93 research outputs found

    Sero-Epidemiological Study of Bordetella pertussis Infection in the Italian General Population

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    A multicenter study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of pertussis IgG antibodies (anti-PTx) in the Italian population. Serum samples (4154) collected in the years 2019-2020 from subjects aged 6 to 90 years were tested. The anti-PTx IgG levels were determined by ELISA test. The limit of detection was 5 IU/mL (International Units per milliliter); values >= 40 IU/mL and >= 100 IU/mL indicate an infection that has occurred in recent years and a recent infection (occurred during the last year), respectively. The mean concentration of anti-PTx IgG antibodies in the tested samples was 13 IU/mL; 1.0% of subjects had a titer >= 100 IU/mL, 5.3% a titer between 40 and 100 IU/mL, and 38.9% a titer < 5 IU/mL. The mean antibody concentration was significantly higher in males than in females. The age group 25-39 years had the lowest percentage of negative subjects (36.9%) and the highest prevalence of subjects with antibody titers >= 100 IU/mL (1.3%). In the age group >= 65 years, the prevalence of subjects with titers between 40 and 100 IU/mL (6.7%) and the percentage of negative subjects (44.8%) was higher than in the other age groups. The results highlight the possible role of adolescents and adults in the transmission of B. pertussis

    A Feasible Methodological Approach to Estimate the Burden of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results from the EPI-ASD Study in the Province of Lecce (Southern Italy)

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    Diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have rapidly increased globally. However, the lack of comprehensive epidemiological surveys and surveillance systems, able to provide official data at a national or European level is one of the main issues in the monitoring of this condition. The present study aimed to estimate the prevalence of ASD in children and adolescents aged 3-18 years old living in the province of Lecce (Southern Italy) through official data provided by the Local Health Authority of Lecce (ASL/LE) up to 31 October 2020, and compare it with school-based data concerning the number of students needing support for ASD. Based on data provided by the ASL/LE, in 2020 there were 509 cases of ASD among children and adolescents aged 3-18 years old, corresponding to a prevalence of 0.46%. A total of 408 (80.2%) were boys and 101 (19.8%) were girls. In relation to their age, 155 ASD cases (0.90%) were diagnosed in the 3-5 age group, while 222 (0.55%) in the 6-11 age group and 132 (0.25%) in the 12-18 age group. Prevalence of ASD assessed by school-based dataset was underestimated in the 3-5 age group, while the 6-11 and 12-18 age groups were consistent with the official data provided by the ASL/LE

    Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in the Province of Lecce: Results from the PROTOS Case–Control Study in Salento (Southern Italy)

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    In the province of Lecce (southern Italy), a higher incidence of lung cancer (LC) among men compared to regional and national data was reported. In a sub-area in the center of the province (cluster area), the incidence and mortality for LC was even higher. PROTOS is a case-control study aimed at investigating possible risk factors for LC in the province area. A total of 442 patients with LC and 1326 controls matched by sex and age living in the province of Lecce for at least 10 years were enrolled and georeferenced; they filled in a questionnaire with their personal information and exposures. For each risk factor, an Odds Ratio adjusted for all the other variables was calculated. The risk of LC increased with excessive use of alcohol in women, for those subjects with a family cancer history, for each increase in pack/year of cigarettes, for men more exposed considering the industrial district in the cluster area, and for those using pesticides in agriculture without wearing personal protective equipment. The higher incidence of adenocarcinoma in both sexes suggests that, in addition to cigarette smoking, concurrent exposures to other environmental, occupational, and life-style factors may play a role in increased cancer risk and should be more deeply explored

