8 research outputs found

    First year development of poplar clones in biomass short rotation coppiced experimental cultures

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    Poplar and willows are the main fast growing tree species used for biomass production in short rotation coppiced (SRC) cultures. The main characteristics for biomass production (plant survival, basal diameter and height increment) after first growing season are presented. Four Italian clones - AF2, AF6, AF8 and Monviso (Alasia New Clones) and two controls - Turcoaia and Sacrău 79’ (ICAS,România) have been tested in five experimental cultures, in different locations. Italian energetic clones have adapted very well to the pedoclimatic conditions of South-Eastern Romania, being more competitive than control clones in terms of biomass production and resistance to leaf diseases. AF8 and Monviso have registered the most active growth

    Recent Advances in Molecular Research on Hydrogen Sulfide (H<sub>2</sub>S) Role in Diabetes Mellitus (DM)—A Systematic Review

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    Abundant experimental data suggest that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is related to the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Multiple molecular mechanisms, including receptors, membrane ion channels, signalingmolecules, enzymes, and transcription factors, are known to be responsible for the H2S biological actions; however, H2S is not fully documented as a gaseous signaling molecule interfering with DM and vascular-linked pathology. In recent decades, multiple approaches regarding therapeutic exploitation of H2S have been identified, either based on H2S exogenous apport or on its modulated endogenous biosynthesis. This paper aims to synthesize and systematize, as comprehensively as possible, the recent literature-related data regarding the therapeutic/rehabilitative role of H2S in DM. This review was conducted following the “Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses” (PRISMA) methodology, interrogating five international medically renowned databases by specific keyword combinations/“syntaxes” used contextually, over the last five years (2017–2021). The respective search/filtered and selection methodology we applied has identified, in the first step, 212 articles. After deploying the next specific quest steps, 51 unique published papers qualified for minute analysis resulted. To these bibliographic resources obtained through the PRISMA methodology, in order to have the best available information coverage, we added 86 papers that were freely found by a direct internet search. Finally, we selected for a connected meta-analysis eight relevant reports that included 1237 human subjects elicited from clinical trial registration platforms. Numerous H2S releasing/stimulating compounds have been produced, some being used in experimental models. However, very few of them were further advanced in clinical studies, indicating that the development of H2S as a therapeutic agent is still at the beginning

    Topical Reappraisal of Molecular Pharmacological Approaches to Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus Angiopathy

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a frequent medical problem, affecting more than 4% of the population in most countries. In the context of diabetes, the vascular endothelium can play a crucial pathophysiological role. If a healthy endothelium&mdash;which is a dynamic endocrine organ with autocrine and paracrine activity&mdash;regulates vascular tone and permeability and assures a proper balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis, and vasodilation and vasoconstriction, then, in contrast, a dysfunctional endothelium has received increasing attention as a potential contributor to the pathogenesis of vascular disease in diabetes. Hyperglycemia is indicated to be the major causative factor in the development of endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, many shreds of evidence suggest that the progression of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes is parallel to the advancement of endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis. To present the state-of-the-art data regarding endothelial dysfunction in diabetic micro- and macroangiopathy, we constructed this literature review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). We interrogated five medical databases: Elsevier, PubMed, PMC, PEDro, and ISI Web of Science

    Lithium Biological Action Mechanisms after Ischemic Stroke

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    Lithium is a source of great scientific interest because although it has such a simple structure, relatively easy-to-analyze chemistry, and well-established physical properties, the plethora of effects on biological systems&mdash;which influence numerous cellular and molecular processes through not entirely explained mechanisms of action&mdash;generate a mystery that modern science is still trying to decipher. Lithium has multiple effects on neurotransmitter-mediated receptor signaling, ion transport, signaling cascades, hormonal regulation, circadian rhythm, and gene expression. The biochemical mechanisms of lithium action appear to be multifactorial and interrelated with the functioning of several enzymes, hormones, vitamins, and growth and transformation factors. The widespread and chaotic marketing of lithium salts in potions and mineral waters, always at inadequate concentrations for various diseases, has contributed to the general disillusionment with empirical medical hypotheses about the therapeutic role of lithium. Lithium salts were first used therapeutically in 1850 to relieve the symptoms of gout, rheumatism, and kidney stones. In 1949, Cade was credited with discovering the sedative effect of lithium salts in the state of manic agitation, but frequent cases of intoxication accompanied the therapy. In the 1960s, lithium was shown to prevent manic and also depressive recurrences. This prophylactic effect was first demonstrated in an open-label study using the &ldquo;mirror&rdquo; method and was later (after 1970) confirmed by several placebo-controlled double-blind studies. Lithium prophylaxis was similarly effective in bipolar and also unipolar patients. In 1967, the therapeutic value of lithemia was determined, included in the range of 0.5&ndash;1.5 mEq/L. Recently, new therapeutic perspectives on lithium are connected with improved neurological outcomes after ischemic stroke. The effects of lithium on the development and maintenance of neuroprotection can be divided into two categories: short-term effects and long-term effects. Unfortunately, the existing studies do not fully explain the lithium biological action mechanisms after ischemic stroke