoden und Verwaltungsstilen. Eine effektive Schulleitung erweist sich nach der Qualität des Lehrers als zweitwichtigster Faktor für den Erfolg der Schüler (Augustine et al., 2009 in OECD, 2012). In diesem Beitrag werden die Resultate einer sekundären empirischen Untersuchung vorgestellt, die auf TALIS Daten (2008) basiert.Der prädikative Wert von ausgewählten Variablen (wie z. B.: Schulgröße, Geschlecht des Schulleiters etc.) für verschiedene Typen der Schulleitung und der Managementstile wurde mittels der multiplen Regressionsanalyse festgestellt. Die Resultate der Analyse wurden in den internationalen Kontext eingebettet,da sich der Beitrag auf den Vergleich der Fragebögen von Schulleitern aus Österreich, aus Ungarn, aus der Slowakei und aus Slowenien konzentriert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Prädikatoren für verschiedene Schulleitungs und Managementstile meistens länderspezifisch sind und dass in den meisten Indexen nur die Jahre der Erfahrungeine signifikante Rolle spielen. Esgibt keine eindeutige Antwort darauf, welche die besten Schulmanagement- und Schulleitungsstile sind. Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, dass es nicht möglich ist, einen Indikator einzuführen oder zu verbessern, um eine solche Schulleitung zu erreichen