    La Casa Madre dei Mutilati a Roma

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    A volte ciò che è costantemente sotto gli occhi è così evidente da passare inosservato. È questo, ad esempio, il caso di uno degli edifici più singolari tra quelli costruiti a Roma “tra le due guerre”, la Casa Madre dei Mutilati di Marcello Piacentini. Il presente volume, seguendo il metodo del rilievo architettonico, propone una ri-lettura del monumento con riferimento alle motivazioni che hanno portato alla sua costruzione – committente è l’Associazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi di Guerra, di cui è la sede principale – al particolare periodo storico – compreso tra la Prima e la Seconda Guerra mondiale – al contesto urbano in cui è inserito – il quartiere Prati a Roma, tra il Palazzo di Giustizia e Castel Sant’Angelo – e alle scelte progettuali compiute che testimoniano come l’edificio possa considerasi terreno di sperimentazione per le nuove tendenze architettoniche dell’epoca. Non è inoltre da dimenticare il cospicuo team di artisti-collaboratori le cui opere impreziosiscono la Casa Madre rendendola un prezioso scrigno testimone di uno specifico periodo della Grande Storia

    L’Acqua Paola: pretesto per una nuova immagine della Roma del Seicento?

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    Tra i numerosi acquedotti che nel corso dei secoli hanno garantito il rifornimento idrico della città eterna, quello dell’Acqua Paola porta la nomea di recare un’acqua di scarsa qualità. Il suo tracciato ricalca quello dell’Acqua Traiana, demolito nel Medioevo, ed ha lo scopo di rifornire d’acqua una zona di Roma – quella del Gianicolo e soprattutto di Trastevere – che ne era rimasta priva per numerosi secoli. Se dunque il fine sociale può far passare in secondo piano la qualità dell’acqua fornita, è altrettanto possibile intravedere, nella storia della sua costruzione, quella che sembra essere stata la vera finalità del pontefice promotore dell’iniziativa: Paolo V. Tra il 1605 ed il 1621, periodo del suo pontificato, Roma fu infatti soggetta ad una consistente iniziativa edilizia che ebbe come fine la trasformazione dell’area di Trastevere e la nuova lottizzazione proprio delle pendici del Gianicolo. La costruzione del nuovo acquedotto si rivelava quindi fondamentale anche a causa delle trasformazioni previste nell’area. Le mostre d’acqua – almeno due, oggi poste in rapida successione l’una rispetto all’altra – e in primo luogo il cosiddetto “Fontanone” del Gianicolo, avrebbero celebrato la munificenza del pontefice che aveva riportato l’acqua in quella zona di Roma, ma allo stesso tempo sarebbero stati elementi decorativi, dal forte potere attrattivo, per il nuovo contesto urbano in formazione. Il presente contributo vuole evidenziare le interrelazioni occorse tra città ed acquedotto nella costruzione del suo tratto urbano, senza dimenticare le architetture più funzionali e di servizio – come le strutture lungo la via Aurelia antica – che ancora oggi svolgono la propria funzione e che, con la loro presenza, hanno contribuito alla trasformazione dell’immagine della Roma del Seicento.Among many aqueducts that over the centuries have guaranteed the water supply of the eternal city, the Acqua Paola brings the reputation of bringing a water of poor quality. Its path follows the one of the aqueduct of Trajan, demolished in the Middle Ages, and it is intended to supply water to an area of Rome - that of the Janiculum and above Trastevere - which had been lacking for many centuries. If, therefore, the social objective may overshadow the quality of water supplied, it is also possible to see, in the history of its construction, the one that seems to have been the true purpose of the pope promoter of: Paul V. Between 1605 and 1621, period of his pontificate, Rome was in fact subject to a substantial building initiative that had as its goal the transformation of the area of Trastevere and the new subdivision just the slopes of the Janiculum. The construction of the new aqueduct were, therefore, crucial because of the changes planned in the area too. Fountains - at least two, today placed in quick succession to each other - and first of the so-called "Fontanone" of Janiculum, would celebrate the bounty of the pope who had brought the water in that area of Rome, but at the same time they would be decorative elements with a strong power of attraction for the new urban environment in training. This paper aims to highlight the interrelationships that occurred between the city and the aqueduct in the construction of its urban stretch, not to mention the most functional and service architectures - like structures along the ancient Via Aurelia - that still carries out their function who, by their presence, have contributed to the transformation of the image of Rome of the seventeenth century