5 research outputs found
Patterns of use, perceived benefits and reported effects of access to navigation support systems: an inter-European field operational test
The study presents findings regarding drivers’ patterns of use, attitude towards, and reported effects of access to mature nomadic navigation support systems. Three different systems were tested by 582 drivers in four-field operational tests for a period of six months. A majority of the participants used the support system for trips where the route/destination was unfamiliar but there were also other use scenarios. The main benefits entailed convenience and comfort. Reported effects involved increased possibilities to choose the route according to preferences; a decrease in the time it took to reach destinations and in the distance covered to reach the destination. One in four reported a
decrease in fuel consumption attributed an increased compliance with speed limits and/or that driving around and searching for the correct route to reach the desired destination could be avoided. A majority reported ‘no change’ regarding the number of journeys made by car. Reported effects (whether increases or decreases) were however
smaller than expected before the trial
Widening the use of the FOT methodology. Development based on experiences from the TeleFOT project
The TeleFOT project investigates the impacts of functions brought to the driver by nomadic and aftermarket devices and the methodology chosen is Field Operational Tests (FOTs). The FESTA Handbook was used as the first approach for the implementation, execution and evaluation of the FOTs. The functions tested were Traffic information, Speed Limit Information, Speed Alert, Navigation Support (static), Navigation Support (dynamic), Green Driving Support, and eCall. The characteristics of these functions imply that they must be studied in a wider transportation context than just traffic and cover also transport and travel. Furthermore, the user must be studied in different roles as driver, passenger and traveller and the trip time line must be considered (i.e. trip planning and use during and after the trip). A consequence of that the platform used for the functions was not a vehicle but a nomadic device (to be used in a vehicle but also elsewhere) made it necessary to complement the FOT activities with controlled experiments. This resulted in a proposal for modification of the FESTA Handbook where also the well-known “FESTA V” was expanded to include a block “CONTEXT” to capture the wider use of the functions addressed (i.e. also outside the vehicle). Finally, a new and innovative top-down approach was added to improve the identification of research questions and hypotheses and in order to minimise the work at hand a prioritisation of the hypotheses using a cost-benefit approach was proposed and applied. These three proposed modifications have been accepted and are now found in the latest version 3 of the FESTA Handbook
Fact sheets based on SP4 outputs: TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles] D4.9.2
This deliverable presents the key results of the analysis in
Fact-sheet format with the intention that they can be supplied to the stakeholders as
necessary. Eleven fact sheets have been prepared in total as follows;
• An Overview of TeleFOT
• Key findings for Navigation Support
• Key findings for Traffic Information
• Key findings for Green Driving Support
• Key findings for Speed Info/Alert
• Summary and Implications of findings for Safety
• Summary and Implications of findings for Mobility
• Summary and Implications of findings for Efficiency
• Summary and Implications of findings for Environment
• Summary and Implications of findings for User Uptake • TeleFOT Impact Assessments – General Conclusions
The Fact-sheets are shown in separate pdf and PowerPoint files which are provided
Summary of final results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M54: TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles] D4.2.3b
This deliverable is the second of two Deliverables from Sub-project 4 of TeleFOT (Evaluation and Assessment) that each report on the results across each of the impact areas considered within TeleFOT (Safety, Mobility, Efficiency, Environment and User uptake). Deliverable D4.2.3a reports on the interim/first results that were available shortly after the FOTs had finished. However, not all of the data had been processed at that stage and there was more analysis of these data requied in order to address the research questions that were formulated in the first year of TeleFOT. This deliverable therefore follows on directly from D4.2.3a and provides a summary of all final results that are available from TeleFOT and which are presented within deliverables D4.3.3 through to D4.7.3. These results are based on the outcomes of the final analyses with the field data in each impact area and are focused on data available from both LFOTs and DFOTs. Full descriptions of the analyses can be found in the following TeleFOT Deliverables
• D4.3.3 – Impacts on Safety – Results and Implications
• D4.3.4 – Field Opertional Tests of eCall
• D4.4.3 – Impacts on Mobility – Results and Implications
• D4.5.3 - TeleFOT applications efficiency impact
• D4.6.3 - Impacts on Environment – Results and Implications
• D4.7.3 – Results and Implications of User Uptake Analysi
Summary of interim results from WP4.3 through to WP4.7 as at M48: TeleFOT [Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles] D4.2.3a
This deliverable is the first of two Deliverables from Sub-project 4 of TeleFOT (Evaluation and
Assessment) that each report on the results across each of the impact areas considered within
TeleFOT (Safety, Mobility, Efficiency, Environment and User uptake). However, at the time of
preparing this Deliverable, (M46 to M48), only limited data were available within the project on
which to base the first report. Therefore, this deliverable provides a summary of the results that are
available and which are presented within deliverables D4.3.2 through to D4.7.2. These results are
based predominantly on the outcomes of the first analyses with the field data in each impact area
and are focused on data available from both LFOTs and DFOTs. Full descriptions of the analyses can
be found in TeleFOT Deliverables D4.3.2, D4.4.2, D4.5.2, D4.6.2 and D4.7.2