11 research outputs found

    Program of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention for the elderly

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    The aging process is normal physiological phenomenon.The elderly are a heterogeneous group that requires individual gerontological approach. The basis for the implementation of the programof healthy aging represent their own decisions about positive health behaviors,that are made at a younger age and interact with an effective health programs of preventive health measures. As part of evaluation of the implementation of the preventive program for is important to define negative health behaviour of the elderly and determine the risk factors of pathological ageing. Primary prevention ensures not only prevention of death in early old age but also preservation of functional ability through health promotion in old age. The implementation of secondary prevention in health care of the elderly people results in timely diagnosis of disease which can stop its further development and help in its treatment, nursing care and rehabilitation. Tertiary prevention includes different health procedures that prevent physical andmental decline in a diseased old individual and develops the remaining functional capacity. The Program ofHealth careMeasures of Prevention for the Elderly is primarily carried out through active primary health care institutions within local, regional and national gerontological centres of the Institute of Public Health. Implementation of preventive programs for the elderly can avert the development of a number of preventable diseases as are diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, lungs, osteoporosis/fractures, incontinence, mental disorders, respiratory diseases. In Croatia, the program promotes a healthy active aging, consisting of the ā€œGuide for active healthy agingā€

    Gerontology public health management in Croatia

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    The gerontologic-public health service provided at primary health care level by the Centers ofGerontology of the PublicHealth Institutes (PHI) in particular Croatian counties, City of Zagreb and Republic of Croatia is based on the established gerontologic-public health parameters of health care needs and functional ability of the elderly in institutional and non- -institutional health care. Appropriate preventive gerontologic program of primary prevention for the elderly has also been performed by Gerontology Centers in local community, providing immediate gerontologic non-institutional care for the elderly. A comprehensive approach in health care of the elderly, with family medicine playing the leading role, is ensured by due coordination at the level of primary health care for the elderly as part of the gerontologic-public health service with a catchment population of 30,000 older people. The public health relevance of health management for the elderly at these three levels (superior, intermediary and basic health management) is based on the primary health care for the elderly. The strategic goals is based on the monitoring, studying, evaluation and reporting, with coordination and supervision of the implementation of health care needs of the elderly through monitoring of health care needs

    Preventiva za starije ā€“ gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstveni prioritet

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    U ukupnom pučanstvu Hrvatske je prema gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstvenim pokazateljima povećan udio osoba starijih od ā‰„ 65 godina i to od 15,6 % u popisnoj 2001.god.na 17,7% u 2011. popisnoj godini. Prioritetni gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstveni cilj je primjena Programa sprječavanja nastanka bolesti i funkcionalne onesposobljenosti te poglavito pojavnosti četiri glavna gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstvena problema u starijih osoba nazvanih ā€ž 4Nā€œ u gerijatriji (nepokretnost, nesamostalnost, nestabilnost, nekontrolirano mokrenje). Zbog toga je nužna izradba i evaluacija primjene mjera geroprofilakse usmjerenih prema individualnom gerontoloÅ”kom osiguraniku kao i Programa primarne, sekundarne i tercijarne prevencije u starijoj životnoj dobi.

    Preventiva za starije ā€“ gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstveni prioritet

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    U ukupnom pučanstvu Hrvatske je prema gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstvenim pokazateljima povećan udio osoba starijih od ā‰„ 65 godina i to od 15,6 % u popisnoj 2001.god.na 17,7% u 2011. popisnoj godini. Prioritetni gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstveni cilj je primjena Programa sprječavanja nastanka bolesti i funkcionalne onesposobljenosti te poglavito pojavnosti četiri glavna gerontoloÅ”kojavnozdravstvena problema u starijih osoba nazvanih ā€ž 4Nā€œ u gerijatriji (nepokretnost, nesamostalnost, nestabilnost, nekontrolirano mokrenje). Zbog toga je nužna izradba i evaluacija primjene mjera geroprofilakse usmjerenih prema individualnom gerontoloÅ”kom osiguraniku kao i Programa primarne, sekundarne i tercijarne prevencije u starijoj životnoj dobi.

