3,170 research outputs found

    Elastic Registration of Geodesic Vascular Graphs

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    Vascular graphs can embed a number of high-level features, from morphological parameters, to functional biomarkers, and represent an invaluable tool for longitudinal and cross-sectional clinical inference. This, however, is only feasible when graphs are co-registered together, allowing coherent multiple comparisons. The robust registration of vascular topologies stands therefore as key enabling technology for group-wise analyses. In this work, we present an end-to-end vascular graph registration approach, that aligns networks with non-linear geometries and topological deformations, by introducing a novel overconnected geodesic vascular graph formulation, and without enforcing any anatomical prior constraint. The 3D elastic graph registration is then performed with state-of-the-art graph matching methods used in computer vision. Promising results of vascular matching are found using graphs from synthetic and real angiographies. Observations and future designs are discussed towards potential clinical applications

    Stability of the transthyretin molecule as a key factor in the interaction with a-beta peptide--relevance in Alzheimer's disease

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    Transthyretin (TTR) protects against A-Beta toxicity by binding the peptide thus inhibiting its aggregation. Previous work showed different TTR mutations interact differently with A-Beta, with increasing affinities correlating with decreasing amyloidogenecity of the TTR mutant; this did not impact on the levels of inhibition of A-Beta aggregation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy. Our work aimed at probing differences in binding to A-Beta by WT, T119M and L55P TTR using quantitative assays, and at identifying factors affecting this interaction. We addressed the impact of such factors in TTR ability to degrade A-Beta. Using a dot blot approach with the anti-oligomeric antibody A11, we showed that A-Beta formed oligomers transiently, indicating aggregation and fibril formation, whereas in the presence of WT and T119M TTR the oligomers persisted longer, indicative that these variants avoided further aggregation into fibrils. In contrast, L55PTTR was not able to inhibit oligomerization or to prevent evolution to aggregates and fibrils. Furthermore, apoptosis assessment showed WT and T119M TTR were able to protect against A-Beta toxicity. Because the amyloidogenic potential of TTR is inversely correlated with its stability, the use of drugs able to stabilize TTR tetrameric fold could result in increased TTR/ABeta binding. Here we showed that iododiflunisal, 3-dinitrophenol, resveratrol, [2-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)amino] (DCPA) and [4- (3,5-difluorophenyl)] (DFPB) were able to increase TTR binding to A-Beta; however only DCPA and DFPB improved TTR proteolytic activity. Thyroxine, a TTR ligand, did not influence TTR/A-Beta interaction and A-Beta degradation by TTR, whereas RBP, another TTR ligand, not only obstructed the interaction but also inhibited TTR proteolytic activity. Our results showed differences between WT and T119M TTR, and L55PTTR mutant regarding their interaction with A-Beta and prompt the stability of TTR as a key factor in this interaction, which may be relevant in AD pathogenesis and for the design of therapeutic TTR-based therapies

    A construtibilidade em projectos de edifícios para o ensino superior público em Portugal

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    A Construtibilidade é definida como “The optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives “ - A aplicação de forma optimizada dos conhecimentos e das experiências da construção durante as fases iniciais do projecto, de planeamento e concepção, de forma a facilitar o cumprimento dos objectivos do projecto. O correcto entendimento deste conceito e da sua integração nas metodologias de projecto, durante o período global do seu ciclo de vida, constitui-se como uma potente ferramenta para a construção dos objectivos de projecto e para a satisfação dos requisitos do dono de obra. Os dezassete princípios da Construtibilidade, aplicáveis ás diferentes fases do ciclo do projecto, são orientadores dos procedimentos de gestão e de decisão do projecto, procurando melhorar, do ponto de vista da Construtibilidade, as diferentes soluções de concepção. A implementação da Construtibilidade pode ser feita com recurso a meios mais ou menos formais, que devem ser escolhidos em função de factores diversos como o tipo, dimensão e complexidade do projecto, o tipo de dono de obra, as formas de contratação de projectistas e construtores, o tipo de organizações funcionais intervenientes, entre outros. Entre estas metodologias de implementação contam-se as revisões da construtibilidade e os programas da construtibilidade

    A segurança da utilização de edifícios públicos universitários

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    A segurança da utilização de edifícios é hoje uma preocupação social a vários níveis, designadamente nos aspectos associados à protecção e ao conforto, de entre os quais se pode salientar: a protecção contra intempéries, catástrofes naturais, incêndios, terrorismo, bio-terrorismo, roubos, agressões, raptos, acidentes, quedas, segurança ocupacional, higiene, segurança e saúde no trabalho, segurança ambiental, qualidade do ar, etc..Os edifícios devem ser objecto de uma especial preocupação enquanto espaços privilegiados para a permanência de um grande número de pessoas Nos edifícios destinados ao ensino superior universitário as funções desempenhadas dentro destes edifícios atingem crescente complexidade, sobretudo nos espaços destinados à investigação. Esta diversidade de funções ou usos, está muito associada às características específicas do espaço físico universitário. O estudo da segurança em projectos de edifícios deve ser abrangente e atender às particularidades especificas de todos os momentos do ciclo de vida de um edifício, bem como a toda a diversidade de possíveis ocupantes do edifício, seja qual for a sua actividade dentro do edifício ou o período de tempo em que lá permanecem. Nesta comunicação procurar-se-á abordar os princípios básicos do conceito da segurança da utilização e os benefícios emergentes da aplicação deste conceito para a melhoria do conforto e da protecção dos utilizadores para a melhoria da eficiência energética dos edifícios e a sustentabilidade das suas soluções construtivas e também para o aumento da produtividade das organizações e a melhoria do planeamento financeiro dos investimentos na construção de edifícios

