29 research outputs found

    Implication of employee\u27s perception of the role and activity of the human resources department in Romanian tourism & hospitality industry

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    This paper is focused on the results of a study which has as main objective the assessment of the perception that employees have on the activity and the role of the Human Resources Department in Romanian Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The study was based on the administration of a questionnaire designed especially for this purpose addressed to the employees. The dimensions included in the questionnaire: a) The role of the HR Department from the employees’ perspective b) Typical activities of the HR Department from the employees’ perspective c) The relationship of the HR Department with the employees – trust and interaction d) The investment in employees– the development of the employees

    The Importance of Implementing Performance Management System in Romanian Firms

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    To understand the importance of Performance Management (PM) we can start from the answers to the question: What distinguishes the “best” companies \ from the rest? Many writers and consultants are using the term “performance management” as a substitution for the traditional appraisal system. Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed and it ends when an employee leaves your organization. Within such a system, feedback to each staff member occurs regularly. Individual performance objectives are measurable and based on prioritized goals that support the accomplishment of the overall goals of the total organization. The vibrancy and performance of the organization is ensured because it focuses on developmental plans and opportunities for each staff member.performance management, organizational culture, people growth


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    A series of research untaken in the last decade have revealed some interesting aspects regarding the effects of different types of motivation on performance. Among the researchers who have shown interest in this field we can number: Richard Ryan, Edward Deci, Sam Glucksberg, Dan Ariely, Robert Eisenhower, Linda Shanock, analysts from London School of Economics, and others. Their findings suggest that extrinsic incentives may have a negative impact on overall performance, but a general agreement in this respect has not been reached. In this paper we intend to shed some light upon the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and performance. Experts define intrinsic motivation as being the execution of a task or activity because of the inherent satisfaction arising from it rather than due to some separate outcome. In contrast with intrinsic motivation, we speak of extrinsic motivation whenever an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome. With the purpose of contributing to the clarification of the links between concepts, we initiated and conducted an explanatory research. The research is based on the analysis of the relations between the results obtained by third year students and their predominant type of motivation. For this, we formulated and tested four work hypotheses using a combination of quantitative methods (investigation) and qualitative methods (focus group). After the validation of the questionnaires, the respondents were divided into four categories: intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated, both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated and unmotivated. To analyze the collected data, we made use of Excel and SPSS. Some of the primary conclusions of the research are as follows: as the average increases, the percent of individuals having both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is decreasing; the highest percentage of unmotivated students is concentrated in the highest average category; Female students tend to have better performance at university level. The research intends to be nearly a first step in the attempt to clarify the relationship between intrinsic (and extrinsic) motivation and performance. Further research is needed.intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, correlation


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    Companies facing the new economic world, dominated by demographic, macroeconomic, and technological changes need to see talent management as a business priority in order to survive. At the same time, the world economic crisis ads pressure over managers, ftalent management, human resources, strategy.

    Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums - Tools for Management and Marketing within Educational Organizations

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    This paper is about the use of Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums as tools for managers within educational organizations. In the same time, some of concepts, ideas and models can be used in other business organizations, especially in service providing organizations. Understanding management requires both learning and practicing, directly experiencing. People involved in electronic networks are experiencing the alternative to real communication. We considered Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums both as marketing tool and a human resources management tool. The benefits of using discussion lists are: people informed, involved and improved.electronic mailing list, internet forums, virtual groups, educational organization, educational tool, working groups


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    This paper is about the use of Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums as tools for managers within educational organizations. In the same time, some of concepts, ideas and models can be used in other business organizations, especially in service providing organizations. Understanding management requires both learning and practicing, directly experiencing. People involved in electronic networks are experiencing the alternative to real communication. We considered Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums both as marketing tool and a human resources management tool. The benefits of using discussion lists are: people informed, involved and improved

    Aspects Concerning the Opportunities of Career Development in the Human Resources Domain

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    The function of human resources is an unusual matter concerning the evolution of other functions of the organization. The enriching and changing process of its status determined, at the same time, a movement of its instruments and activities as far as all the departments and activities are concerned, so that it can ensure a true partnership with the personnel and to be closer to reality. Our step can’t situate itself outside the new context of the evolution of the human resources function.evolution, human resources, opportunities, human resources department


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    Decision making is one of the important tasks of every manager. The process of taking decisions has to be based on knowledge. For optimizing this process some software solutions has been created. In this article we tried to summarize some of the features which exists in some software applications.decision making, risk solver