    Differences between normal and pathological aging ā€“the basis for the gerontological rehabilitation

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    Cilj Fokusirano prikazati čimbenike koji utječu na nastanak bolesti i funkcionalne onesposobljenosti u starijih osoba te istaknuti razlike između fizioloÅ”kog i bolesnog starenja. Metode GerontoloÅ”ko-javnozdravstvene analize na temelju utvrđivanja, praćenja i evaluacije gerontoloÅ”ko-javnozdravstvenih pokazatelja o hospitalnom morbiditetu i invaliditetu u starijih osoba. Rezultati Najučestaliji uzroci hospitalizacija starijih osoba (1-5) u Hrvatskoj (2014. god.) su: na prvom mjestu bolesti iz cirkulacijskog sustava (68,3/1000),slijede novotvorine (45,2/1000), na trećem mjestu bolesti oka i očnih adneksa (26,4/1000), potom bolesti probavnog sustava (23,5/1000),te ozljede, otrovanja i ostale posljedice vanjskih uzroka(19,3/1000). Prema Registru osoba s invaliditetom u Republici Hrvatskoj (2012.god.) 38% je starijih od 65 godina od ukupnog broja registriranih osoba s invaliditetom (N=519.368).Na prvom mjestu su rangirana oÅ”tećenja lokomotornog sustava, koja čine oko 30% uzroka invaliditeta u starijih osoba. Zaključak U cilju sprječavanja bolesti i ovisnosti starijih o tuđoj njezi i pomoći, potrebno je pravovremeno utvrditi funkcionalnu onesposobljenost, rizične čimbenike za nastanak bolesnog starenja te negativno zdravstveno ponaÅ”anje. Sveobuhvatna gerijatrijska procjena zasniva se na individualnom gerontoloÅ”kom, biopsihosocijalnom pristupu starijoj osobi u svrhe prevencije bolesti, liječenja i rehabilitacije gerijatrijskog bolesnika te doprinosi pravodobnoj i primjerenoj gerijatrijskoj zdravstvenoj intervenciji.Aim The aim is to highlight the factors that influence the occurrence of the disease and functional disability among the elderly as well as differences between normal and pathologic aging. Methods Gerontologicalpublic health analysis based on the identification, monitoring and evaluation of gerontological public health indicators of hospital morbidity and disability in the elderly. Result The most common causes of hospitalization of the elderly (1-5) in Croatia (2014) are: first disease of the circulatory system (68.3/1,000), followed by tumors (45.2/1,000), third in eye diseases and adnexa (26.4/1,000), followed by diseases of the digestive system (23.5/1,000) and injuries, poisonings and other consequences of external causes (18.0/1,000). Diseases of the circulatory system (27.4/1000, 2014) and neoplasms (rate of 12.9/1000, 2014) are the most common cause of death in elderly people. The elderly made up 38% of the total number of registered people with disabilities (N = 519,368) according to the Croatiaā€™s Disabilities Registry (2012). The most common disability was the damage of the locomotor system, which makes up about 30% of the total causes of disability among the elderly (Croatiaā€™s Disabilities Registry,2012). Conclusion In order to prevent illness and old-age dependency on others for care and assistance, it is necessary to timely determine functional disability, risk factors for the occurrence of pathological aging and negative health behavior.Comprehensive geriatric assessment is based on individual gerontology, biopsychosocial approach to the elderly for the purposes of disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of geriatric patients, and it contributes to the timely and adequate geriatric health intervention

    Photoacoustic Characterization of TiO2 Thin-Films Deposited on Silicon Substrate Using Neural Networks

