343 research outputs found

    Multilayer Network of Language: a Unified Framework for Structural Analysis of Linguistic Subsystems

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    Recently, the focus of complex networks research has shifted from the analysis of isolated properties of a system toward a more realistic modeling of multiple phenomena - multilayer networks. Motivated by the prosperity of multilayer approach in social, transport or trade systems, we propose the introduction of multilayer networks for language. The multilayer network of language is a unified framework for modeling linguistic subsystems and their structural properties enabling the exploration of their mutual interactions. Various aspects of natural language systems can be represented as complex networks, whose vertices depict linguistic units, while links model their relations. The multilayer network of language is defined by three aspects: the network construction principle, the linguistic subsystem and the language of interest. More precisely, we construct a word-level (syntax, co-occurrence and its shuffled counterpart) and a subword level (syllables and graphemes) network layers, from five variations of original text (in the modeled language). The obtained results suggest that there are substantial differences between the networks structures of different language subsystems, which are hidden during the exploration of an isolated layer. The word-level layers share structural properties regardless of the language (e.g. Croatian or English), while the syllabic subword level expresses more language dependent structural properties. The preserved weighted overlap quantifies the similarity of word-level layers in weighted and directed networks. Moreover, the analysis of motifs reveals a close topological structure of the syntactic and syllabic layers for both languages. The findings corroborate that the multilayer network framework is a powerful, consistent and systematic approach to model several linguistic subsystems simultaneously and hence to provide a more unified view on language

    Complex Networks Measures for Differentiation between Normal and Shuffled Croatian Texts

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    This paper studies the properties of the Croatian texts via complex networks. We present network properties of normal and shuffled Croatian texts for different shuffling principles: on the sentence level and on the text level. In both experiments we preserved the vocabulary size, word and sentence frequency distributions. Additionally, in the first shuffling approach we preserved the sentence structure of the text and the number of words per sentence. Obtained results showed that degree rank distributions exhibit no substantial deviation in shuffled networks, and strength rank distributions are preserved due to the same word frequencies. Therefore, standard approach to study the structure of linguistic co-occurrence networks showed no clear difference among the topologies of normal and shuffled texts. Finally, we showed that the in- and out- selectivity values from shuffled texts are constantly below selectivity values calculated from normal texts. Our results corroborate that the node selectivity measure can capture structural differences between original and shuffled Croatian texts

    Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the Time of COVID

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    Prevention of other vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) must not be ignored during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Epidemiology of HIV Infection and AIDS in Croatia ā€“ An Overview

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    This article presents an overview of HIV/AIDS epidemiology and surveillance in Croatia 20 years after the first documented case of AIDS in the country. Here we describe strategies employed for HIV/AIDS surveillance in Croatia as well as preliminary results of HIV seroprevalence among most-at-risk populations (MARPs) research conducted by the Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Service at the Croatian National Institute of Public Health (CNIPH). Croatia has a low incidence and prevalence of HIV and AIDS. At the end of 2005, there were 553 documented cases of HIV infection, 239 of which progressed to AIDS. In Croatia, AIDS is being registered within MARPs only and dominantly among men who have sex with men (MSM). AIDS patients and HIV infected persons are found in all parts of the country. Crude prevalence of HIV among MARPs was found to be 0.9%. It is necessary to continue with current prevention and control measures in the country, and to create a culture of awareness and precaution, a strategy that has proven effective in reducing risk of HIV infection

