9 research outputs found
Se alquila 'alejamiento' turístico sobre cementerio indio
La noticia aparecía hace unos meses en losmedios: en el barrio de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaban construyendo un edificio con seis apartamentos plurifamiliares de madera dirigidos a un mercado de turismo responsable. La promotora de estos apartamentos explicaba que se oponía al "turismo de borrachera" y a la "masificación de los barrios" y que apostaba por otros valores como son la "ecología" y lo "social". Todo un manifiesto[...] La notícia apareixia fa uns mesos en losmedios: al barri de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaven construint un edifici amb sis apartaments plurifamiliars de fusta dirigits a un mercat de turisme responsable. La promotora d'aquests apartaments explicava que s'oposava al 'turisme de borratxera' i de la 'massificació dels barris' i que apostava per altres valors com són la 'ecologia' i el 'social'. Tot un manifest[...
The excel file has both the data (one worksheet for the weedy population, one worksheet for phenological data of cultivated fields), and a worksheet explaining each of the columns/fields
Genotypic data for 13 microsatellites for the cultivated variety, a sample of the weedy population and its offspring; missing data coded as N
The Excel file has both the data (one worksheet per weedy population, one worksheet for phenological data of cultivated fields), and a worksheet explaining each of the columns/fields
The excel file has both the data, and a worksheet explaining each of the columns/fields
Genotypic data for 15 microsatellites for weedy individuals and 24 varieties; missing data coded as N
Genotypic data for 11 microsatellites; missing data coded as N
SNP file PoPoolation2 format
Within the Aha_09_11_18_19_21_31_N1_N3_N4v3_rc file you can find the 2,178,204 SNPs as well as some small insertions and deletions in in the format of PoPoolation2 (Kofler et al. 2011)
Additional file 5: Figure S1. of Estimating genomic diversity and population differentiation â an empirical comparison of microsatellite and SNP variation in Arabidopsis halleri
(A) Population specific allele frequency distributions in nine populations of A. halleri for 19 microsatellite markers (blue). (B) Minor allele frequency distributions in the same nine populations across 2,064,681 SNPs (green). Histograms are labelled with population codes (Additional file 1: Table S1). (PDF 1421Â kb