11 research outputs found

    Screening for candidate genes related with histological microstructure, meat quality and carcass characteristic in pig based on RNA-seq data

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    Objective The aim of the present study was to identify genetic variants based on RNA-seq data, obtained via transcriptome sequencing of muscle tissue of pigs differing in muscle histological structure, and to verify the variants’ effect on histological microstructure and production traits in a larger pig population. Methods RNA-seq data was used to identify the panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly related with percentage and diameter of each fiber type (I, IIA, IIB). Detected polymorphisms were mapped to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) regions. Next, the association study was performed on 944 animals representing five breeds (Landrace, Large White, Pietrain, Duroc, and native Puławska breed) in order to evaluate the relationship of selected SNPs and histological characteristics, meat quality and carcasses traits. Results Mapping of detected genetic variants to QTL regions showed that chromosome 14 was the most overrepresented with the identification of four QTLs related to percentage of fiber types I and IIA. The association study performed on a 293 longissimus muscle samples confirmed a significant positive effect of transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 2 (TACC2) polymorphisms on fiber diameter, while SNP within forkhead box O1 (FOXO1) locus was associated with decrease of diameter of fiber types IIA and IIB. Moreover, subsequent general linear model analysis showed significant relationship of FOXO1, delta 4-desaturase, sphingolipid 1 (DEGS1), and troponin T2 (TNNT2) genes with loin ‘eye’ area, FOXO1 with loin weight, as well as FOXO1 and TACC2 with lean meat percentage. Furthermore, the intramuscular fat content was positively associated (p<0.01) with occurrence of polymorphisms within DEGS1, TNNT2 genes and negatively with occurrence of TACC2 polymorphism. Conclusion This study’s results indicate that the SNP calling analysis based on RNA-seq data can be used to search candidate genes and establish the genetic basis of phenotypic traits. The presented results can be used for future studies evaluating the use of selected SNPs as genetic markers related to muscle histological profile and production traits in pig breeding

    Expression of DLK1 and MEG3 genes in porcine tissues during postnatal development

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    The Drosophila-like homolog 1 (DLK1), a transmembrane signal protein similar to other members of the Notch/Delta/Serrate family, regulates the differentiation process in many types of mammalian cells. Callipyge sheep and DLK1 knockout mice are excellent examples of a fundamental role of the gene encoding DLK1 in muscle growth and fat deposition. DLK1 is located within co-regulated imprinted clusters (the DLK1/DIO3 domain), along with other imprinted genes. Some of these, e.g. the RNA coding MEG3 gene, presumedly interfere with DLK1 transcription. The aim of our study was to analyze DLK1 and MEG3 gene expression in porcine tissues (muscle, liver, kidney, heart, brain stem) during postnatal development. The highest expression of both DLK1 and MEG3 variant 1 (MEG3 var.1) was observed in the brain-stem and muscles, whereas that of MEG3 variant 2 (MEG3var.2) was the most abundant in muscles and the heart. During development (between 60 and 210 days of age) expression of analyzed genes was down-regulated in all the tissues. An exception was the brain- stem, where there was no significant change in MEG3 (both variants) mRNA level, and relatively little decline (2-fold) in that of DLK1 transcription. This may indicate a distinct function of the DLK1 gene in the brain-stem, when compared with other tissues

    Source of Dietary Fat in Pig Diet Affects Adipose Expression of Genes Related to Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    It has been known for many years that excessive consumption of saturated fats has proatherogenic properties, contrary to unsaturated fats. However, the molecular mechanism covering these effects is not fully understood. In this paper, we aimed to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using RNA-sequencing, following feeding pigs with different sources of fat. After comparison of adipose samples from three dietary groups (rapeseed oil (n = 6), beef tallow (n = 5), coconut oil (n = 5)), we identified 29 DEGs (adjusted p-value &lt; 0.05, fold change &gt; 1.3) between beef tallow and rapeseed oil and 2 genes between coconut oil and rapeseed oil groups. No differentially expressed genes were observed between coconut oil and beef tallow groups. Almost all 29 DEGs between rapeseed oil and beef tallow groups are connected to neurodegenerative, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer (e.g., PLAU, CYBB, NCF2, ZNF217, CHAC1, CTCFL). Functional analysis of these genes revealed that they are associated with fluid shear stress response, complement and coagulation cascade, ROS signaling, neurogenesis, and regulation of protein binding and protein catabolic processes. Furthermore, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of the whole datasets from all three comparisons suggests that both beef tallow and coconut oil may trigger changes in the expression level of genes crucial in the pathogenesis of civilization diseases