    Umrljivost, incidenca raka in invalidnost pri poklicnih voznikih v Sloveniji

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    Literature data about all-cause and cause-specific mortality among professional drivers are inconsistent. Most studies report lower all-cause and higher cause-specific mortality. Higher cause-specific mortality is most often the result of malignant and circulatory diseases. The aim of our retrospective cohort study was to get a better insight into the mortality, cancer incidence, and occupational disability of the entire professional driver population in Slovenia (N=8,231) from 1997 to 2016 through standardised mortality ratio (SMR), standardized proportional mortality ratio (SPMR), standardised cancer incidence ratio (SIR), and standardised disability ratio (SDR). Total mortality was significantly lower than that of the general working population (SMR=0.49; 95 % CI=0.44ā€“0.55). When SPMR was calculated, however, the risk of all-cause mortality increased to 1 (SPMR=1.00; 95 % CI=0.89ā€“1.12), of cancer-related mortality to 1.13 (95 % CI=0.94ā€“1.35), and of injury-related mortality to 1.25 (95 % CI=0.97ā€“1.59). Cancer incidence was lower than in the general male working population for all types of cancer (SIR=0.66; 95 % CI=0.59ā€“0.72), lung cancer included (SIR=0.56; 95 % CI=0.41ā€“0.73). Occupational all-cause and cause-specific disability were also lower than in the rest of the working population. Even though all types of cancer and injuries were established among professional drivers in Slovenia, no major risk stand out. However, our findings may have been skewed by the healthy worker effect.Podatki o sploÅ”ni in specifični umrljivosti poklicnih voznikov so nekonsistentni. Večina raziskav poroča o nižji sploÅ”ni in viÅ”ji specifični umrljivosti poklicnih voznikov. Kot najpogostejÅ”a vzroka viÅ”je specifične umrljivosti poklicnih voznikov se omenjajo maligne bolezni in bolezni obtočil. Med malignimi boleznimi so najpogostejÅ”i malignomi dihal, sečil in prebavil, kar se povezuje tudi z izpostavljenostjo dizelskim plinom, ki so dokazani karcinogeni. Namen naÅ”e retrospektivne kohortne Å”tudije je bil pridobiti boljÅ”i vpogled v umrljivost, incidenco raka in delovno invalidnost poklicnih voznikov. V kohorto smo vključili 8231 moÅ”kih voznikov, ki so bili v obdobju od 1997 do 2016 vključeni v poklicno zavarovanje. Uporabili smo indirektno standardizacijo in izračunali standardizirano razmerje umrljivosti (SMR), standardizirano proporcionalno razmerje umrljivosti (SPMR), standardizirano razmerje incidence raka (SIR) in standardizirano razmerje invalidnosti (SDR). SploÅ”na umrljivost moÅ”kih poklicnih voznikov je bila pomembno nižja kot pri sploÅ”ni delovno aktivni populaciji (SMR=0,49; 95 % IZ=0,44ā€“0,55). Pri izračunu SPMR se je tveganje za umrljivost zaradi vseh vzrokov zviÅ”alo na 1 (SPMR=1,00; 95 % CI=0,89ā€“1,12), za umrljivost, zaradi malignih bolezni na 1,13 (95 % CI=0,94ā€“1,35) in zaradi poÅ”kodb na 1,25 (95 % IZ=0,97ā€“1,59). Incidenca raka je bila v skupini poklicnih voznikov nižja kot pri delovno aktivni populaciji za vse in specifične vrste raka (SIR=0,66; 95 % IZ=0,59ā€“0,72), vključno s pljučnim rakom (SIR=0,56; 95 % IZ=0,41ā€“0,73). Tudi sploÅ”na in specifična delovna invalidnost je v skupini poklicnih voznikov nižja kot pri delovno aktivni populaciji. Na rezultate bi lahko vplival učinek zdravega delavca

    Risk Behaviors for Getting HIV Infection among the Croatian Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    This study was conducted with the aim of obtaining the very first information on the sexual risk behavior of Croatian men who have sex with men (MSM). There were 1127 respondents recruited at four venues: three physical meeting places of the Croatian MSM population (disco club, bar and sauna) in Zagreb and one virtual (gay oriented web-site) meeting place of the Croatian MSM population. The overall response rate was only 19%. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse was 59% and 56% of those who used a lubricant had chosen an incorrect product to use with latex condoms. There was no connection between drug-use and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Only a fifth of those who had also had sex with women (MSM/MSW) during last 12 months regularly used protection. The obtained findings will serve for focused and effective prevention activities and a basis for comparison in future research

    The Effect Of Concentration Liquid Organic Fertilizer Gamal Leaves (Gliricidia Sepium) On Growth And Yield Of Pakcoy (Brassica Rappa L.) Flamingo Variety

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    Untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman sawi pakcoy dapat dilakukan penambahan pupuk organik cair salah satunya yaitu berasal dari daun gamal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Pertanian Ungaran Timur, waktu penelitian dimulai pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Maret 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, terdiri dari empat taraf konsentrasi pupuk organik cair diulang sebanyak enam kali, masing-masing empat sampel sehingga terdapat 96 unit tanaman. Perlakuan K1 : 20 ml/l, K2 : 25ml/l, K3 : 30 ml/l dan Perlakuan kontrol K0 : 0 ml/l. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), hasil kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Anova (Analisis of Variance), jika hasilnya signifikan, dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Jujur taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemberian POC daun gamal berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman pakcoy. Pemberian konsentrasi POC daun gamal sebanyak 25 ml/l merupakan perlakuan terbaik dan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman sawi pakcoy. To increase the growth and production of pakcoy plants can be done the addition of liquid organic fertilizer derived from gamal leaves. This research was carried out in the East Ungaran Agricultural Garden, when the research began in January to March 2023. This study used a Group Randomized Design, consisting of four levels of liquid organic fertilizer concentration repeated six times, four samples each so that there were 96 plant units. K1 treatment: 20 ml/l, K2: 25ml/l, K3: 30 ml/l and K0 control treatment: 0 ml/l. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD), the results were then analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), if the results were significant, followed by an Honest Significant Difference Test at 5% level.The results showed that the provision of POC gamal leaves had an effect on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants. Giving a concentration of POC gamal leaves as much as 25 ml / l is the best treatment and can increase the growth and yield of mustard pakcoy plants.Gamal (Gliricidiasepiuin) leaves can be used as an ingredient in making liquid organic fertilizer to support the growth and yield of pak choy (Brassica rappa L.), but the exact concentration for its application is not yet known. This research aims to determine the effect of various concentrations of gamal leaf liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants of the Flamingo variety and to determine the most effective concentration in supporting the growth and yield of pakcoy plants. The research used a Randomized Block Design, consisting of four concentration levels of liquid organic fertilizer, namely 20ml/l, 25ml/l, 30ml/l and control treatment. Each treatment was repeated six times. The experimental data were analyzed using Random Analysis (ANOVA) and to determine the differences between treatments, it was continued with the Honest Significant Difference Test at the 5% level. The results of the research showed that the concentration of gamal leaf liquid organic fertilizer had an effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, root weight, canopy weight. The most effective concentration of gamal leaf liquid organic fertilizer to support the growth and yield of Flamingo variety pakchoy plants is 25 ml/liter of wate

