614 research outputs found
Biermanns breake
”Som interiørarkitekt, hvordan kan jeg, tiltrekke backpackere med interesse for design,
arkitektur og kunst til mitt hostel?”. Problemstillingen er laget ut i fra mitt ønske om å
designe et hostel vi i Oslo ikke har sett maken til. Et hostel som tilbyr det lille ekstra gjennom
design, arkitektur og kunst og lar de reisende bli kjent med skandinavisk design, og ikke
minst de andre reisende i attraktive omgivelser.
Gjennom metodebruk og research har jeg funnet mye nyttig informasjon om hva utvalgte
mennesker mener trengs i ett hostel i akkurat Oslo by, dette blir nøye gjennomgått senere i
oppgaven, og det er nøyaktig disse svarene jeg har benyttet meg av og tenk på under
utforming av planløsninger og bruk av design.
Mitt hovedfokus var å designe for å tiltrekke meg backpackere med interesse for design,
arkitektur og kunst. Gjennom denne oppgaven vil du kunne se hvordan hver minste detalj er
nøye gjennomtenkt, fra farge- og materialvalg og hvordan disse påvirker kroppen, til hvordan
senger er bygget og plassert.
Til tross for at et hostell har ett primitivt preg over seg, er det å bo på et hostell så mye mer
enn en plass man sover. Det sosiale skal stå i sentrum, privatliv er satt høyt og er nøye
gjennomtenkt gjennom utforming av doorm og felles dusjsoner, men man må også ha
muligheten til å kunne trekke seg tilbake i de situasjoner man ønsker det.
Min konklusjon etter endt oppgave er at jeg har svart godt på problemstillingen gjennom å
høre på de svarene jeg innhentet i research delen. Jeg har benyttet meg av attraktivt design, og
farger som stimulerer kroppen på riktig måte i forhold til søvnkvalitet. Sammensetningen av
materialer, arkitektoniske virkemidler og kunst gjør hostellet til et attraktivt sted, for
mennesker som interesserer seg for design, arkitektur og kunst
Phadiatop Infant in the Diagnosis of Atopy in Children with Allergy-Like Symptoms
Background and Objective. Allergy-like symptoms such as wheezing and eczema are common in young children and an early diagnosis is important to initiate correct management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of Phadiatop Infant, an in vitro test for determination of early sensitisation to food and inhalant allergens. Patients and Methods. The study was conducted, retrospectively, using frozen sera from 122 children (median age 2.7 years) admitted to the hospital with suspected allergic symptoms. The doctor's diagnosis atopic/nonatopic was based on routinely used procedures such as clinical evaluation, SPT, total and allergen-specific IgE antibodies. The performance of Phadiatop Infant was evaluated in a blinded manner against this diagnosis. Results. Eighty-four of the 86 children classified as atopic showed a positive Phadiatop Infant test. Thirty-six were classified as nonatopic, 32 of who had a negative test. With a prevalence of atopy of 70% in this population, this gives a sensitivity of 98%, a specificity of 89%, and a positive and negative predictive value of 95% and 94%, respectively. Conclusion. The results from the present study suggest that Phadiatop Infant could be recommended as a complement to the clinical information in the differential diagnosis on IgE-mediated disease in young children with allergy-like symptoms
Velferd hos storfe
Tidligere ble god fysisk helse, høy tilvekst/ytelse og god fruktbarhet ansett å være ensbetydende med at dyret hadde det bra. I dag regnes ikke dette som tilstrekkelige indikatorer. Atferd, stressmestring og ulike uttrykk for dyrs mentale tilstand står sentralt. Negative indikatorer som sjukdom og atferdsforstyrrelser må vurderes, sammen med tilstedeværelse av positive indikatorer som lek og annen trivselsatferd. Denne artikkelen omhandler i hovedsak de delene av velferdsbegrepet som omfatter trivsel og mulighet for naturlig atferd
Sleep problems, behavioural problems and respiratory health in children born extremely preterm: a parental questionnaire study
Objective: To explore whether children born extremely preterm (EPT) with different types of sleep problems had more behavioural and respiratory health problems than EPT children without sleep problems. Design: Prospective, nationwide, questionnaire-based study. At 11 years of age, parents reported on four current sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings, snoring, daytime sleepiness and not recommended sleep duration (<9 hours). Behavioural problems were assessed by parents and teachers with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Parents assessed respiratory symptoms with the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire and described use of asthma medication. Setting: Norway. Patients: EPT children. Main outcome measures: Specified sleep problems, behavioural problems and respiratory health. Results: Data were obtained from 216 of 372 (58 %) of eligible children. All four specified sleep problems were associated with significantly higher parent-reported SDQ total-score (OR 1.1 for all), and except for not recommended sleep duration, also with higher teacher-reported SDQ total-score (OR 1.1 for all). Daytime sleepiness was strongly associated with wheezing last 12 months (OR 3.4), disturbed sleep due to wheezing (OR 3.9), wheeze during or after exercise (OR 2.9), use of inhaled corticosteroids or oral leukotriene modifiers (OR 3.4) and use of bronchodilators (OR 3.9). Snoring was associated with wheezing during or after exercise (OR 2.8) and current asthma (OR 4.2). Conclusion: EPT children with different types of sleep problems had more behavioural and respiratory health problems than EPT children without sleep problems.publishedVersio
Hvordan tilrettelegge for læring av yrkesteori?
