54 research outputs found

    Derivative Securities on Romanian Capital Market

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    This study aimed to investigate whether the world wide agreed models of valuation of derivates may be properly applied to the Romanian capital market, obtaining reliable results for decision makers. The most common valuation models take into account market data such as, interest and exchange rates, volatilities and the price of the underlying instrument. The procedures for valuation must clearly define the nature of the market data to be taken into consideration (for example the zero-coupon curve for the valuation of swaps) and the independent reference base to be used (Reuters at a given time, bid/offer or mid price, broker). In order to be able to obtain the results, I based my study on a self-developed software which can calculate the price and characteristics for different types of derivatives securities once the primary data are filled in. I compared the results obatined usig the valuation models with the actual prices on the Romanian capital market. I expected that the results obtained to be more accurate as the parameters used in the calculation models properly reflect market data as at that date being as widely as possible.. These assumptions were only supported for certain value orientations. In conclusion, explanations for these results are given and limitations for this study are discussed. Also, suggestions for future research are presented in the final part of the article.derivatives, investments, risk management, valuation models.

    Organizational stress management

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    There are plenty of general problems that people at work worry about – increasing job competition, globalization, terrorism, annual appraisals, financial crisis, even new technology. Beside these, employees are put under pressure to meet sales targets, attend meetings on time, fit in with changes in organization by learning and following up new procedures. All these can result different levels of stress. Nowadays, working stress is the fastest growing cause of absence from work. Inefficient management, lack of decision-making by management, excessive working hours, uncertainty as to future employment prospects and the pressure of the job are some of the causes of stress described by employees. Therefore, employers should consider organizational stress as a serious problem and they must take measures to prevent employees suffering stress arising from their work. It can negatively influence the productivity and competitiveness of the organization, and can also increase health insurance costs.stress management, organizational stress, total working system

    The impact of investments in global financial crisis

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    The global financial crisis really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems. The most important task is to break the spiral of falling asset prices and falling demand and to revive the financial sector’s ability to provide credit for productive investment, to stimulate economic growth and to avoid deflation of prices. In this time of global financial crisis and recession it is essential to keep markets open to international trade and investment. The current global financial crisis is probably the most severe for the world’s financial system since the Great Depression in 1929. This crisis has gone far beyond the financial sector and has seriously affected the real economy. An ample evidence of its negative impacts on FDI has been observed.investment risk, mergers

    The management of credit risk for individuals and companies loans

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    The paper discusses recent changes in the Romanian financial system, with a particular emphasis on the Romanian banking system, and on the credit granting procedures. The factors influencing these mechanisms are classified and analyzed, with the view of mitigating credit risks for both individuals and companies.banking system, credit risk, risk management.

    Econometric Analysis Of Efficiency In The Indian Manufacturing Sector

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    Performance in the manufacturing sector, in relation to productivity growth, scale efficiency and technical efficiency in India is dichotomous in nature, depending on whether the firm in question functions in the formal or informal sector. The main differences between these two sectors and the changes over a decade are observed and analyzed, using aggregated data for the entire manufacturing sector in India. Using stochastic frontier approach, and therein the maximum likelihood models, efficiency in the two sectors is compared and verified against factors affecting the levels of efficiency obtained for each major industry category. The results are analyzed against realities on ground-level from a socio-economic perspective.manufacturing, formal, informal, organized, unorganized, returns to scale, technical efficiency, cross-sectional data, maximum likelihood estimation, efficiency gap, India, industries

    EU Funded Projects: from Financial to Economic Analysis

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    Investment projects represent the basis of economic and social development of our country. The investment is a cost that will most influence the future, but it is necessary that this influence should be not only positive, but also should exceed the investment efforts. There could be different sources of financing the investment, but lately, European grants are more and more accessed by various economic agents or institutions. To obtain European financing, the project must fulfill certain conditions and must follow certain economic, social and environmental indicators. Also, for some financing lines, is required the economic analysis preparation, in order to demonstrate that the project benefits to society are important and cover the investments efforts. Thus, economic analysis studies the project influence on macro-economic or regional level, and evaluates its contribution to the welfare of the region or local community. The present paper aims to analyze the most important and available theoretical resources and to provide practical examples for carrying out the economic analysis. In conclusion, economic analysis is an useful tool for each project evaluation, but the biggest barriers to its development are the lack of valid data and the reduced Romanian experience. Under these conditions, input data can be incorrectly estimated, resulting illusory and subjective project data. For a proper projects selection based on indicators of economic assessment, it must be developed a national, complete and complex guide.performance Cost-benefit analysis, European funds, externalities, investments, shadow prices.

    Funds transfer pricing in banking

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    Every bank needs to better understand the sources of its profitability. Whatever the size of the bank, funds transfer pricing (FTP) can be used to help managing the bank's profitability by analyzing earnings for the whole institution or for different profit centers. In today’s banking environment, it is essential to look at the earnings both as a whole and broken down into various components. Funds Transfer Pricing is an analysis tool that can be used to help a bank measure its profitability in a variety of different ways. It allows management to compare the profitability of different product lines within the company, and it can be drilled down even further to allow comparison between individual employees. It is also very useful for comparison between branches. This study will reveal the role of Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP) in banks.funds transfer pricing, profit, bank, business units

    Specific Features in Accessing European Funding

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    European Funds are the European Union financial instruments in order to assist Member States in reducing the existing disparities between regions and between countries, and for harmonization with the economic, social and cultural European standards. This paper intends to present some general characteristics applicable to the most important financing programs, and also to outline certain features of the main financing lines, referring to investment projects development and their implementation, based on the Applicant Guides analysis. The paper treats institutional, legal, financial, technical, social and environmental aspects and outlines proposals and recommendations to achieve a better EU funds absorption and also a higher success rate of initiated projects. In knowledge-based economy circumstances, training consultancy specialists, that represent the intellectual capital in this area, will ensure the professional management of the developing process, submission and ongoing competitive projects, and will help enhance the funds absorption at national level. Thus, the European support for investments in ensuring sustainable growth will help overcoming the difficulties encountered by our country, and will sustain the Romanian economy recovery.eligible costs, European funds, investment, knowledge economy, sustainable development.

    Credit scoring for individuals

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    Lending money to different borrowers is profitable, but risky. The profits come from the interest rate and the fees earned on the loans. Banks do not want to make loans to borrowers who cannot repay them. Even if the banks do not intend to make bad loans, over time, some of them can become bad. For instance, as a result of the recent financial crisis, the capability of many borrowers to repay their loans were affected, many of them being on default. That’s why is important for the bank to monitor the loans. The purpose of this paper is to focus on credit scoring main issues. As a consequence of this, we presented in this paper the scoring model of an important Romanian Bank. Based on this credit scoring model and taking into account the last lending requirements of the National Bank of Romania, we developed an assessment tool, in Excel, for retail loans which is presented in the case study.Credit scoring, credit risk, retail loans.


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    In classical theory, the risk is limited to mathematical expectation of losses that can occur when choosing one of the possible variants. For banks, risk is represented as losses arising from the completion of one or another decision. Bank risk is a phenomenon that occurs during the activity of banking operations and that cause negative effects for those activities: deterioration of business or record bank losses affecting functionality. It can be caused by internal or external causes, generated by the competitive environment. The concept of risk can be defined as a commitment bearing the uncertainty due to the likelihood of gain or lossbanking system, credit risk, multiple regression.