446 research outputs found

    The Objectives of Education from Plato's Point of View and its Critique from Dewey's Vision

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    An obvious objective of an idealist education is to encourage students to seek the truth. According to Plato, humans should essentially commit themselves to investigate the truth, and he suggests some objectives to achieve it. Plato's thoughts are important as the beginning of the idealist thoughts and the first philosopher who has studied education. He declares that the objective of education is a fight against the ugliness, affectations and fabrications. It is essential at first to train people for the realization of good governance so that the most intelligent people take the reins of power. But from Dewey's opinion education means reconsidering the experiences and reforming them so that they can provide more growth, he believes that the objective of education is a democratic society and its effectiveness depends on the quality of education; certainly he believes that democracy is not only a political approach to govern the country affairs but a way of life. And, he never believes in a stable and non-transformable community as an appropriate bed to realize the correct education

    Rapid Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter and Precursors to Disinfection By-Products by Fluorescence Technique

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    Natural organic matter (NOM) in the environment today does not only come from humic sources, but also from non-humic or synthetic sources. The typical total organic carbon (TOC) analysis has been typically used as an aggregate measure of NOM in water. NOM from surface water sources were isolated and fractionated by resin adsorption techniques into hydrophobic acid, hydrophobic neutral, hydrophobic base, hydrophilic acid, hydrophilic neutral and hydrophilic base. The Spectral Fluorescent Signatures (SFS) technique through a database of spectral characteristics specific to each fraction was developed for the identification of the six NOM fractions. Among the main advantages of the technique are high sensitivity and rapid identification. The potential use of the SFS technique for the rapid spatial and temporal qualitative and quantitative identification of the NOM fractions, including the problematic ones, such as precursors to trihalomethanes (THMs) formation following chlorination of water will be presented

    The Objectives of Education from Plato's Point of View and its Critique from Dewey's Vision

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    An obvious objective of an idealist education is to encourage students to seek the truth. According to Plato, humans should essentially commit themselves to investigate the truth, and he suggests some objectives to achieve it. Plato's thoughts are important as the beginning of the idealist thoughts and the first philosopher who has studied education. He declares that the objective of education is a fight against the ugliness, affectations and fabrications. It is essential at first to train people for the realization of good governance so that the most intelligent people take the reins of power. But from Dewey's opinion education means reconsidering the experiences and reforming them so that they can provide more growth, he believes that the objective of education is a democratic society and its effectiveness depends on the quality of education; certainly he believes that democracy is not only a political approach to govern the country affairs but a way of life. And, he never believes in a stable and non-transformable community as an appropriate bed to realize the correct education

    Effect of Size, Shape and Environment on the Optical Response of Metallic Nanoparticles

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    The aim of this chapter is to investigate the effect of size, shape and environment on the optical properties of metallic nanoparticles in a large spectral range (λ = 300–900 nm) using quasi-static approximation for nanoparticles of sizes (D = 10–40 nm) and Mie theory for nanoparticles of sizes (D = 40–100 nm). Extinction (scattering and absorption) cross-sectional spectrum of nanoparticles is obtained for different diameters embedded in different matrices. Collective oscillation of electrons in conduction band in metallic nanoparticles is known as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomena. SPR of metallic nanoparticles has significant applications in optics, communications and biosensors. We present in this chapter the effects of the interparticle distance on the optical response of gold dimer nanoparticles of 100 nm diameter. The extinction spectra of dimer nanoparticles are calculated by using generalized Mie theory

    Is it time to revisit vitamin B12 for mental health and cognitive functions in elderly?

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    Decline in cognitive and motor functions and in mental health are commonly seen with aging. Although many reports attribute their etiology to aging, these conditions may have vitamin B12 deficiency as an underlying mechanism. Laboratory tests to assess vitamin B12 deficiency lack sensitivity and specificity largely due to absence of a gold standard for diagnosis. Additionally, patients with subclinical vitamin B12 deficiency have typically normal serum concentration levels and do not exhibit the classical symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Furthermore, many comorbidities that exist with aging decrease vitamin B12 and bioavailaibility from the gut. If left untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency leads to irreversible nerve damage and brain atrophy which may result in mood alteration and cognitive decline. Microstructural changes in the myelin sheath have been described to alter the central nervous function. Additionally, elevated levels of serum homocysteine and epigenetic modifications have been documented with vitamin B12 deficiency. However, due to lack of vitamin B12 test sensitivity, many reports in the literature have failed to report a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and cognitive and mental health decline in elderly. The review suggests that there is a need to re-evaluate the role of vitamin B12 in these functions, especially in patients with comorbidities. Standardization of vitamin B12 testing across studies is needed to provide a better consensus of the actual role of vitamin B12 on cognitive function and mental health across populations


