197 research outputs found

    Urban Parks as Partners in Youth Development

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    Details how parks can contribute to the latest thinking about effective youth development programs, with a move beyond the traditional view of parks as venues for play

    Expanding Access to Economic Opportunity in Fast-Growth Metropolitan Areas

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    Many community development initiatives traditionally funded by foundations and the federal government evolved to respond to the economic conditions and barriers facing communities in big cities of the northeast and midwest. But conditions are dramatically different in Houston and other fast-growing metros like it. Neighborhood Centers, Inc. is developing and testing strategies for connecting underserved people to opportunities that reflect the realities of Houston's geography, demographics, and economy. This paper is intended to start a discussion about how these strategies differ from more traditional place-based antipoverty strategies, and how similar approaches may suit other metros like Houston

    Making Work Pay Enough: A Decent Standard of Living for Working Families

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    Outlines the needs of low-income working families in meeting everyday living expenses, and proposes reforms and policy initiatives that would both increase incomes and purchasing power and reduce expenditures, especially housing costs

    Vibrant Neighborhoods, Successful Schools: What the Federal Government Can Do to Foster Both

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    Recommends coordinating housing and education policies to create mixed-income neighborhoods with good schools and quality educators, to lower student turnover, and to improve health, nutrition, and school readiness. Presents examples of local initiatives

    How Does Family Well-Being Vary Across Different Types of Neighborhoods?

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    Based on national survey data, examines the impact of neighborhood environments on the well-being of families and children, as indicated by family work effort, economic security, access to services including health care and child care, and child behavior

    Federal Programs for Addressing Low-Income Housing Needs: A Policy Primer

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    Provides an overview of federal rental assistance programs, their scope, and their limitations, with data on recipients by type, region, family income and structure, and race/ethnicity. Outlines policy implications for children and community development

    Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: Phase 3 - Native Americans

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    This paper documents the results of a pilot paired testing program to examine the treatment of Native Americans by real estate agents in rental housing markets in three states and owner-occupied housing markets in one state. The study finds that the level of discrimination experienced by Native Americans in rental markets exceed those experienced by Hispanics, Blacks, and Asian-Americans.

    Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets Phase II: Asians and Pacific Islanders

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    This report documents the results of a an 11-city paired testing study by the Department of Housing and Urban Development of housing discrimination against Asian- Americans and Pacific Islanders. The study shows that one out of every five Asians and Pacific Islanders attempting to buy or rent a home are discriminated against, a rate similar to that of African Americans and Hispanics.

    Assisted Housing Mobility and the Success of Low-Income Minority Families: Lessons for Policy, Practice, and Future Research

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    Based on results from the Gautreaux desegregation and Moving to Opportunity programs, discusses ways to make assisted housing mobility policies more effective in the long term, including experimenting with target populations and placement areas

    Mark Twain at mid-century, 1950-1961 A synthesis of critical views fifty years after his death

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    The central purpose of the study is to investigate some of the recent criticism, both scholarly and popular, of the literary works of Samuel Longhorn Clemens to try to discover how it reflects the general trends in modern literary criticism. The great surge of popular interest in Mark Twain stems from many sources and has varied causes. Particularly at the close of a very successful anniversary year, it is interesting to make a general survey of the literature, both books and periodicals, in an attempt to synthesize the major ideas expressed in them. For the purpose of this investigation the research has been limited to the last decade, 1950 to 1961, except where it has been necessary to refer to earlier work to establish a background for the present study into trace developments and changes in literary criticism over the past fifty years