5 research outputs found

    Prevalence of hepatitis B and C markers in high-risk hospitalised patients in Crete: a five-year observational study

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    BACKGROUND: So far the prevalence of viral hepatitis infection in hospitalized patients has not been extensively studied. Therefore we conducted the present five-year observational study to evaluate the prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in high-risk hospitalized patients of Crete, the largest Greek island, Due to the homogeneous population, epidemiological studies can be accurately done. METHODS: The study was carried out in two out of four District General Hospitals, and in the University Hospital of the island. Markers for HBV and HCV were studied and statistically evaluated according to age, sex and geographical area, in a well-defined hospitalized population. RESULTS: The total prevalence of HBsAg and anti-HCV in the three prefectures during the five-year study is 2.66% and 4.75% respectively. Overall the relative risks were higher in males than females for each hepatitis marker (p < 0.001). Higher prevalence of HBcAb was found in the 41–60 years age group for both sexes (males 36.17%, females 27.38%). Peak HBsAg prevalence was found in the age group of 21–40 and 41–60 years for males (5.4%) and females (3.09%) respectively. Anti-HCV prevalence increases with age reaching the highest prevalence in the age group of 41–60 years for males (7.19%) and in the 61–90 years age group for females (7.16%). For both sexes significant differences between the three locations were identified. For HBsAg a higher prevalence in Heraklion (3.96%) compared to Chania (2.30%, males: p < 0.0001, females: p < 0.05) and Rethymnon (1.45%, males: p < 0.01, females: p < 0.0001) was detected. For HCV a significantly higher prevalence in Heraklion (6.54%) compared to Chania (2.39%, males: p < 0.001, females: p < 0.001) but not in Rethymnon (5.15%, NS). A lower prevalence rate of HBcAb in Heraklion compared to Chania (20.07% versus 23.05%, males: p < 0.001, females: p < 0.001) was found. CONCLUSIONS: These results were possibly overestimated, but nevertheless reflect the situation of the general population within the island as shown by our previous publications in other study groups. Moreover they contribute to the mapping of viral hepatitis prevalence in a geographical area of Southern Europe and may be helpful in planning public health interventional strategies

    Μελέτη του κυτταρομεγαλοιού (CMV) με τη μεθοδολογία της PCR

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of applying the PCR technique for diagnostic use in clinical samples of patients in cases where the classical techniques are not appliable or lack in specificity and sensitivity. In this study the presence of CMV DNA in clinical specimens of a variety of patients was examined. Out of (150) specimens studied CMV DNA was detected in (50). In all specimens the PCR techniquewas applied. CMV DNA was detected in (7) out of (15) patients with AIDS, in (6) out of (20) patients with neoplasia, in (3) out of (10) patients with heart transplant,in (7) out of (10) pregnant women, in (9) out of (49) patients with high titers of IGM, IGG specific for CMV, in (1) out of (2) patients with kidney failure and in (10) out of (20) patients with eye disease.Σκοπός της διδακτορικής αυτής διατριβής ήταν να μελετήσει την δυνατότητα εφαρμογής της PCR τεχνικής για διαγνωστικούς σκοπούς σε κλινικά δείγματα ασθενών, σε περιπτώσεις κατά τις οποίες οι κλασσικές διαγνωστικές τεχνικές δεν δύνανται να εφαρμοσθούν ή υστερούν σε απόλυτη ευαισθησία και ειδικότητα. Στη διατριβή αυτή μελετήθηκαν (150) δείγματα, διαφόρων ειδών(κυρίως οροί αίματος)και μεγάλης ποικιλίας ασθενών από τα οποία σε (50) ανιχνεύθηκε το DNA του HCMV. Σε όλα εφαρμόσθηκε η τεχνική του PCR . To DNA του HCMV ανιχνεύθηκε σε (7) από τους (15) ασθενείς με AIDS, σε (16) από τους (40) με λέμφωμα, σε (4) από τους (20) με νεοπλασία, σε (3) από τους (10) με μεταμόσχευση καρδιάς, σε (7) από (10)έγκυες γυναίκες, σε (9) από τους (49) με υψηλούς τίτλους ειδικών αντισωμάτων IGG και IGM, σε (1) απο τους (2)με νεφρική ανεπάρκεια και σε (10) από τους (20) ασθενείς με οφθαλμικές παθήσεις