6 research outputs found

    I controlli di compliance

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    Diversi sono i fallimenti aziendali ai quali si è assistito negli ultimi decenni. In molti casi (Enron, Xerox, Parmalat)1 la causa principale del fallimento è riconducibile a debolezze e mancanze nel Sistema di Controllo Interno (SCI). Il SCI è costituito dall’insieme delle regole, delle procedure e delle strutture organizzative consentire che consentono l’identificazione, misurazione, gestione e monitoraggio dei principali rischi, così come previsto dal Codice Autodisciplina del 20152. Nelle situazioni di crisi il SCI non ha funzionato adeguatamente, determinando una non corretta, non coerente gestione dell’impresa rispetto agli obiettivi prefissati

    Sperm Selection for ICSI: Do We Have a Winner?

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    In assisted reproductive technology (ART), the aim of sperm cells’ preparation is to select competent spermatozoa with the highest fertilization potential and in this context, the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) represents the most applied technique for fertilization. This makes the process of identifying the perfect spermatozoa extremely important. A number of methods have now been developed to mimic some of the natural selection processes that exist in the female reproductive tract. Although many studies have been conducted to identify the election technique, many doubts and disagreements still remain. In this review, we will discuss all the sperm cell selection techniques currently available for ICSI, starting from the most basic methodologies and continuing with those techniques suitable for sperm cells with reduced motility. Furthermore, different techniques that exploit some sperm membrane characteristics and the most advanced strategy for sperm selection based on microfluidics, will be examined. Finally, a new sperm selection method based on a micro swim-up directly on the ICSI dish will be analyzed. Eventually, advantages and disadvantages of each technique will be debated, trying to draw reasonable conclusions on their efficacy in order to establish the gold standard method

    The Polymorphism Asn680Ser on the FSH Receptor and Abnormal Ovarian Response in Patients with Normal Values of AMH and AFC

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    After the controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), the number of cumulus oocyte complexes collected is lower than predicted. The aim of this study is to understand if there is a possible reason for that deficient ovarian response. It was hypothesized that this is associated with the SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) of the FSH receptor (FSHr), specifically c.2039A > G, resulting in Asn680Ser. Two groups of patients were enrolled for this purpose: the normal (n = 36) and abnormal responses (n = 31). To predict the number of retrievable oocytes, according to the anti-Mũllerian hormone (AMH) and the antral follicle count (AFC), the following formula was applied in a log scale: the number of oocytes retrieved = 2.584 − 0.015 × (age) − 0.035 × (FSH) + 0.038 × (AMH) + 0.026 × (AFC). Then, when the number of oocytes collected was less than 50% of the calculated value, it was proposed that the patients result in an abnormal response. DNA sample blood was collected from the women, and then the genetic assessment for the Asn680Ser of the FSHr was evaluated in both groups. The differences between the two categories were statistically analyzed with an independent samples t test, a Mann–Whitney U test and a Chi-squared test. In a patient with an abnormal response, a significant prevalence of the amino acid serine at position 680 of the FSHr compared to the counterpart group (p < 0.05) was detected. In conclusion, according to the results, the genetic evaluation of the FSHr could represent an accurate and predictive feature for patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment

    Biomarkers of aging in frailty and age-associated disorders: state of the art and future perspective

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    : According to the Geroscience concept that organismal aging and age-associated diseases share the same basic molecular mechanisms, the identification of biomarkers of age that can efficiently classify people as biologically older (or younger) than their chronological (i.e. calendar) age is becoming of paramount importance. These people will be in fact at higher (or lower) risk for many different age-associated diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, cancer, etc. In turn, patients suffering from these diseases are biologically older than healthy age-matched individuals. Many biomarkers that correlate with age have been described so far. The aim of the present review is to discuss the usefulness of some of these biomarkers (especially soluble, circulating ones) in order to identify frail patients, possibly before the appearance of clinical symptoms, as well as patients at risk for age-associated diseases. An overview of selected biomarkers will be discussed in this regard, in particular we will focus on biomarkers related to metabolic stress response, inflammation, and cell death (in particular in neurodegeneration), all phenomena connected to inflammaging (chronic, low-grade, age-associated inflammation). In the second part of the review, next-generation markers such as extracellular vesicles and their cargos, epigenetic markers and gut microbiota composition, will be discussed. Since recent progresses in omics techniques have allowed an exponential increase in the production of laboratory data also in the field of biomarkers of age, making it difficult to extract biological meaning from the huge mass of available data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches will be discussed as an increasingly important strategy for extracting knowledge from raw data and providing practitioners with actionable information to treat patients

    Comparative evaluation of subtyping tools for surveillance of newly emerging HIV-1 strains

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    HIV-1 non-B subtypes/circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) are increasing worldwide. Since subtype identification can be clinically relevant, we assessed the added value in HIV-1 subtyping using updated molecular phylogeny (Mphy) and the performance of routinely used automated tools. Updated Mphy (2015 updated reference sequences), used as a gold standard, was performed to subtype 13,116 HIV-1 protease/reverse transcriptase sequences and then compared with previous Mphy (reference sequences until 2014) and with COMET, REGA, SCUEAL, and Stanford subtyping tools. Updated Mphy classified subtype B as the most prevalent (73.4%), followed by CRF02-AG (7.9%), C (4.6%), F1 (3.4%), A1 (2.2%), G (1.6%), CRF12-BF (1.2%), and other subtypes (5.7%). A 2.3% proportion of sequences were reassigned as different subtypes or CRFs because of misclassification by previous Mphy. Overall, the tool most concordant with updated Mphy was Stanford-v8.1 (95.4%), followed by COMET (93.8%), REGA-v3 (92.5%), Stanford-old (91.1%), and SCUEAL (85.9%). All the tools had a high sensitivity (\ue2\u89\ua598.0%) and specificity (\ue2\u89\ua595.7%) for subtype B. Regarding non-B subtypes, Stanford-v8.1 was the best tool for C, D, and F subtypes and for CRFs 01, 02, 06, 11, and 36 (sensitivity, \ue2\u89\ua592.6%; specificity, \ue2\u89\ua599.1%). A1 and G subtypes were better classified by COMET (92.3%) and REGA-v3 (98.6%), respectively. Our findings confirm Mphy as the gold standard for accurate HIV-1 subtyping, although Stanford-v8.1, occasionally combined with COMET or REGA-v3, represents an effective subtyping approach in clinical settings. Periodic updating of HIV-1 reference sequences is fundamental to improving subtype characterization in the context of an effective epidemiological surveillance of non-B strains