    Omics as a Tool to Help Determine the Effectiveness of Supplements

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    There has been considerable interest in dietary supplements in the last two decades. Companies are releasing new specifics at an alarming pace, while dietary supplements are one of the less-studied substances released for public consumption. However, access to state-of-the-art and high-throughput techniques, such as the ones used in omics, make it possible to check the impact of a substance on human transcriptome or proteome and provide answers to whether its use is reasonable and beneficial. In this review, the main domains of omics are briefly introduced. The review focuses on the three most widely used omics techniques: NGS, LC-MS, NMR, and their usefulness in studying dietary supplements. Examples of studies are described for some of the most commonly supplemented substances, such as vitamins: D, E, A, and plant extracts: resveratrol, green tea, ginseng, and curcumin extract. Techniques used in omics have proven to be useful in studying dietary supplements. NGS techniques are helpful in identifying pathways that change upon supplementation and determining polymorphisms or conditions that qualify for the necessity of a given supplementation. LC-MS techniques are used to establish the serum content of supplemented a compound and its effects on metabolites. Both LC-MS and NMR help establish the actual composition of a compound, its primary and secondary metabolites, and its potential toxicity. Moreover, NMR techniques determine what conditions affect the effectiveness of supplementation

    An Evaluation of the Genetic Structure of Geese Maintained in Poland on the Basis of Microsatellite Markers

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability of the White Kołuda&reg; goose and 12 conservative flocks: Kielecka, Podkarpacka, Garbonosa, Pomerian, Rypinska, Landes, Lubelska, Suwalska, Kartuska, Romanska, Slowacka, and Kubanska, maintained in Poland using microsatellite data. The genetic diversity of geese kept in Poland remains poorly analyzed at the molecular level. In total 392 samples were examined with the usage of 15 microsatellite markers. 119 alleles were identified and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 13. The highest number of alleles was observed in TTUCG5 (16) and the lowest in CAUD-G007 (2), while CKW47 was monomorphic. The lowest value of expected heterozygosity (He) was observed in Landes, while the highest in Romanska. Similarly, the observed heterozygosity (Ho) was the lowest in Landes but the highest in Kartuska. The polymorphism information content (PIC) indicates loci TTUCG5 as the most valuable microsatellite marker among those examined. The Structure software was used for the first time to identify goose populations, revealing high admixture between breeds and their close genetic propinquity. Moreover, the presented panel of microsatellite markers remained polymorphic and is useful for population studies of geese and assessment of genetic diversity

    Corn dried distillers grains with solubles (cDDGS) in the diet of pigs change the expression of adipose genes that are potential therapeutic targets in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases

