35 research outputs found

    X-ray multilayer monochromator with enhanced performance

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    International audienceAn x-ray multilayer monochromator with improved resolution and a low specular background is presented. The monochromator consists of a lamellar multilayer amplitude grating with appropriate parameters used at the zeroth diffraction order. The device is fabricated by means of combining deposition of thin films on a nanometer scale, UV lithography, and reactive ion etching. The performance of this new monochromator at photon energies near 1500 eV is shown

    A map and a database for flint-bearing formations in Southern France: A tool for Petroarchaeology

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    Une carte des principales formations à silex du sud de la France est en cours de réalisation. Elle propose, à tous les préhistoriens, une base nécessaire au développement d’études interrégionales sur la circulation des silex. Elle est le fruit d’une collaboration entre des acteurs impliqués dans la problématique de caractérisation de la provenance des silex. Elle regroupe les résultats de leurs prospections systématiques ou ciblées dans six régions (Aquitaine, Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes). Elle intègre, en plus, le dépouillement d’un grand nombre de documents : i) les principaux articles et thèses traitant des formations à silex du sud de la France ; ii) plus de 200 fiches issues de la base de données du sous-sol BSS du BRGM, qui permettent de visualiser des logs ou des documents scannés ; iii) 529 cartes géologiques à 1/50 000 et leurs notices. La carte est organisée en trois couches de données superposables : une carte des affleurements ou gîtes primaires, une carte des altérites et des formations superficielles remaniées et une carte des formations alluviales. La carte existera dans deux versions numériques aisément actualisables : une version dans un format PDF et une version sous la forme d’un SIG. C’est l’ensemble de la formation contenant le ou les même(s) type(s) de silex qui est prise en compte, le terme de formation désignant un terrain possédant des caractères communs et qui constitue un ensemble cartographiable. Chacune des formations recensées fait l’objet d’une notice simplifiée qui décrit l’encaissant et - le ou les - type(s) de silex présent(s). Ces notices descriptives et explicatives contiennent des photos à toutes les échelles (de la formation à l’échelle microscopique). Des références bibliographiques géologiques et archéologiques complèteront chaque notice. La version définitive de ces notices constituera un atlas. Les archéologues et géologues disposeront ainsi de fiches descriptives pour chaque type de silex et son encaissant. Elles serviront aux diagnoses analytiques (structures, textures et compositions minéralogiques).A map of the main flint bearing formations in the South of France is under construction. It will provide an essential basis to develop interregional studies about flint procurements and travels. It results from collaboration between actors involved in topic flint sourcing. It includes results of their systematic surveys and studies in six regions (Aquitaine, Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrenees, Provence-Alpes - Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes). Moreover, it includes a large number of associated data : i) The main papers and those dealing with flint bearing formations of southern France, ii) more than 200 records from the under-soil database BSS BRGM, which give access to logs or scanned documents iii) 529 geological maps at 1/50 000 and their leaflets. The map is organized in three superimposed layers : a map of outcrops or primary deposits, a map of surficial weathered formation and a revised map of alluvial formations. The map is available in two versions which are easily updatable : a PDF version and an interactive GIS version. In this document, every formation containing the same type (s) (s) of flint is taken into account and forms a mappable entity. Every listed formation is linked to a text which describes the parent rock and/or the type(s) of flint(s). These records contain descriptive and explanatory pictures at different scale (naked eye to microscopic scale). Geological and archaeological references complement every record. The final version will constitute an atlas. Archaeologists and geologists will find description sheets of every type of flint and bearing rock. They will help for analytical diagnoses (structure, texture and mineralogical composition)

    Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) Caused by Red Blood Cell Transfusion Involving Residual Plasma Anti-HLA Antibodies: A report on two Cases and General Considerations

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    TRALI is considered a serious hazard among immune complications of blood transfusion and its occurrence is admitted to be globally underestimated. Each type of blood product is likely to cause TRALI. We report here on two consecutive observations of TRALI caused by red blood cell concentrates, in which anti-HLA class I and class II antibodies resulting from post-gravitational allo-immunization were evidenced in donors. HLA class I and II antigenic community between recipients and donors' husbands were found and strong reacting IgG antibodies directed at several of those common antigens were detected in the donors' serum. Both donors had more than 3 pregnancies, raising the issue of blood donor selection or of plasma reduction for cellular products

    The improvement of the best practice guidelines for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis : toward an international consensus

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common indications for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for single gene disorders, giving couples the opportunity to conceive unaffected children without having to consider termination of pregnancy. However, there are no available standardized protocols, so that each center has to develop its own diagnostic strategies and procedures. Furthermore, reproductive decisions are complicated by the diversity of disease-causing variants in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene and the complexity of correlations between genotypes and associated phenotypes, so that attitudes and practices toward the risks for future offspring can vary greatly between countries. On behalf of the EuroGentest Network, eighteen experts in PGD and/or molecular diagnosis of CF from seven countries attended a workshop held in Montpellier, France, on 14 December 2011. Building on the best practice guidelines for amplification-based PGD established by ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology), the goal of this meeting was to formulate specific guidelines for CF-PGD in order to contribute to a better harmonization of practices across Europe. Different topics were covered including variant nomenclature, inclusion criteria, genetic counseling, PGD strategy and reporting of results. The recommendations are summarized here, and updated information on the clinical significance of CFTR variants and associated phenotypes is presented

    B/Si multilayers for soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet optics

