4,544 research outputs found


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    Knowledge is a long-term process which consists in acquiring information throughout life. We live in an era of technologic dynamism, where information means power. The organizations which are strategically oriented towards the individual knowledge of their customers, of their needs, the large analysis of the market phenomena, of the ongoing transformations, as well as the intelligent use of innovating techniques will have the decisive competitive upper hand.strategic marketing, student-oriented learning, performance, quality

    The long nineteenth century

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    This volume presents the guiding theme “The long nineteenth century”, and proposes critical reflections on issues related to music in Brazil during that period, focusing particularly on identity and alterity from different perspectives as approached by cultural criticism, reception history, sociology, style studies, cultural history, and popular music studies

    Music in the Luso-Brazilian space

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    The main theme “Music in the Luso-Brazilian space”, of this volume, clings with a set of studies presented earlier in this journal, “Repercussions from the long eighteenth century” (RBM, v. 23, n. 2, July-Dec. 2010), and offers another set of articles focusing on the historical, musical, cultural and musicological relations between Brazil and Portugal. These volumes are also related to the perspective presented in the previous volume (RBM, v. 28, n. 2, July-Dec. 2015) as it integrates the “world system” (Wallerstein) through musical practices belonging to institutionalized structures of knowledge, also historically situated, which, however, contain in itself possibilities of repositioning the relations between “center” and “periphery, as well as of reinventing worldviews

    Homage to the ethnomusicologist Samuel Araújo

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    Text of presentation of the volume in homage to the ethnomusicologist Samuel Araújo, full professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Sense, style and idiomaticism

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    The Revista Brasileira de Música (Brazilian Journal of Music) opens the year 2013 by continuing its editorial policy of internationalization and democratization of access to knowledge, the results of which have expressed increasing geographic diversity of authors and topics covered, as well as the dissemination of the publication itself. This issue proposes the theme “Sense, style and idiomaticism”, and discusses the construction of meaning with emphasis on various stylistic approaches embodied by an idiomatic performing style of musical instruments effectively used or evoked, as well as the appropriation of stylistic idioms from diverse musical traditions. Thearticles that make up this issue offer a diverse cultural and historical horizon, covering a large chronological range from the eighteenth century to the present, in musical locations in the Americas, Europe, and Asia

    Memory and Heteronomy

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    Opening text providing a critical overview of this issue under the theme "Memory and Heteronomy"

    Popular music: history, ethnography and sociology

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    The Revista Brasileira de Música (Brazilian Journal of Music) is pleased to present this issue with the main theme “Popular music: history, ethnography and sociology”, which continues a realm of research, previously presented in the issue “Music in urban spaces”, by furthering some approaches that have engaged musicology recently. The articles in this issue discuss the urban popular music in Brazil, and some of its representative movements of the 20th and 21st centuries. It also presents new research on Brazilian art music of the early 20th century dealing with the composer Homero de Sá Barreto’s life, compositional output, and reception, hitherto scarcely researched

    Religiosity and secularization

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    This issue of the Revista Brasileira de Música (Brazilian Journal of Music), under the theme “Religiosity and secularization”, deals with the production and reception of musical genres in liturgical and secular contexts, the ongoing redefinition of the social function of music, from the traditions of the Iberian and Luso-Brazilian colonial period to their redirection to European cosmopolitan models, especially in the period of transition from monarchy to republic in Brazil. It requires attention to the reciprocal relationship between religious music committed to secular affections and secular music committed to religious affections