27 research outputs found

    Psycho-historical rivalry of complexes in mentality of the Russian autocracy

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    Статья посвящена оригинальной психоаналитической интерпретации становления российской государственности и самодержавия, которая ранее не проводилась в материале русского Средневековья. Автор впервые обращается к психоисторической концепции генезиса самодержавия: от формирования Московского централизованного государства до наших дней. Этот подход опирается на зарубежные психоисторические исследования, начатые Л. Де Мозом, и представляет новую и актуальную стратегию социокультурных исследований. Результаты. История страны предстает как хронология бессознательной конкуренции ведущих психических комплексов российской ментальности. Во-первых, это «новгородский комплекс неполноценности московской аристократии» - итог активного противостояния Москвы и Новгорода, вплоть до падения вечевой республики. Вторым сценарием, вытесняющим «новгородский комплекс», стал «западный комплекс превосходства». Он воспроизводил колониальное отношение империи к своей территории. Третья грань психоистории самодержавия связана с многовековым противостоянием татаро-монгольскому нашествию. Социально-политический уклад татар и других степняков очень сильно повлиял на отечественную культуру, язык и политическую традицию. Он проявился в абсолютно бессознательном комплексе «завистнического сравнения», открытом Т. Вебленом. Московская аристократия без централизованного государства вынуждена сублимировать психоисторический конфликт в форме рационализированной, православно- адаптированной идеологии. В ней была сублимирована и кочевая модель управления геополитическими пространствами, принудительно наложенная на традиционный земледельческий общинно- родовой уклад Древней и Средневековой Руси. Последующая история XV−XVI вв. лишь подтверждает факт сублимации комплексов неполноценности и завистнического сравнения по отношению к татарам.Horde on Moscow Rus predetermined the strategy of «envious» sublimation of the «steppe complex» by Moscow elite, and final abandonment of sociocultural lessons and historical perspective of the «Novgorod complex»

    Predictive Factors in OCT Analysis for Visual Outcome in Exudative AMD

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    Background. Reliable predictive factors for therapy outcome may enable treating physicians to counsel their patients more efficiently concerning probability of improvement or time point of discontinuation of a certain therapy. Methods. This is a retrospective analysis of 87 patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration who received three monthly intravitreal ranibizumab injections. Visual acuity before initiation of intravitreal therapy and 4–6 weeks after last intravitreal injection was compared and related to the preoperative visualisation of continuity of the outer retinal layers as assessed by OCT: external limiting membrane (ELM), inner photoreceptor segments (IPS), junction between inner and outer segments (IS/OS), and outer photoreceptor segments (OPS). Results. Visual acuity increased in 40 of 87 (46.0%) patients, it remained stable in 25 (28.7%), and 22 (25.3%) patients had decreased visual acuity four to six weeks after triple intravitreal ranibizumab injections. No statistically significant predictive value could be demonstrated for grade of continuity of outer retinal layers concerning visual acuity development. Conclusions. In our series of AMD patients, grade of continuity of outer retinal layers was not a significant predictive value for visual acuity development after triple ranibizumab injections

    Characteristics of Bilateral Retinal Detachment

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    Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD) is still a sight-threatening and potentially blinding disease, especially if both eyes are affected. The purpose of this study is analysing the specific characteristics of bilateral rhegmatogenous RD. Methods: The files of all 5,791 consecutive eyes undergoing vitreoretinal surgery for uncomplicated RD in a single tertiary retinal centre between January 2005 and June 2021 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: A total of 300 patients (600 eyes) had bilateral retinal detachment. Interval between initial and subsequent RD surgery was 2.6 ± 2.8 (mean ± SD, median 1.5) years. Symptoms were reported by the patients for 20 ± 75 (median 5) days before presentation in the initial eye and 12 ± 32 (median 4) days in the subsequent eye. 220 patients were male (73%), and mean age at initial RD was 55 years. 183 (61%) of the initial RD eyes were phakic. In the initial eye, more patients had a detached macula, worse visual acuity, and more quadrants involved. Primary anatomic success rate was higher in the subsequent eye (90%) compared to the initial eye (83%). There was no difference in the reattachment rate of fellow eyes with primary failure in the first eye (91%) compared to those with primary success in the first eye (90%). There was a high symmetry between the eyes in terms of type of retinal break, number of breaks, and presumed localization of the causative retinal break. Conclusion: Patients with bilateral RD were more commonly male and younger than the group of all RD patients. The proportion of pseudophakia was not different. The majority of fellow eye RD occurred within 2 years after the RD in the first eye. Second eye RD was less advanced and had a better anatomical repair rate. Despite their experience in the first eye and despite typical symptoms, patients presented only after a mean of 12 days with RD in the second eye. RD in the initial and the subsequent eye showed a high symmetry. The anatomic result in the first eye is not a predictor for the anatomic result in the subsequent eye

    Intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment for subretinal neovascularisation secondary to type 2 idiopathic juxtafoveolar telangiectasia

