32 research outputs found

    Assessment of Knowledge and Attitudes of Newly-Qualified Doctors Towards AIDS Infection

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    Background: Health-care professionals are at a high risk of AIDS infection, among hospitalized HIV infectedpatients. Proper training and knowledge accompanied by necessary preventive measures are by all means, the mostsignificant factors which ensure low accident rates and furthermore lower contamination rates of the health-carepersonnel.Objective: Screening and assessment of knowledge and attitudes of newly-qualified doctors towards AIDSinfection.Methodology: We conducted a cohort study with a screening questionnaire, which included demographic data and16 questions associated with AIDS infection. 51 forms were filled in by specializing and rural doctors. Thestatistical analysis was conducted using the statistical program SPSS 13.Results: 25,5% (n=13) of the participants in this reserch have treated at least one patient for HIV infection, 19%(n=10), of them would willingly specialize in intense care of HIV patients and lastly 90.2%(n=46) believe that weshould preserve the medical confidential for HIV patients. 96.1% (n=49) of the participants doctors knew thatAIDS disease is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), 88.2%(n=45) is aware that HIV virus damagesthe immune system and finally 92% (n=47) recognize HIV symptomatology.The vast majority of the doctors(98%,n=50) is aware that HIV infection is spread through sexual intercourse, blood contact and by sharing needlesor syringes. Nevertheless, a percentage of 13.7% (n=7) believe that HIV transmission is feasible through kissingand 7.8% (n=15) through insects’ bites. At last 85-98% of the personnel refer that it’s familiar with the generalpreventive measures, which are usually applied to all HIV positive inpatients.Conclusions: Knowledge and attitude of new doctors towards AIDS infection is, in general terms satisfactory.Nevertheless, it’s imperative that we constantly inform and update newly-qualified doctors about AIDS infection,in order to minimize their inhibitions and compensate for the lack of knowledge, which is commonly observed innew doctors

    Diabetic Patients are often Sub-Optimally Aware about their Disease and its Treatment

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) represents a continuously growing worldwide threat with major financial impact on the healthcare systems. The importance of tight glycaemic control in patients with DM type II is well established and is most effectively accomplished with the proper cooperation of both the treating physicians aswell as the treated subjects.Aims: The aim of our study was to evaluate the level of awareness of patients with DM type II about the various aspects of DM, including the nature of the disease, its precipitating factors and complications, as well as its treatment.Methodology: The patients were asked to complete anonymously a questionnaire concerning their knowledge about diabetes, its basic pathophysiology and complications, the treatment options and possible side-effects. Data were analyzed using STATA statistical software (Version 9.0).Results: Eighty patients were on oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHA), 34 on insulin while 4 were under a hybrid treatment. Among patients on OHA, 40 patients (50%) were taking a combination of them. 13.4% of the sample was aware of what DM stands for, 84.9% did not know the type of DM they were suffering from, while (85.7%) considered that obesity plays a major role in the pathogenesis of DM. Concerning the therapy of DM, only 54.83% of the patients were aware of the brand names of their antidiabetic medication, 88.2% did not know theirway of action, while 60.5% did not know the possible side effects. The majority of the sample, 60.5%, assumed that blood glucose should be measured only before meals.Conclusions: The knowledge of the subjects visiting the center for the first time was found to be inadequate. This is probably due to inadequate information, non-availability of educational material and improper guidance

    The Importance of the Early Sending to the Nephrology Team within the Health Promotion

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    Introduction: The kidney disease is a common situation, it is accompanied by a significantmorbidity/mortality and despite the development of substitution renal functions methods (SRFM) and transplantation, the prognosis is unfavorable.Aim: The aim of the present review is the assessment of the necessity for sending to theNephrology Team (NT) in the early stage of RF.Results: Lately, it has been documented that the timely sending to the NT, can significantlyimprove the survival of patient with kidney disease. On the contrary, the delayed sending has asa result not only the non timely measure uptake for the delay of the loss of renal function, butalso the later therapy for the uremic complications.According to Eadington (1996) the sending is considered as a delayed, when the provision ofhealthcare services could be improved with the timely contact with the Nephrology Services.Both in Europe and North America, the delayed sending comes up to the 30-40% of people whoare inducted in dialysis.The benefit from the early sending to the NT, it is important and consists of the regimens forthe delay of the kidney disease development,, timely information for the patient about theSRFM, timely vascular preparation or other kind of accessibility, non-urgent dialysis initiation,patients’ training, lower financial cost, less hospitalization days, transplantation preparation andlower mortality.Conclusions: Optimal sending is the timely sending since it makes possible the diagnosis, thedelay of the development of KD and the prevention of the complications. Furthermore, givestime for the appropriate medical and psychological preparation of the patient and the initiation ofdialysis in the appropriate time.The measures which should be adopted include the improvement training and communication ofhealthcare workers and services interference, as well as the enactment of guidelines

