2,060 research outputs found

    FDR, an easier way to NNLO calculations: a two-loop case study

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    In this paper we illustrate the simplifications produced by FDR in NNLO computations. We show with an explicit example that - due to its four-dimensionality - FDR does not require an order-by-order renormalization and that, unlike the one-loop case, FDR and dimensional regularization (DR) generate intermediate two-loop results which are no longer linked by a simple subtraction of the ultraviolet (UV) poles in epsilon. Our case study is the two-loop amplitude for H -> gamma gamma, mediated by an infinitely heavy top loop, in the presence of gluonic corrections. We use this to elucidate how gauge invariance is preserved with no need of introducing counterterms in the Lagrangian. In addition, we discuss a possible four-dimensional approach to the infrared (IR) problem compatible with the FDR treatment of the UV infinities.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, version enlarged to be published in EPJ

    Racconti d'Irlanda. Traduzione e commento della raccolta 'Irish Short Stories' di Sigerson Clifford

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    La tesi presenta una traduzione della raccolta 'Irish Short Stories' di Sigerson Clifford, composta da diciassette racconti. La traduzione è accompagnata da un commento che mira ad inquadrare il contesto storico-culturale dell'opera e ad analizzare la tipologia testuale della raccolta, sia dal punto di vista letterario che linguistico

    Gli autori latini del medioevo: authority list e authority file [Versione italiana presentata alla Conferenza internazionale] = Medieval Latin authors: authority list and authority file [English version presented at the International Conference]

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    The authority control for Medieval Latin literature presents a particularly delicate and complex problem. The first necessity which continues to be hard to satisfy for the person who is compiling a biographical, bibliographical or historical reference work in the field of medieval literature, is to be able to depend on a reliable author list. The authority control for medieval Latinity often requires original researches, which in turn demand qualified competence. The idea of elaborating a new authority list developed, as a result, within the ‘Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino’ and the ‘Fondazione Franceschini’, including all those authors who wrote in Latin between 500 and 1500. For these institutions the problem in authority control is present on several fronts: the production of bibliographical instruments (the ‘Medioevo Latino’ newsletter and the C.A.L.M.A. reference work), manuscript cataloguing (the Codex project), and the production of the library catalogue for these two bodies, highly specialized in medieval Latin literature

    The γγ\gamma \gamma decay of the Higgs boson in FDR

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    We review the first complete calculation performed within the Four Dimensional Regularization scheme (FDR), the recently-proposed approach for addressing multi-loop calculations, which is simultaneously free of infinities and gauge-invariant in 4 dimensions. As a case study, the 1-loop-induced amplitude for the Higgs boson decay into two photons was calculated in arbitrary gauge. The result obtained, identical to that assessed with standard methods, stands as an explicit test of the gauge-invariance property of FDR. Moreover, the calculation provides an insight into the use of the technique, in particular in the presence of fermions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of LHCP2013 (Barcelona, 15/5/2013

    Merito e premialità nella riforma del lavoro pubblico

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    Lo studio esamina le disposizioni del Titolo III, «Merito e premi», del d.lgs. n. 150/2009, che, finalizzate a migliorare la produttività e la qualità della prestazione lavorativa, dischiudono la via a un regime premiale informato a principi di selettività e concorsualità nelle progressioni di carriera e nel riconoscimento degli incentivi, in alcun modo foriero di nuovi o maggiori oneri per la finanza pubblica. Il tutto al fine di rimarcarne i profili di criticità specie in punto di applicazione in ragione delle “ataviche” resistenze delle pubbliche amministrazioni

    Misure sperimentali per l'incremento della produttività del lavoro

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    Lo studio esamina le misure per l’incremento della produttività del lavoro introdotte dal d.l. 27 maggio 2008, n. 93, come convertito in l. 24 luglio 2008, n. 126 (art. 2), specificatamente centrate sulla tassazione agevolata di alcune componenti variabili della retribuzione. Il tutto al fine di rimarcarne molteplici profili di criticità sia per lo strumento fiscale utilizzato, sia per gli obiettivi perseguiti, sia ancora per le modalità proprie di attuazione prescelte

    The Role of Probabilistic Reasoning Abilities on Adolescent Risk Taking

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the role of the cognitive system and the affective system on adolescents’ risk taking in gambling tasks characterized as different on the basis of information given to decision makers. In Study 1, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking on decision making in a non-risky context (Non-Gambling Task) and a risky context (Gambling Task) in which no preliminary information were given to participants. Results showed that adolescents referred to probabilistic reasoning only in the Non-Gambling Task. In Study 2, we explored the role of probabilistic reasoning and sensation seeking in risky situations with preliminary information given to participants. Specifically, we compared a risky context characterized by high-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task), in which a feedback after each decision was given, with one characterized by low-emotional arousal (Game of Dice Task – Modified version), without feedback. Probabilistic reasoning characterized adolescents’ decision making regardless of feedback. Findings showed that adolescents’ decision making was solely linked to the cognitive system in the non-risky situation, and the affective system overcomes the cognitive system in situation of risk. Moreover, providing information about the task might interfere with the imbalance between the two systems