3 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper was to model a neural network capable of detecting mathematically gifted fourth-grade elementary school pupils. The input space consisted of variables describing the five basic components of a child\u27s mathematical gift identified in the body of previous research. The scientifically confirmed psychological evaluation of gift based on Raven\u27s standard progressive matrices was used at the output. Three neural network models were tested on a Croatian dataset: multilayer perceptron, radial basis, and probabilistic network. The models\u27 performances were measuredaccording to the average hit rate obtained on the test sample. According to the results, the highest accuracy is produced by the radial basis neural network, which correctly recognizes all gifted children. Such high classification accuracy shows that neural networks have the potential to serve as an effective intelligent decision support tool able to assist teachers in detecting mathematically gifted children. This can be particularly useful in schools in which there is a shortage of psychologistsCilj ovoga rada bio je modeliranje neuronske mreže kojom bi se mogla otkriti matematička darovitost u učenika četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola. Ulaz se sastojao od varijabli izvedenih za opis pet osnovnih komponenata matematičke darovitosti u djece, a koje su ustanovljene u prethodnim istraživanjima. Kao izlazni rezultat upotrijebljena je znanstveno potvrđena psihološka evaluacija darovitosti utemeljena u Ravenovim progresivnim matricama. Tri modela neuronskih mreža testirana su na hrvatskim podatcima: višeslojni perceptron, mreža s radijalno zasnovanom funkcijom i probabilistička (vjerojatnosna) mreža. Rad mreža mjeren je u odnosu na prosječnu stopu pogodaka prikupljenih na testnom uzorku. Analiza je pokazala da je najvišu točnost postigla neuronska mreža s radijalno zasnovanom funkcijom, kojom se mogu točno prepoznati sva darovita djeca. Tako visoka točnost u klasifikaciji pokazuje da neuronske mreže imaju potencijal služiti kao efektivan alat inteligentne odluke pomoću kojega bi učitelji mogli otkriti djecu s darovitošću za matematiku. To može biti osobito korisno u školama s manjkom psihologa


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    The aim of this paper was to model a neural network capable of detecting mathematically gifted fourth-grade elementary school pupils. The input space consisted of variables describing the five basic components of a child\u27s mathematical gift identified in the body of previous research. The scientifically confirmed psychological evaluation of gift based on Raven\u27s standard progressive matrices was used at the output. Three neural network models were tested on a Croatian dataset: multilayer perceptron, radial basis, and probabilistic network. The models\u27 performances were measuredaccording to the average hit rate obtained on the test sample. According to the results, the highest accuracy is produced by the radial basis neural network, which correctly recognizes all gifted children. Such high classification accuracy shows that neural networks have the potential to serve as an effective intelligent decision support tool able to assist teachers in detecting mathematically gifted children. This can be particularly useful in schools in which there is a shortage of psychologistsCilj ovoga rada bio je modeliranje neuronske mreže kojom bi se mogla otkriti matematička darovitost u učenika četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola. Ulaz se sastojao od varijabli izvedenih za opis pet osnovnih komponenata matematičke darovitosti u djece, a koje su ustanovljene u prethodnim istraživanjima. Kao izlazni rezultat upotrijebljena je znanstveno potvrđena psihološka evaluacija darovitosti utemeljena u Ravenovim progresivnim matricama. Tri modela neuronskih mreža testirana su na hrvatskim podatcima: višeslojni perceptron, mreža s radijalno zasnovanom funkcijom i probabilistička (vjerojatnosna) mreža. Rad mreža mjeren je u odnosu na prosječnu stopu pogodaka prikupljenih na testnom uzorku. Analiza je pokazala da je najvišu točnost postigla neuronska mreža s radijalno zasnovanom funkcijom, kojom se mogu točno prepoznati sva darovita djeca. Tako visoka točnost u klasifikaciji pokazuje da neuronske mreže imaju potencijal služiti kao efektivan alat inteligentne odluke pomoću kojega bi učitelji mogli otkriti djecu s darovitošću za matematiku. To može biti osobito korisno u školama s manjkom psihologa

    Das Erkennen mathematisch begabter Kinder mit Hilfe von Lehrern, Psychologen und eines Expertensystems

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    A scientifically approved psychological finding of gift is usually not available to all schools. In order to obtain an accurate and early detection of mathematically gifted children, an intelligent expert system MathGift is proposed to assist teachers in making decision about a child\u27s gift in mathematics in the fourth grade of elementary school. Besides mathematical competencies, the system includes other components while deciding about the giftedness in mathematics, such as cognitive components of gift, personal components that contribute to gift development, strategies of learning and exercising, as well as some environmental factors. A survey was conducted at ten elementary schools where the expert system\u27s, psychologists\u27 and teachers\u27 estimates were obtained for each child in the sample. The paper discusses some differences among the estimations of children\u27s mathematical gift obtained by the ES, psychologists and teachers. The results show that the expert system can be suggested as a methodological tool to assist teachers in making decision about children\u27s gift in mathematics.Znanstveno dokazana psihološka detekcija darovitih učenika obično nije dostupna u svim školama. Kako bi se omogućilo točno i rano prepoznavanje matematički darovite djece, predložen je inteligentni ekspertni sustav MathGift kao pomoć učiteljima u donošenju odluke o matematičkoj darovitosti djece u četvrtom razredu osnovne škole. Osim matematičkih kompetencija, sustav uključuje ostale komponente darovitosti u donošenju odluke, kao što su kognitivne komponente darovitosti, osobne komponente koje pridonose razvoju darovitosti, strategije učenja i vježbanja, kao i neke činitelje okoline. Istraživanje je provedeno u deset osnovnih škola, pri čemu su prikupljene procjene ekspertnoga sustava, psihologa i učitelja za svako dijete u promatranom uzorku. Rad opisuje neke razlike između procjena darovitosti djece dobivenih u ekspertnom sustavu psihologa i učitelja. Rezultati pokazuju da se ekspertni sustav može predložiti kao metodološki alat koji će pomoći učiteljima u odlučivanju o matematičkoj darovitosti djece.Eine objektiv nachweisbare psychologische Detektierung begabter Schüler ist an Schulen gemeinhin nicht möglich. Um eine exakte Früherkennung mathematisch begabter Kinder zu ermöglichen, wurde vorgeschlagen, Grundschullehrern der vierten Klasse das Expertensystem MathGift als Hilfsmittel an die Hand zu geben, um ihnen den Einblick in die Begabung von Schülern zu erleichtern. Neben mathematischen umfasst das Expertensystem auch andere zur Begabungsentfaltung beitragende Kompetenzen, so kognitive Fähigkeiten, persönliche Merkmale, Lern- und Übungsstrategien sowie einige Faktoren aus dem sozialen Umfeld. Eine entsprechende Untersuchung wurde an zehn kroatischen Grundschulen durchgeführt, wobei die auf ein bestimmtes Kind bezogenen Resultate des Expertensystems sowie Einschätzungen von Psychologen und Lehrern festgehalten wurden. Die Verfasser beschreiben, welche Abweichungen dabei zu verzeichnen waren. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass das Expertensystem als methodologisches Hilfsmittel zur Erkennung mathematischer Begabung vorgeschlagen werden kann