The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers facilitate the training in vocational theory that can motivate students for learning in the Restaurant and Food Science (RM) education programme. By using focus group interviews of vocational teachers and a survey of students, the study seeks both teachers’ and students’ experiences of teaching and learning vocational theory respectively. Students who choose vocational education expect a lot of practice in the education and may therefore experience challenges when the training consists of theory. This can have consequences for the students’ motivation for learning and for completing the education. The results from the interviews show that the vocational teachers emphasize teaching theory in a classroom context before the theory is translated into practical work. When the teachers link theory to practical tasks, vocational guidance and differentiation are prominent, but no specific methods are presented for the preparation of vocational theory. The results from these interviews are compared with results from the survey of students and what they think motivates them for learning occupational theory. The students’ experiences mainly coincide with the teachers’ statements, but the students’ answers also refer to specific teaching methods that motivate them to learn
Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) have a sex-dependent magnetic compass for maintaining site fidelity
The goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) is a commercially important fish that inhabits coastal areas across the eastern Atlantic. This species moves from a shallow home territory along the coast into deeper waters in the autumn and winter and then returns to that same territory in the spring. Only male goldsinny wrasse exhibit strong territorial behavior, which may manifest as sexual differences in the ability or motivation to return to home territories. The orientation mechanism underlying the homing migration of goldsinny wrasse males and females is unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that goldsinny wrasse use the magnetic field of the Earth to follow a compass-based path toward their home territory. To test this hypothesis, we collected 50 adult goldsinny wrasse, approximately half males and half females, in a harbor in Austevoll, Norway. Fish were translocated to a magnetoreception laboratory situated north of the site of capture, in which the magnetic field was artificially rotated. In the laboratory, males oriented toward the magnetic south taking a mean direction of 201°, which is the approximate direction that they would have had to take to return to the site at which they were captured. Females oriented in random magnetic directions. There was no difference in swimming kinematics between males and females. These results show that male goldsinny wrasse have a magnetic compass that they could use to maintain site fidelity, an ability that could help them and other coastal fish undertake repeatable short-range migrations.publishedVersio
Heightened immune response to autocitrullinated porphyromonas gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase: a potential mechanism for breaching immunologic tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by autoimmunity to citrullinated proteins, and there is increasing epidemiologic evidence linking Porphyromonas gingivalis to RA. P gingivalis is apparently unique among periodontal pathogens in possessing a citrullinating enzyme, peptidylarginine deiminase (PPAD) with the potential to generate antigens driving the autoimmune response.
Objectives: To examine the immune response to PPAD in patients with RA, individuals with periodontitis (PD) and controls (without arthritis), confirm PPAD autocitrullination and identify the modified arginine residues.
Methods: PPAD and an inactivated mutant (C351A) were cloned and expressed and autocitrullination of both examined by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry. ELISAs using PPAD, C351A and another P gingivalis protein arginine gingipain (RgpB) were developed and antibody reactivities examined in patients with RA (n=80), individuals with PD (n=44) and controls (n=82).
Results: Recombinant PPAD was a potent citrullinating enzyme. Antibodies to PPAD, but not to Rgp, were elevated in the RA sera (median 122 U/ml) compared with controls (median 70 U/ml; p<0.05) and PD (median 60 U/ml; p<0.01). Specificity of the anti-peptidyl citrullinated PPAD response was confirmed by the reaction of RA sera with multiple epitopes tested with synthetic citrullinated peptides spanning the PPAD molecule. The elevated antibody response to PPAD was abolished in RA sera if the C351A mutant was used on ELISA.
Conclusions: The peptidyl citrulline-specific immune response to PPAD supports the hypothesis that, as a bacterial protein, it might break tolerance in RA, and could be a target for therapy
Kunnskapstøtte og råd for regulering av fisket etter leppefisk i 2021
Fiskeridirektoratet har i en bestilling datert 07.09.2020 bedt Havforskningsinstituttet (HI) om kunnskapsstøtte for regulering av totaluttak, fartøykvoter, artsbegrensninger i fisket etter leppefisk. Det bes også om ny kunnskap om effekten av mindre innganger i teiner. Fiskeridirektoratet ønsker også kunnskap om hvordan fiske etter stamfisk av berggylte kan gjennomførers på en bærekraftig måte, kunnskap om oppdretternes behov for stamfisk, og kunnskapsstøtte knyttet til fangsten av stamfisk med hensyn på fangsttid, antall, redskaptype, røkting og bifangst.publishedVersio
Kunnskapsstøtte og råd for regulering av fisket etter leppefisk i 2024
Havforskningsinstituttet anbefaler at hovedtrekkene i 2023- reguleringen av fisket etter leppefisk videreføres for 2024 – men tilrår at det presiseres at bestemmelsen i §37, 4. ledd i Forskrift om drift av akvakulturanlegg også gjelder utsatt rensefisk. Det betyr at oppdrettere som mottar leppefisk må ha en maskestørrelse på nota som brukes som er liten nok til at den utsatte leppefisken ikke kan rømme. Å minimere sannsynligheten for rømning er viktig av flere grunner. Rømt fisk kan øke risikoen for sykdomsspredning og endringer i genetisk struktur i lokale bestander, spesielt dersom fisken ikke er lokalfanget. I tillegg blir fisken ikke brukt til det formålet den er ment til, og det kan føre til høyere fiskeintensitet for å erstatte rømt fisk. I praksis vil dette tilsi at minstemålet for levert fisk må tilpasses maskestørrelsen i kjøpers not. Det er gjennomført forsøk for grønngylt og bergnebb med representative lengdeutvalg.Kunnskapsstøtte og råd for regulering av fisket etter leppefisk i 2024publishedVersio
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