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    In this paper, the possibility of determining the thermal, elastic and geometric characteristics of a thin TiO2 film deposited on a silicon substrate, with a thickness of 30 Ī¼m, in the frequency range of 20 to 20 kHz with neural networks were analysed. For this purpose, the geometric (thickness), thermal (thermal diffusivity, coefficient of linear expansion) and electronic parameters of substrates were known and constant in the two-layer model, while the following nano-layer thin-film parameters were changed: thickness, expansion and thermal diffusivity. Predictions of these three parameters of the thin-film were analysed separately with three neural networks. All of them together were joined by a fourth neural network. It was shown that the neural network, which analysed all three parameters at the same time, achieved the highest accuracy, so the use of networks that provide predictions for only one parameter is less reliable. The obtained results showed that the application of neural networks in determining the thermoelastic properties of a thin film on a supporting substrate enables the estimation of its characteristics with great accuracy

    4 stupnja gerijatrijske zdravstvene njege u domovima za starije - 169. GerontoloŔka tribina - Izborna skupŔtina Hrvatskog druŔtva za gerontologiju i gerijatriju Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora

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    Opetovano je potvrđena izvrsna organizacija značenja 169 GerontoloÅ”ke tribine s temom o; Četiri stupnja gerijatrijske zdravstvene njege i sestrinske gerijatrijske dokumentacije u domovima za starije osobe. Održana je 26. siječnja 2010.godine u organizaciji CZG ZJZ drA, Å tampar i HDZGIG HLZ-a te je ujedno bila i GodiÅ”nja Izborna skupÅ”tina HD ZGIG HLZ-a sa sljedećim dnevnim redom: 1. Otvaranje SkupÅ”tine HD ZGIG HLZ-a / 169. GerontoloÅ”ke tribine CZG ZJZ ā€žDr.Andrija Å tamparā€œ i izbor Radnog predsjedniÅ”tva, zapisničara i ovjerovitelja zapisnika 2. IzvjeŔće stručnih aktivnosti HD ZGIG HLZ-a za razdoblje 2009.g. 3. Finacijsko izvjeŔće za isto razdoblje 4. Rasprava o izvjeŔćima 5. RazrjeÅ”nica dosadaÅ”njim članovima UO, predsjedniku HD ZGIG HLZ 6. Izbor Izbornog povjerenstva 7. Prijedlog za Upravni odbor, predsjednika i dopredsjednika te rizničara 8. Glasovanje 9. Četiri stupnja gerijatrijske zdravstvene njege i sestrinska gerijatrijska dokumentacija u domovima za starije osobe 10. Različit

    Vatrootporni kompoziti na bazi fosfatnih estara kraft lignina i poliesterske smole - ekoloŔki prihvatljiv materijal za sisteme termičke zaŔtite raketnih goriva