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    Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of palladium parallelepiped nanoparticle have been investigated using Finite Element Method (FEM) in the frame of COMSOL Multiphysics Software. Spectral characteristics (magnitude, peak position and width) of LSPR of a single Pd nanoparticle having the shape of a parallelepiped are investigated in two different cases. The first case studied the size effect on LSPR by fixing the height with varying both length and width. However, the second case studied the shape effect on the LSPR by rounding the corners of the parallelepiped for different radii while fixing its dimensions. The extinction cross-section spectra of these different size and shape nanoparticles are calculated for two orthogonal polarization angles and performed over a broad spectral range from 200 to 900 nm. By increasing the radius corner of the parallelepiped nanoparticle, the simulations showed a blue-shifting of the LSPR for polarization along y axis. Palladium nanoparticles have shown significant potential for various applications such as in the field of biomedical applications, environment protection, sensing and information technology applications


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    In this work, a computational study is carried out to investigate the optical response of palladium nano-cylinders. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is employed using the COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS simulation program to calculate the scattering, absorption, and extinction cross-sections. The influence of the size of the cylindrical nanoparticles on their optical properties is discussed. The results are plotted for a broad spectral range of wavelengths from ultra-violet to infra-red of the incident electromagnetic wave on the cylindrical nanoparticles


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    The aim of this paper is to study the interaction of the electromagnetic wave with plasmonic nanoparticles. Localized Surface Plasmon resonance (LSPR) characteristics are governed by the intrinsic properties of the nanoparticle (size, shape and dielectric environment). The extinction cross-section spectra of Cu nanoparticles are calculated using finite element method (FEM). By increasing both the size of the nanoparticle and the dielectric environment, the simulations show a red-shifting and broadening on the LSPR spectrum with enhancement of the spectral amplitude. The extinction cross section spectra are calculated using polarized light for non-spherical or assembled nanoparticles. We investigated the LSPR of Cu nanospheres of different arrangements, showing that the optical response depends on the order of nanospheres and the light polarization

    Jarak Sosial Masyarakat Dengan Kelompok Lesbian Gay Biseksual Dan Trangender (LGBT) Desa Salilama Kecamatan Mananggu Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gotontalo

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    Penyimpangan seksual saat ini banyak sekali terjadi di tengah masyarakat. Fenomena ini secara otomatis sangat mengkhawatirkan berbagai pihak karena penyimpangan seksual akan membawa dampak buruk bagi pelakunya. Fenomena Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) menjadi perdebatan yang panas di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah peneletian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 masyarakat . Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan beberapa metode pengumpulan data yaitu berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari 20 informan yang di wawancarai ada 13 informan yang menolak adanya  LGBT secara pribadi tapi tidak dengan keberadaan mereka selagi mereka tidak menganggu masyarakat lainnya.  Tapi 5 diantaranya sama sekali  tidak menerima LGBT adanya LGBT ini dilingkungan baik dari teman, tentangga, tamu, ataupun kelurga dalam perkawinan alasan merupakan perilaku menyimpang dan melanggar norma agama, dengan kata lain lain masyarakat memiliki jarak social  dengan Kelompok  LGBT ini artinya masyarakat masih memiliki prasangka terhadap LGBT. Sedangkan 7 informan menerima keberdaan LGBT dalam lingkungan tempat tinggalnya ataupun dalam dunia pekerjaan selagi mereka tidak menganggu keluarga ataupun masyarakat lainnya. Hasil kesimpulan bahwa Jarak Sosial Masyarakat Dengan Kelompok LGBT Desa Salilama Kecamatan Mananggu Kabupaten Boalemo Provinsi Gorontalo. Menunujukkan bahwa masyarakat menerima keberdaan LGBT dilingkungannya.  Kata Kunci: Jarak Sosial, Masyarakat, LGB

    "Lectores para la justicia" como proyecto de investigación-acción : aproximaciones filosóficas

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    In this paper we propose to think about philosophical and methodological foundations of the research-action in the University. We start with the analysis of the UBACyT Project "Readers for Justice". We argue that the Communitarianism has several points in common with the purpose of the project. We also understand that qualitative methodology is a great support for this kind of program, linking literature, teaching and action within/to the community.Fil: Costable, Ornella. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: González Zurro, Guillermo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Marhaba, Débora. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEn este trabajo nos proponemos pensar fundamentos filosóficos y metodológicos de la investigación-acción universitaria, partiendo del análisis del Proyecto UBACyT "Lectores para la Justicia". Sostenemos que la corriente comunitarista presenta varios puntos en común con la finalidad del proyecto. Asimismo, entendemos que la metodología cualitativa es la que mayor respaldo presenta en este programa, que enlaza la literatura, la enseñanza y la acción dentro y hacia la comunidad de la que formamos parte