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    International audienceWith the development of x-ray sources, high reflectivity and selectivity multilayers for optics are becoming a field of interest for the spectral region of 13-40 nm. In this article, it is shown from theoretical computations that multilayers made of two light materials such as B/Si can be used for these applications. Such multilayers were deposited by electron evaporation. Their physical properties were studied by x-ray reflectometry analyses at two wavelengths: 0.154 and 12.6 nm. The results show that the multilayers are made of dense and pure materials and that the interfacial layer thickness ranges from 0.3 to 0.7 nm

    Etudes quaternaires en Grande Limagne d'Auvergne. I : La «rase» de Maison-Rouge, commune de Saint-Beauzire (Puy-de-Dôme). Avec une note de palynologie de M. F. Diot

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    Analyses of sedimentary and volcanic processes which affected the Grande Limagne swamp in the Riom sector of the Auvergne have been done. The results enable us to establish a preliminary chronostratigraphic and paleocli-matic schema for the Tardiglacial and Holocene. The successive modifications of the physical environment determined the distribution of human sttlements and the development of particular protohistoric facies.L'analyse des phénomènes sédimentaires et volcaniques ayant affecté le marais de Grande Limagne d'Auvergne dans le secteur de Riom permet de proposer une première esquisse chronostratigraphique et paléoclimatique du Tardi-glaciaire et de l'Holocène. Les modifications successives du milieu physique ont conditionné la répartition des habitats humains et sont responsables du développement de faciès protohistoriques particuliers.Daugas Jean-Pierre, Debénath André, Pelletier Henri, Raynal Jean-Paul, Tixier Luc, Diot Marie-Françoise. Etudes quaternaires en Grande Limagne d'Auvergne. I : La «rase» de Maison-Rouge, commune de Saint-Beauzire (Puy-de-Dôme). Avec une note de palynologie de M. F. Diot. In: Comptes rendus d'activités annuelles. Association régionale pour le développement des recherches de paléontologie et de préhistoire et des Amis du Muséum, tome 16, 1978. pp. 47-58

    Etudes quaternaires en Grande Limagne d'Auvergne. I : La «rase» de Maison-Rouge, commune de Saint-Beauzire (Puy-de-Dôme). Avec une note de palynologie de M. F. Diot

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    Analyses of sedimentary and volcanic processes which affected the Grande Limagne swamp in the Riom sector of the Auvergne have been done. The results enable us to establish a preliminary chronostratigraphic and paleocli-matic schema for the Tardiglacial and Holocene. The successive modifications of the physical environment determined the distribution of human sttlements and the development of particular protohistoric facies.L'analyse des phénomènes sédimentaires et volcaniques ayant affecté le marais de Grande Limagne d'Auvergne dans le secteur de Riom permet de proposer une première esquisse chronostratigraphique et paléoclimatique du Tardi-glaciaire et de l'Holocène. Les modifications successives du milieu physique ont conditionné la répartition des habitats humains et sont responsables du développement de faciès protohistoriques particuliers.Daugas Jean-Pierre, Debénath André, Pelletier Henri, Raynal Jean-Paul, Tixier Luc, Diot Marie-Françoise. Etudes quaternaires en Grande Limagne d'Auvergne. I : La «rase» de Maison-Rouge, commune de Saint-Beauzire (Puy-de-Dôme). Avec une note de palynologie de M. F. Diot. In: Comptes rendus d'activités annuelles. Association régionale pour le développement des recherches de paléontologie et de préhistoire et des Amis du Muséum, tome 16, 1978. pp. 47-58

    The CymR Regulator in Complex with the Enzyme CysK Controls Cysteine Metabolism in Bacillus subtilis

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    International audienceSeveral enzymes have evolved as sensors in signal transduction pathways to control gene expression, thereby allowing bacteria to adapt efficiently to environmental changes. We recently identified the master regulator of cysteine metabolism in Bacillus subtilis, CymR, which belongs to the poorly characterized Rrf2 family of regulators. We now report that the signal transduction mechanism controlling CymR activity in response to cysteine availability involves the formation of a stable complex with CysK, a key enzyme for cysteine biosynthesis. We carried out a comprehensive quantitative characterization of this regulator-enzyme interaction by surface plasmon resonance and analytical ultracentrifugation. We also showed that O-acetylserine plays a dual role as a substrate of CysK and as an effector modulating the CymR-CysK complex formation. The ability of B. subtilis CysK to bind to CymR appears to be correlated to the loss of its capacity to form a cysteine synthase complex with CysE. We propose an original model, supported by the determination of the intracellular concentrations of the different partners, by which CysK positively regulates CymR in sensing the bacterial cysteine pool

    A Classification Model Relative to Splicing for Variants of Unknown Clinical Significance: Application to the CFTR Gene

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    International audienceMolecular diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR)-related disorders led to the worldwide identification of nearly 1,900 sequence variations in the CFTR gene that consist mainly of private point mutations and small insertions/deletions. Establishing their effect on the function of the encoded protein and therefore their involvement in the disease is still challenging and directly impacts genetic counseling. In this context, we built a decision tree following the international guidelines for the classification of variants of unknown clinical significance (VUCS) in the CFTR gene specifically focused on their consequences on splicing. We applied general and specific criteria, including comprehensive review of literature and databases, familial genetics data, and thorough in silico studies. This model was tested on 15 intronic and exonic VUCS identified in our cohort. Six variants were classified as probably nonpathogenic considering their impact on splicing and eight as probably pathogenic, which include two apparent missense mutations. We assessed the validity of our method by performing minigenes studies and confirmed that 93% (14/15) were correctly classified. We provide in this study a high-performance method that can play a full role in interpreting the results of molecular diagnosis in emergency context, when functional studies are not achievable