    Análise de um modelo para a gestão da construtibilidade em projectos de edifícios para escolas do ensino superior em Portugal

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    A Construtibilidade é definida pela aplicação, de forma optimizada, dos conhecimentos e das experiências da construção durante as fases iniciais do projecto, de planeamento e concepção, de forma a facilitar e garantir o cumprimento dos objectivos do projecto. O entendimento deste conceito, das suas leis fundamentais, das principais metodologias de implementação, bem como da sua evolução teórica ao longo das últimas décadas, permite reconhecer como falhas da construtibilidade muitos dos principais problemas dos projectos de construção actualmente. Estas falhas da construtibilidade são frequentes também nos projectos de construção de escolas ou outros edifícios para o ensino superior público em Portugal. O conhecimento detalhado destes problemas, por parte de um dos autores, serviu como base de estudo e caracterização de uma metodologia de carácter informal para a implementação da construtibilidade a este tipo de projectos de construção, baseada num Modelo de Revisões da Construtibilidade que procura gerir a aplicação organizada de um conjunto de check-lists, organizadas para cada uma das principais especialidades destes projectos e de aplicação especifica a cada uma das fases de desenvolvimento dos projectos

    Sometimes it is better to just make it simple. De-escalation of oncoplastic and reconstructive procedures

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    © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Simple breast conservation surgery (sBCS) has technically advanced onto oncoplastic breast procedures (OBP) to avoid mastectomy and improve breast cancer patients' psychosocial well-being and cosmetic outcome. Although OBP are time-consuming and expensive, we are witnessing an increase in their use, even for cases that could be managed with sBCS. The choice between keeping it simple or opting for more complex oncoplastic procedures is difficult. This review proposes a pragmatic approach in assisting this decision. Medical literature suggests that OBP and sBCS might be similar regarding local recurrence and overall survival, and patients seem to have higher satisfaction levels with the aesthetic outcome of OBP when compared to sBCS. However, the lack of comprehensive high-quality research assessing their safety, efficacy, and patient-reported outcomes hinders these supposed conclusions. Postoperative complications after OBP may delay the initiation of adjuvant RT. In addition, precise displacement of the breast volume is not effectively recorded despite surgical clips placement, making accurate dose delivery tricky for radiation oncologists, and WBRT preferable to APBI in complex OBP cases. With a critical eye on financial toxicity, patient satisfaction, and oncological outcomes, OBP must be carefully integrated into clinical practice. The thoughtful provision of informed consent is essential for decision-making between sBCS and OBP. As we look into the future, machine learning and artificial intelligence can potentially help patients and doctors avoid postoperative regrets by setting realistic aesthetic expectations.Eduard-Alexandru Bonci’s work has been supported by a UICC Technical Fellowship [grant number UICC-TF/2022-1429].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Some things I tend to overlap even if not necessary. A discussion on PIM artifacts between researcher and research agent

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    The spread of mobile communications and IT artifacts in general, gives rise to a pervasive number of mobile working modalities, inducing transformations in social practices and organizational environments in a networked society. In order to design information systems we need to understand how information artifacts are used to get work done, and how these support work, inside and outside the organizations. By drawing on personal information management studies, information needs, and information-related myths, we built a qualitative study to uncover artifacts used to cross different information spaces, by different individuals, in different working contexts, over three years. The present case follows an approach built by researcher and research agent, across different information spaces, where we confronted the existing body of knowledge with empirical data collected. The first results show that permanent reconfigurations of working spaces beyond organizational boundaries are supported by deliberate mixes of information artifacts, that seem to be determined by familiarity with place, anticipation of needs, type of transportation used, distance and time covered, and access issues

    Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) on microstructure and properties of Al-FeAlCr intermetallic phase composites

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    An aluminium matrix composite was prepared by mixing commercial aluminium powders and 15 vol % of FeAlCr powders and consolidation by hot extrusion. The extruded composite was subjected to severe plastic deformation by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature and at 150°C. The extruded composite presents a uniform distribution of particles although some defects are observed such as residual pores and particle agglomerates. The particle distribution does not show a significant change due to ECAP. The extruded composite exhibits a relatively fine grain size of the order of 1-2 μm that was refined to 550 nm after three ECAP passes at room temperature by route A and to 636 nm after four passes at 150°C by route Bc. The yield stress of the composites was increased by 140 to 180% after ECAP as compared with the extruded condition.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Spanish Ministry of Education and ScienceUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Instituto de Ciência e TecnologiaUNIFESP, Instituto de Ciência e TecnologiaFAPESP: 2012/ 07536-0Spanish Ministry of Education and Science: MAT2009-07342SciEL
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