1,080 research outputs found

    Liquidi ionici sensibili al pH per lo sviluppo di sensori

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    L’obbiettivo del presente lavoro Ăš stato la progettazione di liquidi ionici opportunamente funzionalizzati allo scopo di risultare sensibili alle variazioni di pH e quindi potenzialmente utilizzabili da soli o in matrici come sensori. Nella prima fase del lavoro sono stati sintetizzati liquidi ionici a base di imidazolio e pirrolo contenenti piĂč funzioni carbossiliche, aventi piĂč costanti di e in grado di coprire un largo intervallo di pH. Nella fase successiva sono stati sintetizzati liquidi ionici N-ossidi a base morfolinica, esametilen-amminica, previa ossidazione con ossidanti ecocompatibili, poichĂ© questo tipo di funzionalizzazione li rende delle basi deboli sensibili a variazioni di pH. Successivamente Ăš stato preparato un liquido ionico con caratteristiche di gelificante previa solubilizzazione in acqua, ad alte temperature, morfologicamente sensibile alla variazione di pH grazie a gruppi funzionali protonabili. Di liquidi ionici sono stati preparati sono state analizzati le proprietĂ  chimico fisiche

    Regulatory and Environmental Effects on Public Transit Efficiency. A Mixed DEA-SFA Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to account for the impact of statistical noise and exogenous regulatory and environmental factors on the efficiency of public transit systems in a DEA-based framework. To this end, we implement a three-stage DEA-SFA mixed approach based on Fried et al. (2002) using a 1993-1999 panel of 42 Italian public transit companies. This allows us to decompose input-specific DEA inefficiency measures into three components: exogenous effects, pure managerial inefficiency, and statistical noise. First, the initial evaluation of producer performance is carried out using conventional variable returns to scale DEA (Banker et al., 1984). Second, a SFA approach (Battese and Coelli, 1992) is used to regress single input slacks on subsidies regulation (cost-plus versus fixed-price contracts) and a set of environmental variables including network speed and user density. Finally, third stage re-runs DEA on inputs purged of both exogenous effects and statistical noise. Results are such that adjusting for the type of regulatory scheme, environmental conditions, and statistical noise increases average efficiency in the industry and reduces dispersion among firms. Furthermore, the implementation of fixed-price subsidies is found to enhance efficiency in the usage of “drivers” and “materials and services” inputs. Such a result sheds some light on the determinants of input-specific efficiency differentials in the industry, improving the existing evidence on mean overall cost efficiency (e.g. Gagnepain e Ivaldi, 2002; Piacenza, 2006). As a policy implication, it is confirmed the relevance of regula tion aimed at replacing cost-plus subsidization mechanisms with high-powered incentive contracts as well as improving operating conditions of public transport networks.Public transit systems, Regulation, Environmental effects, Statistical noise, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)

    A childhood case of symptomatic essential and psychogenic palatal tremor

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    Palatal tremor is a rare movement disorder characterized by rhythmic contractions of the soft palate. It is most often symptomatic, secondary to brainstem or cerebellar disease and, in rarer cases, is categorized as essential in the absence of documented brain lesions. There have also been reports in the literature of cases of palatal tremor described as psychogenic because they were associated with psychological or psychiatric disorders. We describe the case of a 12-year-old boy with palatal tremor presenting clinical features of symptomatic essential and psychogenic palatal tremor, thus suggesting a neuropsychopathological continuum between the different forms of disease

    A review of executive function deficits in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Executive dysfunction has been shown to be a promising endophenotype in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This article reviewed 26 studies that examined executive function comparing ASD and/or ADHD children. In light of findings from this review, the ASD + ADHD group appears to share impairment in both flexibility and planning with the ASD group, while it shares the response inhibition deficit with the ADHD group. Conversely, deficit in attention, working memory, preparatory processes, fluency, and concept formation does not appear to be distinctive in discriminating from ASD, ADHD, or ASD + ADHD group. On the basis of neurocognitive endophenotype, the common co-occurrence of executive function deficits seems to reflect an additive comorbidity, rather than a separate condition with distinct impairments

    Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis followed by Optic Neuritis: A Rare Syndrome of Uncertain Treatment and Prognosis

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    Aim Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis followed by optic neuritis (ADEM-ON), first described in 2013, is a rare demyelinating syndrome, typical of the pediatric age. We conducted a mini review of the existing literature, focusing on clinical, laboratory, radiological, therapeutic, and prognostic aspects in order to improve the identification of new cases. Methods We searched PubMed and Cochrane Library for studies on ADEM-ON between 2013 and 2018. Results Examination of the reported cases (three case reports and eight observational studies) established the following features. Time between ADEM and ON is highly variable. Almost all patients show antimyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody (MOG-abs) seropositivity. High-dose intravenous steroid and plasmapheresis efficacy is reported for the acute phase; oral prednisone and other maintenance drugs may be useful in avoiding relapses. The clinical history may lead to a complete recovery but also to residual deficits. Conclusion MOG-abs detection strongly supports ADEM-ON diagnosis, confirming this entity as part of MOG-abs spectrum disorder. Owing to the very small number of cases so far reported, predicting clinical evolution is very difficult

    Subtyping the Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comparison of Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome

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    Since Hans Asperger's first description (Arch Psych Nervenkrankh 117:76-136, 1944), through Lorna Wing's translation and definition (Psychol Med 11:115-129, 1981), to its introduction in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM, 1994), Asperger Syndrome has always aroused huge interest and debate, until vanishing in the DSM fifth edition (2013). The debate regarded its diagnostic validity and its differentiation from high functioning autism (HFA). The present study aimed to examine whether AS differed from HFA in clinical profiles and to analyze the impact of DSM-5's innovation. Differences in cognitive, language, school functioning and comorbidities, were revealed when 80 AS and 70 HFA patients (3-18 years) were compared. Results suggested that an AS empirical distinction within autism spectrum disorder should be clinically useful

    Coupled ocean-land millennial-scale changes 1.26millionyears ago, recorded at Site U1385 off Portugal

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    While a growing body of evidence indicates that North Atlantic millennial-scale climate variability extends to the Early Pleistocene, its impact on terrestrial ecosystems has not been established. Here we present ultra-high resolution (70–140 year) joint foraminiferal isotopic and pollen analyses from IODP Site U1385 off Portugal, focusing on a short glacial section of Marine Isotope Stage 38, ~ 1.26 million years ago. Our records reveal the presence of millennial-scale variability in the coupled ocean–atmosphere-land system in the North Atlantic and provide the first direct evidence for the response of western Iberian vegetation to abrupt climate changes in the Early Pleistocene. The magnitude and pacing of changes bear significant similarities to Dansgaard-Oeschger variability of the Late/Middle Pleistocene.The work was funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (RPG2014-41) and a Natural Environment Research Council Grant (NE/K005804/1). This research used samples and data provided by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP).This is the accepted manuscript. It first appeared at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.10.00

    Very early onset and greater vulnerability in schizophrenia: A clinical and neuroimaging study

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    Although schizophrenia has been diagnosed in children, this group of disorders has received too little attention in the clinical and research literature. Preliminary data suggest that early onset schizophrenia (EOS) and very early onset schizophrenia (VEOS) tend to have a worse outcome than adult onset schizophrenia, and seem to be related to a greater familial vulnerability, due to genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. Recently, advanced neuroimaging techniques have revealed structural and functional brain abnormalities in some cerebral areas. This paper reports on a case diagnosed as VEOS, with premorbid year-long psychopathological history. The patient showed atypical proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings, and normal brain and spine computer tomography and brain magnetic resonance images