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    Presented study was aimed to investigate the influence of surface functionalization of the industrial kraft lignin (KL) on mechanical and thermal properties of high-performance and fireproof composites based on unsaturated polyester (UPe) resin. In order to improve flame retardant properties, surface of the KL was modified by phosphorylation method in two-step process. First, direct grafting of phosphorus chloride on KL phenolic hydroxyl groups was performed and phosphoric acid ester of KL was formed. In the second step, phosphor ester of KL was recovered by precipitation in cooled isopropyl alcohol and the final obtained product, phosphorylated industrial kraft lignin with methyl terminal groups (KLP) was obtained. KLP mass contents in UPe based composites varied from 0.5 wt.% to 5.0 wt.%. Structural characterization was done via Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The effects of KLP surface functionalization and KLP mass contents on the UPe tensile properties were studied. Tensile strength (Ļƒ), elongation (Īµ) and Young's modulus of elasticity (E) and Shore A (Sh A) hardness of the UPe/KLP composites were analyzed in relation to the structure of KLP modification. Tensile testing results showed an increase in Ļƒ of 31 % for UPe/KL sample with 1.0 wt.% KL particles compared to the bare UPe matrix. The origin and cause of fracture that occurred during uniaxial tensile testing were analyzed using stereo microscopy. The obtained composites were tested on fire retardant properties in accordance with the standard test method UL-94V, and composites with 5.0 wt.% loaded KLP achieved V-1 category.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mogućnosti primene fosfatnih estara kraft lignina kao usporivača gorivosti u polimernim kompozitnim materijalima baziranim na nezasićenim poliestŠµrskim smolama. Sinteza fosfatnih estara lignina (funkcionalizacija lignina) izvrÅ”ena je direktnim graftovanjem fosforoksihlorida na slobodne polifenolne grupe iz lignina, i potom hidrolizom hloridnih grupa izopropil alkoholom. Maseni sadržaj čistog i funkcionalizovanog lignina u poliestŠµrskim smolama variran je od 0,5 mas. % do 5,0 mas. %. Strukturna karakterizacija funkcionalizovanog kraft lignina i kompozita izvrÅ”ena je primenom FT-IR spektroskopije. Proučavan je uticaj funkcionalizacije i masenog udela kraft lignina na tvrdoću, zatezna i termička svojstva nezasićenih poliestŠµrskih smola. Rezultati ispitivanja jednoosnog istezanja pokazali su da je povećanje zatezne čvrstoće od 31 % postignuto ugradnjom 1,0 % nefunkcionalizovanih čestica kraft lignina. Mehanizam nastajanja loma prilikom jednoosnog istezanja analiziran je primeneom stereomikroskopije. Termička svojstva kompozita analizirana su prema standardnoj metodi UL-94 na osnovu koje je kompozit sa 5,0 mas. % funkcionalizovanog lignina svrstan u najviÅ”u kategoriju termootpornih materijala, V-1, a da su zatezna svojstva i tvrdoća po Å oru (eng. Shore A) ostala zadovoljavajuća

    Program of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention for the elderly

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    The aging process is normal physiological phenomenon.The elderly are a heterogeneous group that requires individual gerontological approach. The basis for the implementation of the programof healthy aging represent their own decisions about positive health behaviors,that are made at a younger age and interact with an effective health programs of preventive health measures. As part of evaluation of the implementation of the preventive program for is important to define negative health behaviour of the elderly and determine the risk factors of pathological ageing. Primary prevention ensures not only prevention of death in early old age but also preservation of functional ability through health promotion in old age. The implementation of secondary prevention in health care of the elderly people results in timely diagnosis of disease which can stop its further development and help in its treatment, nursing care and rehabilitation. Tertiary prevention includes different health procedures that prevent physical andmental decline in a diseased old individual and develops the remaining functional capacity. The Program ofHealth careMeasures of Prevention for the Elderly is primarily carried out through active primary health care institutions within local, regional and national gerontological centres of the Institute of Public Health. Implementation of preventive programs for the elderly can avert the development of a number of preventable diseases as are diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, lungs, osteoporosis/fractures, incontinence, mental disorders, respiratory diseases. In Croatia, the program promotes a healthy active aging, consisting of the ā€œGuide for active healthy agingā€

    Photoacoustic Analysis of Illuminated Si-TiO2 Sample Bending Along the Heat-Flow Axes

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    This paper describes the influence of thin transparent film on thermal and elastic characteristics of the two-layer sample consisting of the silicon substrate and thin TiO2 film using analysis of photoacoustic signals and their components in the 20Ā Hz ā€“ 20Ā kHz frequency domain. Through thermoelastic component changes, it was found that the thin film significantly changes the thermal state of the substrate and makes the degree of its bending increase drastically. The relationships between the thermoelastic component, the displacement along the heat flux axis and the difference of carrier density and temperatures on the different sides of the sample are described. It has been shown that the addition of a thin transparent film to a silicon substrate can effectively reduce the influence of photogenerated carriers in the substrate, especially on its degree of flexibility and restore it efficiently