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    Abstract Background Corn dried distillers grains with solubles (cDDGS) are a byproduct of biofuel and alcohol production. cDDGS have been used in pig feed for many years, because they are readily available and rich in protein, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols. However, feed mixtures too high in cDDGS result in the worsening of backfat quality. We performed RNA-sequencing analysis of backfat from crossbred pigs fed different diets. The diets were isoenergetic but contained different amounts of cDDGS and various sources of fats. The animals were divided into four dietary groups during the two months of experimentation: group I (control (-cDDGS+rapeseed oil)), group II (+cDDGS+rapeseed oil), group III (+cDDGS+beef tallow), and group IV (+cDDGS+coconut oil). The aim of the present experiment was to evaluate changes in the backfat transcriptome of pigs fed isoenergetic diets that differed in cDDGS presence. Results Via DESeq2 software, we identified 93 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between groups I and II, 13 between groups I and III, and 125 between groups I and IV. DEGs identified between group I (-cDDGS+rapeseed oil) and group II (+cDDGS+rapeseed oil) were highly overrepresented in several KEGG pathways: metabolic pathways (FDR < 1.21e-06), oxidative phosphorylation (FDR < 0.00189), fatty acid biosynthesis (FDR < 0.00577), Huntington’s disease (FDR < 0.00577), fatty acid metabolism (FDR < 0.0112), Parkinson’s disease (FDR < 0.0151), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (FDR < 0.016), Alzheimer’s disease (FDR < 0.0211) and complement and coagulation cascades (FDR < 0.02). Conclusions We observed that the addition of cDDGS positively affects the expression of several genes that have been recently proposed as potential targets for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease (e.g., FASN, AACS, ALAS1, HMGCS1, and VSIG4). Thus, our results support the idea of including cDDGS into the diets of companion animals and humans and encourage research into the bioactive ingredients of cDDGS

    3′quant mRNA-Seq of Porcine Liver Reveals Alterations in UPR, Acute Phase Response, and Cholesterol and Bile Acid Metabolism in Response to Different Dietary Fats

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    Animal fats are considered to be unhealthy, in contrast to vegetable fats, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. However, the use of some fats, such as coconut oil, is still controversial. In our experiment, we divided experimental animals (domestic pigs) into three groups differing only in the type of fat used in the diet: group R: rapeseed oil (n = 5); group B: beef tallow (n = 5); group C: coconut oil (n = 6). After transcriptomic analysis of liver samples, we identified 188, 93, and 53 DEGs (differentially expressed genes) in R vs. B, R vs. C, and B vs. C comparisons, respectively. Next, we performed a functional analysis of identified DEGs with String and IPA software. We observed the enrichment of genes engaged in the unfolded protein response (UPR) and the acute phase response among genes upregulated in B compared to R. In contrast, cholesterol biosynthesis and cholesterol efflux enrichments were observed among genes downregulated in B when compared to R. Moreover, activation of the UPR and inhibition of the sirtuin signaling pathway were noted in C when compared to R. The most striking difference in liver transcriptomic response between C and B was the activation of the acute phase response and inhibition of bile acid synthesis in the latest group. Our results suggest that excessive consumption of animal fats leads to the activation of a cascade of mutually propelling processes harmful to the liver: inflammation, UPR, and imbalances in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and bile acids via altered organelle membrane composition. Nevertheless, these studies should be extended with analysis at the level of proteins and their function

    Expression Profile of Brain Aging and Metabolic Function are Altered by Resveratrol or α-Ketoglutarate Supplementation in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet

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    The aim of this study was to examine the impact of different dietary interventions started at middle age on the metabolic phenotype and gene expression profiling in the hypothalamus. One-year old rats were fed either a control diet, high-fat diet (HFD), HFD supplemented with resveratrol (HFD+RESV), or HFD supplemented with α-ketoglutarate (HFD+AKG). A 6-week HFD feeding led to significant changes in concentrations of plasma glucose, insulin, lipids, and thyroid hormones. Moreover, 32% of the 84 analyzed genes correlated with aging were differentially expressed compared to the control group, with the largest functional class being related to inflammatory response. Dietary RESV ameliorated the changes in plasma glucose, total cholesterol, and triiodothyronine concentrations induced by HFD feeding and significantly downregulated 60% of the surveyed genes compared to the control group, resulting in a major molecular shift compared to HFD alone. In contrast, AKG supplementation did not affect the metabolic phenotype, but prevented the gene expression pattern caused by HFD consumption, mimicking the effects observed in the control group. HFD feeding induces metabolic dysfunction and age-related genetic alterations in the hypothalamus of middle-aged rats, while dietary RESV or AKG may partially retard these effects, even though these compounds act in a different and specific manner