2 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 in myelodysplastic syndromes: a snapshot from early Italian experience

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome patients are subjects of advanced age, vulnerable and frail, whose outcome is heavily influenced by pre-existing comorbidities worsening the hematologic condition. Infections are a rather common cause of death (around 30%), especially, but not only, for IPSS-R higher risk patients.1–3 In MDS there is a significant impairment of lymphopoiesis, resulting in lymphopenia (ALC<1.0109 /l) in around 38% of MDS patients and poor prognosis.4 Data on innate and adoptive immune systems (either disease related or due to immunosenescence) and the subsequent supposed susceptibility and incidence of viral infections in MDS are scarce.