    Analiza prijava sumnji na nuspojave lijekova za liječenje benigne hiperplazije prostate prijavljene HALMED-U

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is one of the most common diseases in men, with a prevalence rate of 50% in their 50s to 80% in their 80s, and is mostly treated with chronic drug therapy. The aim of this study was to analyze adverse drug reactions (ADR) to drugs used in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) treatment reported to HALMED from 2008 to 2021. Data on ADR reports in Croatia were obtained from the VigiFlow national database and on the use of drugs for BPH in Croatia from Drug Utilization Reports from HALMED. In the observed period, the number of reports on each BPH drug, total number of reports, seriousness of reported ADR, patient age and sex, type of reporter, and most reported ADRs were analyzed. Results showed that 438 ADR reports were received, of which 45.95% on tamsulosin as the most frequently used drug for BPH. Of all reports, 84% were non-serious, 96% were reported in men and 82% in patients older than 45 years. The most frequently reported ADRs were consistent with the known safety profile of BPH drugs. Pharmacists were the most common (47%) reporters of ADRs for BPH drugs, while 33% were reported by physicians. Analysis of the reported ADRs showed that most frequently reported ones were in line with the known safety profile of BPH drugs. However, given the prevalence of the disease and the extent of the use of BPH drugs, it could be argued that the number of reports could be higher (i.e., 34 reports/year). Reporting on ADRs is necessary to better understand the safety profile of drugs in the post-authorization period, and more information on the safe use of medicines could be collected by raising awareness of healthcare professionals.Benigna hiperplazija prostate (BHP) jedna je od najčeŔćih bolesti u muÅ”karaca dobi od 50 godina i viÅ”e, s učestaloŔću od 50% do 80% u muÅ”karaca starijih od 80 godina. Danas se najčeŔće liječi kroničnom terapijom lijekovima. Cilj ovoga rada bio je analizirati prijave sumnji na nuspojave lijekova za liječenje BHP prijavljene Agenciji za lijekove i medicinske proizvode (HALMED) od 2008. do 2021. godine. Podaci o prijavama izdvojeni su iz nacionalne baze nuspojava VigiFlow. Analiziran je ukupan broj prijava za lijekove za BHP, broj prijava za svaki lijek za BHP, ozbiljnost prijavljenih nuspojava, dob i spol bolesnika, vrsta prijavitelja i najčeŔće prijavljene nuspojave. Podaci o potroÅ”nji lijekova izdvojeni su iz HALMED-ovih IzvjeŔća o potroÅ”nji lijekova u Republici Hrvatskoj. U promatranom razdoblju zaprimljeno je 438 prijava sumnji na nuspojave lijekova koji se primjenjuju u liječenju BHP-a, od čega je najviÅ”e prijavljeno za tamsulozin (45,95%), koji je i najčeŔće primjenjivani lijek za BHP. Od ukupnog broja prijava 83,5% prijava je bilo ne-ozbiljne naravi, 95,9% je prijavljeno u muÅ”karaca, a 81,5% prijava prijavljeno je u bolesnika u dobi od 45 godina i viÅ”e. NajčeŔći prijavitelji bili su farmaceuti (u 46,7% prijava). Liječnici su prijavili 32,9% prijava. NajčeŔće prijavljivane nuspojave u skladu su s poznatim sigurnosnim profilom lijekova za BHP. Međutim, uzimajući u obzir učestalost BPH i čestu primjenu farmakoterapije u liječenju BPH moglo bi se zaključiti da bi broj prijava mogao biti veći od sadaÅ”nje 34 prijave godiÅ”nje. Prijavljivanje sumnji na nuspojave nužno je za bolje razumijevanje sigurnosnog profila lijekova nakon stavljanja u promet. Podizanjem svjesnosti svih zdravstveni djelatnika o važnosti prijavljivanja nuspojava može se doprinijeti prikupljanju veće količine informacija i ukupnom znanju o sigurnoj primjeni lijekova
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