1,091 research outputs found

    Microscopic derivation of an adiabatic thermodynamic transformation

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    We obtain macroscopic adiabatic thermodynamic transformations by space-time scalings of a microscopic Hamiltonian dynamics subject to random collisions with the environment. The microscopic dynamics is given by a chain of oscillators subject to a varying tension (external force) and to collisions with external independent particles of "infinite mass". The effect of each collision is to change the sign of the velocity without changing the modulus. This way the energy is conserved by the resulting dynamics. After a diffusive space-time scaling and cross-graining, the profiles of volume and energy converge to the solution of a deterministic diffusive system of equations with boundary conditions given by the applied tension. This defines an irreversible thermodynamic transformation from an initial equilibrium to a new equilibrium given by the final tension applied. Quasi-static reversible adiabatic transformations are then obtained by a further time scaling. Then we prove that the relations between the limit work, internal energy and thermodynamic entropy agree with the first and second principle of thermodynamics.Comment: New version accepted for the publication in Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistic

    Equilibrium fluctuations for the disordered harmonic chain perturbed by an energy conserving noise

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    We investigate the macroscopic behavior of the disordered harmonic chain of oscillators, through energy diffusion. The Hamiltonian dynamics of the system is perturbed by a degenerate conservative noise. After rescaling space and time diffusively, we prove that energy fluctuations in equilibrium evolve according to a linear heat equation. The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the non-gradient Varadhan's approach, and is equivalently defined through the Green-Kubo formula. Since the perturbation is very degenerate and the symmetric part of the generator does not have a spectral gap, the standard non-gradient method is reviewed under new perspectives.Comment: One major correction has been done. An author has been adde

    Crossover to the stochastic Burgers equation for the WASEP with a slow bond

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    We consider the weakly asymmetric simple exclusion process in the presence of a slow bond and starting from the invariant state, namely the Bernoulli product measure of parameter ρ(0,1)\rho\in(0,1). The rate of passage of particles to the right (resp. left) is 1nβ2+a2nβγ\frac1{\vphantom{n^\beta}2}+\frac{a}{2n^{\vphantom{\beta}\gamma}} (resp. 1nβ2a2nβγ\frac1{\vphantom{n^\beta}2}-\frac{a}{2n^{\vphantom{\beta}\gamma}}) except at the bond of vertices {1,0}\{-1,0\} where the rate to the right (resp. left) is given by α2nβ+a2nβγ\frac{\alpha}{2n^\beta}+\frac{a}{2n^{\vphantom{\beta}\gamma}} (resp. α2nβa2nβγ\frac{\alpha}{2n^\beta}-\frac{a}{2n^{\vphantom{\beta}\gamma}}). Above, α>0\alpha>0, γβ0\gamma\geq \beta\geq 0, a0a\geq 0. For β<1\beta<1, we show that the limit density fluctuation field is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process defined on the Schwartz space if γ>12\gamma>\frac12, while for γ=12\gamma = \frac12 it is an energy solution of the stochastic Burgers equation. For γβ=1\gamma\geq\beta=1, it is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process associated to the heat equation with Robin's boundary conditions. For γβ>1\gamma\geq\beta> 1, the limit density fluctuation field is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process associated to the heat equation with Neumann's boundary conditions

    Second order Boltzmann-Gibbs principle for polynomial functions and applications

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    In this paper we give a new proof of the second order Boltzmann-Gibbs principle. The proof does not impose the knowledge on the spectral gap inequality for the underlying model and it relies on a proper decomposition of the antisymmetric part of the current of the system in terms of polynomial functions. In addition, we fully derive the convergence of the equilibrium fluctuations towards 1) a trivial process in case of supper-diffusive systems, 2) an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process or the unique energy solution of the stochastic Burgers equation, in case of weakly asymmetric diffusive systems. Examples and applications are presented for weakly and partial asymmetric exclusion processes, weakly asymmetric speed change exclusion processes and hamiltonian systems with exponential interactions

    Nonlinear Perturbation of a Noisy Hamiltonian Lattice Field Model: Universality Persistence

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    In [2] it has been proved that a linear Hamiltonian lattice field perturbed by a conservative stochastic noise belongs to the 3/2-L\'evy/Diffusive universality class in the nonlinear fluctuating theory terminology [15], i.e. energy superdiffuses like an asymmetric stable 3/2-L\'evy process and volume like a Brownian motion. According to this theory this should remain valid at zero tension if the harmonic potential is replaced by an even potential. In this work we consider a quartic anharmonicity and show that the result obtained in the harmonic case persists up to some small critical value of the anharmonicity

    Interpolation process between standard diffusion and fractional diffusion

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    We consider a Hamiltonian lattice field model with two conserved quantities, energy and volume, perturbed by stochastic noise preserving the two previous quantities. It is known that this model displays anomalous diffusion of energy of fractional type due to the conservation of the volume [5, 3]. We superpose to this system a second stochastic noise conserving energy but not volume. If the intensity of this noise is of order one, normal diffusion of energy is restored while it is without effect if intensity is sufficiently small. In this paper we investigate the nature of the energy fluctuations for a critical value of the intensity. We show that the latter are described by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by a L\'evy process which interpolates between Brownian motion and the maximally asymmetric 3/2-stable L\'evy process. This result extends and solves a problem left open in [4].Comment: to appear in AIHP

    Hydrodynamic limit for a chain with thermal and mechanical boundary forces

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    We prove the hydrodynamic limit for a one dimensional harmonic chain with a random flip of the momentum sign. The system is open and subject to two thermostats at the boundaries and to an external tension at one of the endpoints. Under a diffusive scaling of space-time, we prove that the empirical profiles of the two locally conserved quantities, the volume stretch and the energy, converge to the solution of a non-linear diffusive system of conservative partial differential equations