10 research outputs found

    Proteomic Profiling Identifies Specific Leukemic Stem Cell-Associated Protein Expression Patterns in Pediatric AML Patients

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Acute myeloid leukemia is an aggressive cancer in children and novel therapeutic tools are warranted to improve outcomes and reduce late effects in these patients. In this study, we isolate and explore the protein profiles of leukemic stem cells and normal hematopoietic stem cells from hematologically healthy children. Differences in protein profiles between leukemic and normal hematopoietic stem cells were identified. These results provide an insight into the disrupted biological pathways in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Moreover, differences in protein profiles may serve as potential targets for future therapies specifically aiming at the disease-propagating leukemic stem cells while omitting the normal hematopoietic stem cells. ABSTRACT: Novel therapeutic tools are warranted to improve outcomes for children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Differences in the proteome of leukemic blasts and stem cells (AML-SCs) in AML compared with normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) may facilitate the identification of potential targets for future treatment strategies. In this explorative study, we used mass spectrometry to compare the proteome of AML-SCs and CLEC12A+ blasts from five pediatric AML patients with HSCs and hematopoietic progenitor cells from hematologically healthy, age-matched controls. A total of 456 shared proteins were identified in both leukemic and control samples. Varying protein expression profiles were observed in AML-SCs and leukemic blasts, none having any overall resemblance to healthy counterpart cell populations. Thirty-four proteins were differentially expressed between AML-SCs and HSCs, including the upregulation of HSPE1, SRSF1, and NUP210, and the enrichment of proteins suggestive of protein synthesis perturbations through the downregulation of EIF2 signaling was found. Among others, NUP210 and calreticulin were upregulated in CLEC12A+ blasts compared with HSCs. In conclusion, the observed differences in protein expression between pediatric patients with AML and pediatric controls, in particular when comparing stem cell subsets, encourages the extended exploration of leukemia and AML-SC-specific biomarkers of potential relevance in the development of future therapeutic options in pediatric AML

    Tumor-Tissue Expression of the Hyaluronic Acid Receptor RHAMM Predicts Histological Transformation in Follicular Lymphoma Patients

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    Histological transformation (HT) remains the leading cause of mortality in follicular lymphoma (FL), underlining the need to identify reliable transformation predictors. The hyaluronic acid receptors CD44 and the receptor for hyaluronan mediated motility (RHAMM, also known as HMMR and CD168), have been shown to be involved in the pathogeneses of both solid tumors and hematological malignancies. In an attempt to improve risk stratification, expression of RHAMM and CD44 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis in pre-therapeutic tumor-tissue biopsies from FL patients, either without (nt-FL, n = 34), or with (st-FL, n = 31) subsequent transformation, and in paired biopsies from the transformed lymphomas (tFL, n = 31). At the time of initial diagnosis, samples from st-FL patients had a higher expression of RHAMM compared with samples from nt-FL patients (p < 0.001). RHAMM expression further increased in tFL samples following transformation (p < 0.001). Evaluation of CD44 expression showed no differences in expression comparing nt-FL, st-FL, and tFL samples. Shorter transformation-free survival was associated with high tumoral and intrafollicular RHAMM expression, as well as with low intrafollicular CD44 expression (p = 0.002, p < 0.001, and p = 0.034, respectively). Our data suggest that high tumor-tissue RHAMM expression predicts the risk of shorter transformation-free survival in FL patients already at initial diagnosis

    Coexisting BRAF-Mutated Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Primary Myelofibrosis with Shared JAK2 Mutation

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is an infrequent disease, characterized by oligoclonal proliferation of immature myeloid-derived cells. However, the exact pathogenesis remains unknown. In rare cases, LCH is present in patients with concomitant myeloid proliferative neoplasms. Here, we describe a 69-year-old male, who presented with a maculopapular rash covering truncus, face, and scalp. A cutaneous ulcerating lesion on the right cheek led to a biopsy showing LCH. Lesional cells were BRAFV600E and JAK2V617F mutated. A bone marrow aspirate showed no infiltration of Langerhans cells, but alterations consistent with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) and a polymerase chain reaction test were positive for JAK2V617F. Our case highlights an uncommon condition of two hematological malignancies present in the same patient. The identification of the BRAFV600E mutation supports previous findings of this mutation in LCH. Interestingly, a JAK2V617F mutation was found in both LCH and PMF cells, indicating a possible clonal relationship between the two malignancies

    Tumor-Tissue Expression of the Hyaluronic Acid Receptor RHAMM Predicts Histological Transformation in Follicular Lymphoma Patients

