86 research outputs found

    Prevlast CD4 pozitivnih stromalnih stanica koŔtane srži u bolesnika s ranim stupnjem Hodgkinove bolesti mijeŔane celularnosti

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    The aim of the study was to determine the possible bone marrow involvement in patients with early stages of classic Hodgkin\u27s disease mixed cellularity variant diagnosed by lymph node biopsy at initial presentation not responding to radiotherapy alone. The study cohort consisted of 20 patients (18 displaying B-cell genotype and two T-cell genotype) with stages I-II Hodgkin\u27s disease according to Ann Arbor classification treated with radiotherapy alone, seven of them not responding to therapy. Southern blot hybridization using a specific EBV Bam H1W fragment probe showed the presence of EBV genomes in two patients. All 20 patients underwent iliac crest trephine biopsy and a panel of antibodies including CD45, CD20, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD56, CD30, ALK-1, CD-15, EMA, CD61, and CD68 were performed. A statistically significant predominance of CD45, CD45RO and CD4 positive stromal cells was found in seven patients that failed to respond to therapy (c2-test: p=0.021, p=0.019 and p=0.015, respectively). The predominance of CD4 positive cells in the bone marrow stroma might be suggestive of involvement by Hodgkin\u27s disease in the early stage (I-II) patients (indicating upstaging) who fail to show remission on radiotherapy alone, and could explain the abnormal cytokine production, which may contribute to diminished T-cell immunity and inefficient antitumor responses despite a vast majority of infiltrating reactive immune cells.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi moguću zahvaćenost koÅ”tane srži u bolesnika s ranim stadijima klasične Hodgkinove bolesti, varijanta mijeÅ”ane celularnosti, dijagnosticirane biopsijom limfnog čvora, koji pri prvom dolasku nisu odgovorili na samu radioterapiju. Bolesnička skupina sastojala se je od 20 bolesnika (18 s B-staničnim genotipom i dvoje s T-staničnim genotipom) u I.-II. stadiju prema klasifikaciji iz Ann Arbora, koji su bili liječeni samo radioterapijom. Sedmoro bolesnika nije odgovaralo na ovu vrst liječenja. Southern blot hibridizacija uz primjenu specifične fragmentne sonde EBV Bam H1W pokazala je prisutnost EBV genoma u dvoje bolesnika. Svih 20 bolesnika podvrgnuto je trepanacijskoj biopsiji ilijačnog grebena i provedeno je ispitivanje panelom protutijela uključujući CD45, CD20, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, CD56, CD30, ALK-1, CD-15, EMA, CD61 i CD68. U sedmoro bolesnika koji nisu odgovarali na liječenje utvrđena je statistički značajna prevlast stromalnih stanica pozitivnih na CD45, CD45RO i CD4 (c2-test: p=0,021, p=0,019 odnosno p=0,015). Prevlast stanica pozitivnih na CD4 u stromi koÅ”tane srži moglo bi ukazivati na zahvaćenost koÅ”tane srži Hodgkinovom boleŔću u bolesnika s ranim stadijem (I.-II.) (tj. porast stadija) u kojih ne dolazi do remisije bolesti nakon same radioterapije, te bi moglo objasniti nenormalnu proizvodnju citokina, Å”to možda doprinosi smanjenoj T-imunosti i nedostatnom protutumorskom odgovoru usprkos goleme većine infiltriranih reaktivnih imunih stanica

    Leiomyosarcoma of the Prostate: Case Report and Review of 54 Previously Published Cases

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    Prostate leiomyosarcoma is an extremely rare and highly aggressive neoplasm that accounts for less than 0.1% of primary prostate malignancies. We present a patient with primary leiomyosarcoma of the prostate and review 54 cases reported in the literature to discuss the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this uncommon tumor. Median survival was estimated at 17 months (95% C.I. 20.7ā€“43.7 months) and the 1-, 3-, and 5-year actuarial survival rates were 68%, 34%, and 26%, respectively. The only factors predictive of long-term survival were negative surgical margins and absence of metastatic disease at presentation. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for appropriate management of this dire entity

    Increased apoptotic activity on inflammatory human placentas in spontaneous abortions during the first and second trimester of gestation: a histochemical and immunohistochemical study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of apoptotic markers on inflammatory human placentas from spontaneous abortions during the first and second trimester of gestation and compare them to those without inflammation. Paraffin-embedded specimens from 76 placentas were investigated by conventional histology and immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies against M30, Caspase 3, Caspase 8 and Caspase 9, as well as the terminal deoxynucleotidyl tranferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling method. A higher prevalence of expression of apoptotic markers (94.4%) was observed in placentas associated with chorioamnionitis in comparison with those without inflammation. Our observations confirm that apoptosis is strikingly prevalent in placentas diagnosed with histologic chorioamnionitis, while the inflammation induces cell death

    Otkrivanje delecije kromosoma 1 pomoću tehnike FISH na otiscima ependimoma ukazuje na regiju izvan kromosoma 22 važnu za recidiv tumora

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    Ependymomas are glial tumors. They constitute approximately 5%-10% of intracranial tumors. Ependymomas are tumors which can recur. Predictive factors of outcome in ependymomas are not well established. Karyotypic studies are relatively scarce and loss of chromosome 22 has been described to correlate with recurrence. We are unaware of any reports involving chromosome 1 aberrations in the malignant progression of ependymomas. Cytogenetic analysis of 4 ependymomas was performed using double-target fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and focusing on chromosomes 1 and 22. One patient had recurrent tumor. FISH was performed on 500 nuclei/tumors. All four cases showed a loss of chromosome 22q, while only one showed an additional loss of chromosome 1p, and it was the one with tumor relapse. We support the presence of tumor suppressor gene on 1p associated with relapse in ependymomas and suggest that the chromosome 1p status by FISH may identify a high risk group of patients harboring this tumor. Additional studies in this direction are needed, as our results refer to a minimal number of individuals analyzed.Ependimomi su glialni tumori. Oni čine otprilike 5%-10% intrakranijskih tumora. Ependimomi su tumori koji se mogu ponavljati. Čimbenici koji bi ukazivali na ishod ependimoma nisu dobro utvrđeni. Kariotipska ispitivanja su relativno rijetka, a opisano je kako gubitak kromosoma 22 korelira s ponovnom pojavom tumora. Nisu nam poznata izvjeŔća o upletenosti aberacija kromosoma 1 u malignoj progresiji ependimoma. U ovoj studiji je citogenetska analiza 4 ependimoma provedena pomoću dvociljne fluorescentne in situ hibridizacije (FISH) i fokusiranja na kromosomima 1 i 22. U jednog se bolesnika radilo o ponovnoj pojavi tumora. FISH je izvedena na 500 jezgara/tumora. Sva četiri slučaja pokazala su gubitak kromosoma 22q, dok je samo jedan, i to onaj s ponovnim razvojem tumora, pokazao dodatni gubitak kromosoma 1p. Priklanjamo se miÅ”ljenju kako je prisutnost gena tumorske supresije na 1p udru žena s recidivom kod ependimoma i ukazujemo na to da bi status kromosoma 1p utvrđen pomoću FISH mogao identificirati visoko rizičnu skupinu bolesnika koji nose ovaj tumor. Potrebne su daljnje studije u ovom smjeru, jer se naÅ”i rezultati odnose na mali broj analiziranih osoba
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