2 research outputs found

    Affording Health Care and Education on the Minimum Wage

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    The current value of the federal minimum wage -- $7.25 per hour -- is often compared to the cost of living, the average wage in the economy, or the productivity of the average worker. By all of these benchmarks, the current federal minimum is well below its historical levels. But the current minimum wage looks even worse when compared to two kinds of purchases strongly associated with a middle-class standard of living or the ability to move up to the middle class: health insurance and a college degree

    Size and Characteristics of States? Union Workforces

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    Unionization rates -- and the gender and racial composition of unionized workers -- vary widely across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The figures and tables in this issue brief, based on our analysis of the Current Population Survey, give an overview of the size and basic demographics of the unionized workforce in each state. Throughout, we define a unionized worker as anyone who is a member of a union or represented by a collective bargaining agreement