3 research outputs found

    Determinants of Lack of Access to Treatment for Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Brazil

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    Access to timely treatment is essential for the probability of the cure and reduction of severe breast cancer cases. In Brazil, legislation states that cancer treatment must start within 60 days of diagnosis. This study analyzed the factors associated with lack of access to breast cancer treatment in women with a confirmed diagnosis inserted in the health system. We collected secondary data from Brazilian women with a diagnosis and without treatment from January to December 2019 through the Cancer Hospital Registers developed by the National Cancer Institute. Our findings indicate that most women (60.11%) are diagnosed with stage II cancer but are without treatment. Most of them are aged 18–70 years, non-white race/color, have a low educational level and are from the Southeast Brazilian region. In addition, social inequalities are determinant in women’s lack of access to breast cancer treatment

    Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents: from the beginning to the consequences

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    Bipolar disorder (BD) is a condition characterized by an alternation between phases of depression and mania. Its beginning is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, causing neurological and psychological changes. In children, it is manifested through episodes of mood disturbance and pronounced psychosocial impairment, causing sleeping disorders and presenting a high rate of suicidal ideals. It has a very complex treatment, since you cannot neglect or exacerbate neither the episodes of mania or depression, taking them both in consideration when choosing the right medication and monitoring the symptoms and response to treatment. It is also a disease which has not a well defined process of etiology and pathophysiology. This study is a current literature review of a recurrent disease in psychiatry