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    Purpose To assess the long-term outcome of patients with subretinal neovascular membrane (SRNVM) secondary to type 2 idiopathic juxtafoveolar telangiectasia (IJT) receiving intravitreal anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) injections. Methods A total of 14 eyes of 12 patients treated with intravitreal anti-VEGF for SRNVM related to type 2 IJT were retrospectively assessed. Results Nine men and 3 women with a mean age of 66 years (SD 12, range 47-87 years) were diagnosed with IJT-related SRNVM. On average, 6.8 injections (SD 5.5, range 3-18) were given per eye. Ten eyes were treated with ranibizumab, 3 eyes with bevacizumab and 1 eye received both substances. The median follow-up after the last injection was 31 months (IQR: 18, 48). In 6 eyes, BCVA improved by 1-4 lines (mean Delta +2.0 lines), 1 eye remained stable and 7 eyes showed decline of vision by 1-5 lines (mean Delta -2.1 lines). The baseline central foveal thickness was significantly reduced from a mean of 323 (SD 87) to 266 mu m (SD 71 lm) at the last follow-up visit (p = 0.001). Conclusions SRNVM development is a severe complication of type 2 IJT. Since the establishment of intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment laser coagulation and PDT have lost significance. Intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy seems to be safe and effective for the treatment of IJT-related SRNVM. Frequently multiple intravitreal injections are necessary for stabilisation

    Management of macula-on giant retinal tear detachments– outcome of pars-plana-vitrectomy with silicone oil versus gas tamponade

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    Abstract Background To compare the outcome of eyes with a macula-on giant retinal tear (GRT) detachment treated with pars-plana-vitrectomy (PPV) depending on the used endotamponade. Methods All consecutive cases with a macula-on GRT-associated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) managed with PPV between 2007 and 2022 were retrospectively assessed depending on the selected endotamponade. By reviewing medical charts and surgical protocols the pre- and intraoperative parameters were analysed in detail. The number of vitreoretinal (VR) procedures needed for reattachment, the redetachment rate and the functional outcome were evaluated. Eyes treated with primary silicone oil (SO) tamponade were compared to eyes with primary gas tamponade. Cases with pre-existing conditions affecting outcome e.g. macula-off situation, history of trauma, status after complicated cataract surgery, former VR surgery or proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade C or higher were excluded. Results Overall, 51 eyes of 45 patients with a macula-on GRT detachment were treated with PPV and SO (n = 32; 63%) or gas (n = 19; 37%) endotamponade in the observed period. Eyes with primary SO tamponade underwent on average 2.3 (SD 0.8) VR procedures and had a redetachment rate of 13% (n = 4). Eyes with gas tamponade showed a higher redetachment rate of 32% (n = 6) with a mean number of 1.6 (SD 1.0) PPV procedures. Postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was significantly better in eyes with primary gas tamponade (mean logMAR BCVA 0.32; SD 0.30) compared to eyes with SO (mean logMAR BCVA 0.60; SD 0.42; p = 0.008). Conclusions Surgical management of GRT-associated RRDs is complex. In clinical routine often SO is used as endotamponade. Because of known disadvantages (second procedure necessary for SO removal, unexplained SO-related visual loss, secondary glaucoma, SO emulsification) some VR surgeons prefer a gas tamponade. In our cohort, eyes with a gas compared to SO tamponade showed higher redetachment rates. However, the final postoperative BCVA was significantly better in eyes with gas compared to SO tamponade. Trial registration The trial protocol was approved by the local ethics committee on 25th of November 2022 (Ethikkommission der Universität Regensburg, Votum 22-3166-104)

    Management of macula-on giant retinal tear detachments– outcome of pars-plana-vitrectomy with silicone oil versus gas tamponade

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    Background To compare the outcome of eyes with a macula-on giant retinal tear (GRT) detachment treated with pars-plana-vitrectomy (PPV) depending on the used endotamponade. Methods All consecutive cases with a macula-on GRT-associated rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) managed with PPV between 2007 and 2022 were retrospectively assessed depending on the selected endotamponade. By reviewing medical charts and surgical protocols the pre- and intraoperative parameters were analysed in detail. The number of vitreoretinal (VR) procedures needed for reattachment, the redetachment rate and the functional outcome were evaluated. Eyes treated with primary silicone oil (SO) tamponade were compared to eyes with primary gas tamponade. Cases with pre-existing conditions affecting outcome e.g. macula-off situation, history of trauma, status after complicated cataract surgery, former VR surgery or proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade C or higher were excluded. Results Overall, 51 eyes of 45 patients with a macula-on GRT detachment were treated with PPV and SO (n = 32; 63%) or gas (n = 19; 37%) endotamponade in the observed period. Eyes with primary SO tamponade underwent on average 2.3 (SD 0.8) VR procedures and had a redetachment rate of 13% (n = 4). Eyes with gas tamponade showed a higher redetachment rate of 32% (n = 6) with a mean number of 1.6 (SD 1.0) PPV procedures. Postoperative bestcorrected visual acuity (BCVA) was significantly better in eyes with primary gas tamponade (mean logMAR BCVA 0.32; SD 0.30) compared to eyes with SO (mean logMAR BCVA 0.60; SD 0.42; p = 0.008). Conclusions Surgical management of GRT-associated RRDs is complex. In clinical routine often SO is used as endotamponade. Because of known disadvantages (second procedure necessary for SO removal, unexplained SO-related visual loss, secondary glaucoma, SO emulsification) some VR surgeons prefer a gas tamponade. In our cohort, eyes with a gas compared to SO tamponade showed higher redetachment rates. However, the final postoperative BCVA was significantly better in eyes with gas compared to SO tamponade