    Клінічні та поведінкові практики лікарів первинної ланки при призначенні антибіотиків у Греції

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    Aim: To evaluate primary health physicians’ clinical and behavioral practices towards antibiotics administration in a specific region in Greece. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire in all structures of primary health care (PHC) of the Peloponnese Region. The study was conducted in May-October 2020. Results: In total, 306 out of 404 primary healthcare physicians completed the questionnaire (response rate of 75.8%). Our results showed that most of physicians used to prescribing antibiotics empirically in common diseases, except for the prevention of secondary respiratory tract infection. Overall, 66.3% answered that they do not feel diagnostic uncertainty that would lead them to prescribe antibiotics. Approximately 40% of the physicians stated an increase on antibiotics use and patients demand for antibiotic prescribing, however 71.4% “rarely/never” affected by this requirement. 51.9% of the sample used to prescribed brand name antibiotics. Statistically significant differences were found between demographic and professional characteristics, and physicians’ clinical and behavioral practices (p≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Our findings could provide decision makers with information on how to manage antibiotic prescribing in primary health care in the country, focusing mainly on the use of specific diagnostic tests as well as relevant guidelines and protocols for changing prescription behavior.Мета: оцінити клінічну та поведінкову практику лікарів первинної медико-санітарної допомоги щодо введення антибіотиків у конкретному регіоні Греції. Матеріали і методи: Було проведено перехресне дослідження з використанням анкети у всіх структурах первинної медико-санітарної допомоги (ПМСД) Пелопоннесу Дослідження проводилося у травні-жовтні 2020 року. Результати: Загалом анкету заповнили 306 з 404 лікарів первинної ланки (відсоток відповідей 75,8%). Наші результати показали, що більшість медиків звикли призначати антибіотики дослідним шляхом при поширених захворюваннях, крім профілактики вторинної інфекції дихальних шляхів. Загалом 66,3% відповіли, що не відчувають діагностичної невизначеності, яка змусила б їх призначати антибіотики. Приблизно 40% лікарів заявили про збільшення щодо використання антибіотиків та попиту пацієнтів на призначення антибіотиків, однак 71,4% «рідко/ніколи» не постраждали від цієї вимоги. 51,9% вибірки звиклих до призначення антибіотиків. Статистично значущі відмінності були виявлені між демографічними та професійними характеристиками, а також клінічними характеристиками лікарів і поведінкових практик (с≤ 0,05). Висновки: Наші висновки можуть надати особам, які приймають рішення, інформацію про те, як керувати призначенням антибіотиків у первинній медико-санітарній допомозі в країні, зосередження уваги головним чином на використанні специфічних діагностичних тестів, а також відповідних керівних принципів та протоколів для зміни рецептурної поведінки

    S P E C I A L P A P E R Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality

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    Abstract Introduction: Due to a variety of circumstances and world-wide research findings, patient safety and quality care during hospitalization have emerged as major issues. Patient safety deficits may burden health systems as well as allocated resources. The international community has examined several proposals covering general and systemic aspects in order to improve patient safety; several long-term programs and strategies have also been implemented promoting the participation of health-related agents, and also government agencies and non-governmental organizations. Aim: Those factors that have negative correlations with patient safety and quality healthcare were determined; WHO and EU programs as well as the Greek health policy were also reviewed. Method: Local and international literature was reviewed, including EU and WHO official publications, by using the appropriate keywords. Conclusions: International cooperation on patient safety is necessary in order to improve hospitalization and healthcare quality standards. Such incentives depend heavily on establishing worldwide viable and effective health programs and planning. These improvements also require further steps on safe work procedures, environment safety, hazard management, infection control, safe use of equipment and medication, and sufficient healthcare staff

    Психічне здоров'я, якість життя, духовна сухість і симптоми ацедії у пацієнтів, які страждають хронічними захворюваннями

