8 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Model of Individual and Collective Personality in Motion

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    This paper addresses gaps in the personality literature by focusing on both levels, the individual and the collective level of personality in motion. It proposed a conceptual model that sheds lights on personality change and its underlying psychological mechanisms which explain how individual personality changes to impact the configuration of collective personality. It identifies contextual factors that affect the process of change in personality at both levels. It presents some propositions for guiding future research activities. Finally, it discusses the limitations of the proposed conceptual model and brings some insights into practical applications and future research avenues

    Establishing an Effective Dialogue to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and the Learning Outcomes

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    This paper explores the psychological processes necessary for the creation of an effective dialogue among diverse people in an inclusive environment. We propose that such dialogue contributes to achieving positive self-transformation when exposed to group diversity, leading to positive learning outcomes. Diversity can be disruptive, if not well managed, leading to stereotyping, conflicts, and misunderstanding, however in this paper, we view diversity as a factor that once exposed can enriched the self and lead to positive learning outcomes such as an inclusive self, feeling of psychological closeness to different others, acquiring diversity competencies, quality interpersonal relationships, enhancing creativity and innovation. We review some interpersonal psychological mechanisms that are part of an effective dialogue: self-categorization versus social identification, self-disclosure, mutual empathy, and learning from each other’s identities. We propose that these five interpersonal mechanisms are at the core of an effective dialogue and therefore mediate the relationship between group diversity and the learning outcomes

    A Diverse and Inclusive Psychological Work Climate: Some Antecedents and Consequences

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    This paper presents an organizational field study that examines some antecedents and consequences of a diverse and inclusive psychological work climate. 23 managers participated in a survey after completing a diversity training. The results found support for a tri-dimensional conceptualization of a psychological inclusive climate. ANOVAs analyses were conducted to determine whether the results support the hypotheses. The findings show significance for some antecedents on both psychological climates, such as time worked for the organization, perception of an inclusive leadership, and personal comfort with diversity. As for the consequences, significant relationships were found between a psychological diversity climate and three attitudinal variables: job satisfaction, job training satisfaction, and organizational commitment. As for the psychological inclusive climate, the results showed significance only with job satisfaction and job training satisfaction. The theoretical implications of this study are discussed, and the practical applications of the findings are explained in hope to guide the creation of diverse and inclusive work climates that relist the positive outcomes that can be reached by a diverse workforce

    An Inclusive Organizational Climate: Conceptualization, Antecedents, and Multi-Level Consequences

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    Creating an inclusive organizational climate is crucial to fully reach the full potential of diversity in organizations. Drawing on the optimal distinctiveness theory, we focus on the importance for an inclusive climate to optimally satisfy both, the need of belongingness and the need of uniqueness. We draw on the organizational climate literature and propose a conceptual model of an inclusive organizational climate. We contribute to the literature by refining the conceptualization of inclusive organizational climate, by examining five organizational antecedents (i.e., common in-group identity, weak faultlines, inclusive human resources policies and practices, functional communication, and inclusive leadership style), and by reviewing the literature on its potential multi-level consequences. Finally, the theoretical implications and practical applications of the proposed conceptual model are discussed

    Becoming Diverse and Enthusiastic About It!

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    This is an applied paper that focuses on important diversity related practices and activities that aid to become more familiar with and enthusiastic about diversity. It addresses seven different themes that can help managers to educate their employees about diversity and to improve their life at work, as well as within their communities. Those themes are: 1) What is diversity and what does it mean to become diverse, 2) Believing in diversity, embracing and celebrating it in daily activities, 3) The importance of practicing inclusion, 4) Exposing yourself to diversity of activities and personalized relationships, 5) Being aware of our own stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory behaviors, 6) Managing multifunctional and virtual teams across the world, 7) Resolving conflicts with mindfulness and faith practices. Those themes are as important as diversity is for the sake of a better personal life, and better organizations and society

    Mental Health in Organizations

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    This paper is a review of the current literature on mental health in organizations and it targets an executive audience who aspires to be better equipped to address mental health issues in the workplace. It identifies different types of mental illnesses and symptomatic behaviors. It touches upon the U.S. law that prohibits discrimination against people living with mental illness. It discusses the stressors that affect the prevalence of mental illnesses and the stigmas associated with mental illnesses. It identifies several human resource strategies that can help managers to address mental health issues effectively in their organizations. Implementing those strategies may contribute to enhancing fairness and inclusion in organizations and therefore the likelihood of managing diversity successfully. Finally, it addresses remission from mental illnesses