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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat respons masyarakat terhadap Alegra Wolter, dokter transpuan pertama di Indonesia, dengan terlebih dahulu memperhatikan performativitas gender Alegra Wolter dalam video YouTube Perjuangan dokter transpuan memberi pelayanan medis tanpa penghakiman yang diproduksi oleh BBC News Indonesia. Umumnya kajian mengenai performativitas transpuan di Indonesia membahas tentang tokoh pada karya fiksi, sedangkan penelitian ini membahas individu transpuan di dunia nyata. Teori performativitas gender oleh Judith Butler digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi identitas gender Alegra Wolter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif sekuensial dengan menggunakan teori encoding/decoding oleh Stuart Hall sebagai alat analisis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan dua temuan. Temuan pertama adalah penonton yang tidak menyukai keberadaan individu transgender di masyarakat Indonesia masih mendominasi. Temuan kedua adalah lebih banyak jumlah penonton yang memberikan dukungan kepada Alegra secara pasi


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    Culinary practices have always been considered as social and cultural activities signifying ideas of continuity and transformation regarding one‟s culture and identity. As migration happens, people move from their hometown and recreate familiar food and flavors in their new home. Therefore, the study of culinary practices will reveal the dynamics of constant negotiation between having to trace back the familiar taste, for example by using inherited recipes, with the necessity to innovate and reproduce meals from their hometown with new ingredients and materials found in the new place. Furthermore, in an urban setting that has been heavily influenced with a variety of culinary practices from other locales in Indonesia or from other countries, culinary practices in Jakarta could no longer be analyzed as merely everyday activities as they have become an arena of contestation and negotiation. This research discusses how two up-scale restaurants, Suntiang (a Padangnese-Japanese fusion restaurant) and Marco (a self-proclaimed Padang peranakan restaurant), re-inscribe Padangnese cuisines and make new meanings on „old‟ traditional delicacies

    Commodification of the Urban Community Image: An Instagram Case Study of Motivational Quotes and Skyscraper Photo

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    Rapid technology advancements, particularly social media Instagram, have brought peoples daily lives and urban environments into the domain of visual culture. Instagram’s young users are presently sharing motivational quotes adopted in activities and work with the use of a skyscraper as a background. The trend of encouraging quotes and skyscaraper photographs exemplifies the community’s orientation, which refers to a lifestyle or a typical phenomenon of Indonesian urban culture. This article intends to investigate the image of society by using Instagram to post encouraging phrases and patterns of space production-consumption using images of buildings taken by young people. The method of social semiotics was employed in this article with qualitative approach. Guy Debord’s Spectacle of Society (1967) theory and the postmodernist perspective are also discussed. Instagram creates a dichotomy with its picture of modern society and stunning metropolitan areas. Consumption and self-commodification are discussed in the context of capitalism through artistically potrayed public life performances on Instagram. As a result, a new concept of conflicting urban spaces emerges. On the one hand, an idealized portrayal of communal life and urban space exists, while the other side of a city with dense populations is ignored. This study is limited the social media platform Instagram and the Jakarta metropolitan area in Indonesia. There has never been a conversation about the convergence of urban settings with social media as a spectacle before