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    The aim of the present study is to examine mental health, quality of life, acedia and spiritual dryness in patients suffering from chronic diseases. Patients and methods: Data were collected by special design instrument for the needs of the present study. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied and the analysis was carried out with IBM SPSS 26 and JASP 0.14.01. Results: From the total of 210 participants, 106 (50.4%) were male, the mean age was 62.9 years, and the majority of them were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 50 (23.8%) of the participants suffer from anxiety and 39 (18.6%) from depression. In addition, 17.1% experience phases of spiritual dryness frequently or regularly. Physical quality of life component, was associated with the following variables: live from faith, psychological wellbeing, type of disease and age. This model can predict 31.1% of the variance. In terms of psychological wellbeing, the variables living arrangement, awe/gratitude, anxiety, and spiritual dryness can interpret 41.5% of the variance. When it comes to depression, we found that wellbeing, awe/gratitude are predictors of depressive symptoms, explaining at least 14.1% of the variance. Finally, anxiety can be predicted by wellbeing, awe/gratitude, and the type of the disease, interpreting 17.2% of the variance. Conclusion: Patients suffering from chronic diseases are experiencing spiritual dryness and acedia symptoms, and those aspects can be associated with various domains of health and wellbeing.Метою даного дослідження є вивчення психічного здоров'я, якості життя, ацедії та духовної сухості у пацієнтів, які страждають хронічними захворюваннями. Пацієнти та методи: Дані були зібрані спеціальним інструментом для потреб цього дослідження. Були застосовані описова статистика та вивідна статистика, а аналіз проводився за допомогою IBM SPSS 26 та JASP 0.14.01. Результати: Із загальної кількості 210 учасників 106 (50,4%) були чоловіками, середній вік становив 62,9 року, і у більшості з них був діагностований діабет 2 типу. 50 (23,8%) учасників страждають від тривоги і 39 (18,6%) від депресії. Крім того, 17,1% відчувають фази духовної сухості часто або регулярно. Фізична якість життєвої складової, була пов'язана з наступними змінними: жити з віри, психологічне благополуччя, тип захворювання і вік. Ця модель може передбачити 31,1% дисперсії. З точки зору психологічного благополуччя, змінні життєвого стану, трепет/вдячність, тривога та духовна сухість можуть інтерпретувати 41,5% дисперсії. Коли справа доходить до депресії, ми виявили, що благополуччя, благоговіння/вдячність є предикторами депресивних симптомів, пояснюючи принаймні 14,1% дисперсії. Нарешті, тривогу можна передбачити за добробутом, благоговінням/вдячністю та типом захворювання, інтерпретуючи 17,2% дисперсії. Висновок: Пацієнти, які страждають хронічними захворюваннями, відчувають духовну сухість і симптоми ацедії, і ці аспекти можуть бути пов'язані з різними сферами здоров'я і благополуччя

    A comprehensive health effects assessment of the use of sanitizers and disinfectants during COVID-19 pandemic: a global survey

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    COVID-19 has affected all aspects of human life so far. From the outset of the pandemic, preventing the spread of COVID-19 through the observance of health protocols, especially the use of sanitizers and disinfectants was given more attention. Despite the effectiveness of disinfection chemicals in controlling and preventing COVID-19, there are critical concerns about their adverse effects on human health. This study aims to assess the health effects of sanitizers and disinfectants on a global scale. A total of 91,056 participants from 154 countries participated in this cross-sectional study. Information on the use of sanitizers and disinfectants and health was collected using an electronic questionnaire, which was translated into 26 languages via web-based platforms. The findings of this study suggest that detergents, alcohol-based substances, and chlorinated compounds emerged as the most prevalent chemical agents compared to other sanitizers and disinfectants examined. Most frequently reported health issues include skin effects and respiratory effects. The Chi-square test showed a significant association between chlorinated compounds (sodium hypochlorite and per-chlorine) with all possible health effects under investigation (p-value \u3c0.001). Examination of risk factors based on multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that alcohols and alcohols-based materials were associated with skin effects (OR, 1.98; 95%CI, 1.87–2.09), per-chlorine was associated with eye effects (OR, 1.83; 95%CI, 1.74–1.93), and highly likely with itching and throat irritation (OR, 2.00; 95%CI, 1.90–2.11). Furthermore, formaldehyde was associated with a higher prevalence of neurological effects (OR, 2.17; 95%CI, 1.92–2.44). Furthermore, formaldehyde was associated with a higher prevalence of neurological effects (OR, 2.17; 95%CI, 1.92–2.44). The use of sodium hypochlorite and per-chlorine also had a high chance of having respiratory effects. The findings of the current study suggest that health authorities need to implement more awareness programs about the side effects of using sanitizers and disinfectants during viral epidemics especially when they are used or overused

    Financial Crisis and Health

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    The financial crisis has a dramatic impact on social life, since reduced or even non-existent incomes affect people’s well-being and push big parts of the population to poverty. The individuals’ financial status affects health indicators such as life expectancy, morbidity, mortality and healthcare service accessibility [1].The negative impact of financial crisis on health affects in a different way the social groups; thus, low-level persons and families have twice the risk of premature death and higher morbidity due to reasons related to income, education, healthcare, housing and nutrition that act cumulatively [2].&nbsp;This situation poses a threat mainly for the least developed and developing countries, and even more the low-level social groups within those countries, and highlights three intertwined problems: (a) increasing inequalities within those countries, (b) unequal conditions of social protection and health, and (c) the urgent issues of climate change and environmental degradation [3].&nbsp;</p