99 research outputs found

    Cheeger Gromoll type metrics on the tangent bundle

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    In this paper we study a Riemanian metric on the tangent bundle T(M)T(M) of a Riemannian manifold MM which generalizes the Cheeger Gromoll metric and a compatible almost complex structure which together with the metric confers to T(M)T(M) a structure of locally conformal almost K\"ahlerian manifold. We found conditions under which T(M)T(M) is almost K\"ahlerian, locally conformal K\"ahlerian or K\"ahlerian or when T(M)T(M) has constant sectional curvature or constant scalar curvature.Comment: 9 pages. to appear in Proceedings of fifth international symposium BioMathsPhys, Iasi, June 16-17, 200

    On the Geometry of Constant Angle Surfaces in Sol3Sol_3

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    In this paper we classify all surfaces in the 3-dimensional Lie group Sol3Sol_3 whose normals make constant angle with a left invariant vector field.Comment: 13 pages with 4 figure

    Constant angle surfaces in Minkowski space

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    A constant angle surface in Minkowski space is a spacelike surface whose unit normal vector field makes a constant hyperbolic angle with a fixed timelike vector. In this work we study and classify these surfaces. In particular, we show that they are flat. Next we prove that a tangent developable surface (resp. cylinder, cone) is a constant angle surface if and only if the generating curve is a helix (resp. a straight-line, a circle).Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Minimal translation surfaces in Sol3Sol_3

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    In the homogeneous space Sol3_3, a translation surface is parameterized by x(s,t)=α(s)∗β(t)x(s,t)=\alpha(s)\ast\beta(t), where α\alpha and β\beta are curves contained in coordinate planes and ∗\ast denotes the group operation of Sol3_3. In this paper we study translation surfaces in Sol3_3 whose mean curvature vanishes.Comment: 18 page

    Gray Curvature Identities for Almost Contact Metric Manifolds

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    The aim of this research is the study of Gray curvature identities, introduced by Alfred Gray in \cite{kn:Gra76} for the class of almost hermitian manifolds. As known till now, there is no equivalent for the class of almost contact manifolds. For this purpose we use the Boohby-Wang fibration and the warped manifolds construction in order to establish which identities could be satisfied by an almost contact manifold.Comment: 13 page

    Geometry of PR-warped products in para-Kaehler manifolds

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    In this paper, we initiate the study of \p R-warped products in para-K\"ahler manifolds and prove some fundamental results on such submanifolds. In particular, we establish a general optimal inequality for \p R-warped products in para-K\"ahler manifolds involving only the warping function and the second fundamental form. Moreover, we completely classify \p R-warped products in the flat para-K\"ahler manifold with least codimension which satisfy the equality case of the inequality.Comment: 28 page

    On the Geometry of the Second Fundamental Form of Translation Surfaces in E3

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    In this paper we study the second fundamental form of translation surfaces in E3. We give a non-existence result for polynomial translation surfaces in E3 with vanishing second Gaussian curvature KII. We classify those translation surfaces for which KII and H are proportional. Finally we obtain that there are no II-minimal translation surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Polynomial Translation Weingarten Surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space

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    In this paper we will classify those translation surfaces in E3 involving polynomials which are Weingarten surfaces. We analyze Weingarten translation surfaces satisfying 2aH + bK = 0. We study also other types of translation surfaces, involving power functions, for which the second Gaussian curvature vanishes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, presented as poster at the VIII International Colloquium on Differential Geometry, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 7-11 July 2008; ISBN 978-981-426116

    A New Approach on Constant Angle Surfaces in E^3

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    In this paper we study constant angle surfaces in Euclidean 3-space. Even that the result is a consequence of some classical results involving the Gauss map (of the surface), we give another approach to classify all surfaces for which the unit normal makes a constant angle with a fixed direction.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Periodic magnetic curves in elliptic Sasakian space forms

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    It is an interesting question whether a given equation of motion has a periodic solution or not, and in the positive case to describe them. We investigate periodic magnetic curves in elliptic Sasakian space forms and we obtain a quantization principle for periodic magnetic flowlines on Berger spheres. We give a criterion for periodicity of magnetic curves on the unit sphere S3{\mathbb{S}}^3.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure
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