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Histological transformation remains the leading cause of death in patients diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (FL). To date, no clinical nor biological biomarkers have been identified to unequivocally predict patients in high risk of transformation. In this study, we investigated the predictive value of the hyaluronic acid receptors RHAMM and CD44. Expression levels of RHAMM were higher in patients with subsequent transformation and were associated with poorer outcome. ABSTRACT: Histological transformation (HT) remains the leading cause of mortality in follicular lymphoma (FL), underlining the need to identify reliable transformation predictors. The hyaluronic acid receptors CD44 and the receptor for hyaluronan mediated motility (RHAMM, also known as HMMR and CD168), have been shown to be involved in the pathogeneses of both solid tumors and hematological malignancies. In an attempt to improve risk stratification, expression of RHAMM and CD44 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis in pre-therapeutic tumor-tissue biopsies from FL patients, either without (nt-FL, n = 34), or with (st-FL, n = 31) subsequent transformation, and in paired biopsies from the transformed lymphomas (tFL, n = 31). At the time of initial diagnosis, samples from st-FL patients had a higher expression of RHAMM compared with samples from nt-FL patients (p < 0.001). RHAMM expression further increased in tFL samples following transformation (p < 0.001). Evaluation of CD44 expression showed no differences in expression comparing nt-FL, st-FL, and tFL samples. Shorter transformation-free survival was associated with high tumoral and intrafollicular RHAMM expression, as well as with low intrafollicular CD44 expression (p = 0.002, p < 0.001, and p = 0.034, respectively). Our data suggest that high tumor-tissue RHAMM expression predicts the risk of shorter transformation-free survival in FL patients already at initial diagnosis

    Proteomic profiling differentiates lymphoma patients with and without concurrent myeloproliferative neoplasia

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Patients are diagnosed with myeloproliferative neoplasia (MPN) and lymphoma more frequently in the population than expected, which has led to the hypothesis that the two malignancies may, in some cases, be pathogenetically related. In this study, lymphoma patients with and without MPN show subtle but important differences in the protein expression that enables the clustering of the lymphomas, thus indicating the differences at the molecular level between the lymphoma malignancies with and without MPN, and strengthening the hypothesis that the lymphoma and MPN may be biologically related. ABSTRACT: Myeloproliferative neoplasia (MPN) and lymphoma are regarded as distinct diseases with different pathogeneses. However, patients that are diagnosed with both malignancies occur more frequently in the population than expected. This has led to the hypothesis that the two malignancies may, in some cases, be pathogenetically related. Using a mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach, we show that pre-treatment lymphoma samples from patients with both MPN and lymphoma, either angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (MPN-AITL) or diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (MPN-DLBCL), show differences in protein expression compared with reference AITL or DLBCL samples from patients without MPN. A distinct clustering of samples from patients with and without MPN was evident for both AITL and DLBCL. Regarding MPN-AITL, a pathway analysis revealed disturbances of cellular respiration as well as oxidative metabolism, and an immunohistochemical evaluation further demonstrated the differential expression of citrate synthase and DNAJA2 protein (p = 0.007 and p = 0.015). Interestingly, IDH2 protein also showed differential expression in the MPN-AITL patients, which contributes to the growing evidence of this protein’s role in both myeloid neoplasia and AITL. In MPN-DLBCL, the disturbed pathways included a significant downregulation of protein synthesis as well as a perturbation of signal transduction. These results imply an underlying disturbance of tumor molecular biology, and in turn an alternative pathogenesis for tumors in these patients with both myeloid and lymphoid malignancies

    IDO1 Protein Is Expressed in Diagnostic Biopsies from Both Follicular and Transformed Follicular Patients

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    Follicular lymphoma (FL) is a lymphoid neoplasia characterized by an indolent clinical nature. Despite generally favorable prognoses, early progression and histological transformation (HT) to a more aggressive lymphoma histology remain the leading causes of death among FL patients. To provide a basis for possible novel treatment options, we set out to evaluate the expression levels of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), an immunoinhibitory checkpoint molecule, in follicular and transformed follicular biopsies. The expression levels of IDO1 were assessed using immunohistochemical staining and digital image analysis in lymphoma biopsies from 33 FL patients without subsequent HT (non-transforming FL, nt-FL) and 20 patients with subsequent HT (subsequently transforming FL, st-FL) as well as in paired high-grade biopsies from the time of HT (transformed FL, tFL). Despite no statistical difference in IDO1 expression levels seen between the groups, all diagnostic and transformed lymphomas exhibited positive expression, indicating its possible role in novel treatment regimens. In addition, IDO1 expression revealed a positive correlation with another immune checkpoint inhibitor, namely programmed death 1 (PD-1). In summary, we report IDO1 expression in all cases of FL and tFL, which provides the grounds for future investigations of anti-IDO1 therapy as a possible treatment for FL patients