368 research outputs found

    Topological sorting and self-assembly of knotted molecules: models and simulations

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    Knots are ubiquitous objects and decorative elements that have been studied since antiquity. During the centuries knots have become important not only for their mysterious and elegant aspects, but also for their practical relevance. Knots in ropes, for example, have always been useful for different practical applications, from climbing to sailing, from fishing to medicine. Chains that are sufficiently long or compactified are prone to develop knots. This is a "statistical necessity" that has been conjectured by Delbruck in 1962 and mathematically proved by Sumners and Whittington nearly 30 years later. In particular, they showed that for a self-avoiding polygon, the knotting probability tends to unity as the polygon length tends to infinity. This statistical necessity makes topological entanglement a genuine characteristic of polymeric systems. In case of linear polymer chains, knots can be untied by a suitable reptation of the polymer in space and therefore the entanglement is referred as physical knots. On the other hand, if the polymer ends are joined by a cyclisation reaction, the geometrical self-entanglement becomes trapped in the form of a proper mathematical knot, whose topology cannot be changed by any geometrical rearrangement of the polymer except by cutting it. Among polymers, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) provides an ideal system to study the spontaneous occurrence of knots. In fact, differently from proteins and RNA, metric and topological properties of dsDNA are well captured by aspecific polymer models where only the polymer contour length, persistence length and thickness come into play. Studying knots in dsDNA is informative also to understand their biological implication. The presence of knots, in fact, severely affects several cellular processes, such as transcription and replication, with detrimental effects. Fortunately, cellular mechanisms have adopted countermeasures: there exist enzimes, namely topoisomerases, that are capable of simplifying the topological complexity of the DNA entanglement by favouring the selective cross-passage of pairs of DNA strands. The action of topoisomerases has been understood thanks to the topological profiling of DNA molecules realised with gel electrophoresis. This is the typical technique that permits to sort short DNA molecules by knot type. In particular, molecules are electrically driven through the obstacles of an agarose gel, where their mobility depends on the specific knot type. However, this technique can be used to profile only relatively short DNA molecules (10-15 kb). For longer ones, gel electrophoresis resolution would severely degrades, especially for knots with high number of crossings. This raises the problem of developing novel techniques that can be applied to characterise knot types in longer DNA molecules. Here, we will use molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical approaches to discuss the possibility to use spatially modulated nanochannels to sort ring polymer by their knot type. This approach permits, in principle, to separate polymers by their topological complexity, overcoming the aformentioned limits of gel electrophoresis. The spontaneous knotting of DNA is largely controlled by events where, for example, a loop is threaded by one termini; as a result both the complexity and size of the knots, as well as their location along the DNA contour, are stochastic. This is not the case for other types of biomolecules, particularly proteins, where the folding process towards the native state is tightly controlled by their chemical composition (primary sequence) via their intra-molecular interactions. As a result, proteins whose native state is knotted always feature the same knot type in the same sequence location. Mimicking such reproducible molecular knotting processes are, at least in part, the motivation of the ongoing quest of synthetic chemistry to create synthetic molecules tied in specific knot types. In this regard, chemists succeeded in controlling chemical reactions between small building blocks to assemble molecules with a priori desired topology. The chemists who developed this set of techniques, whose contribution opened up the way to a revolutionary chemistry, were awarded with the Chemistry Nobel Prize in 2016. Despite the high interest in the topic, up to recently, only a handful of different knot types have been synthesised. The reason is due to various challenging aspects of the synthesis process. These include the choice of the suitable building blocks, their correct spatial arrangement, and, above all, the selection of the designable target topology. Not every knot type, in fact, is necessarily expected to be equally designable in practice. In this thesis, we performed a computational and theoretical study to explore which designable molecular knots could be accessible for molecular synthesis with current experimental techniques


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    Sitting in the LQ 45 range is an honor for a banking company because it indicates if the capital market participants believe and also have admitted if the level of liquidity and market capitalization of the company is good. For issuers who have entered into the LQ 45 index does not mean to be able to relax, but must still work hard to maintain its position because these shares will continue to be monitored by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). This research will calculate PER and PBV of the banking sector that stands still in LQ45 within 5 years (2011-2016) and provide a comparison result whether there is a significant difference between the result of calculation of fair share by both methods and comparable stock valuation within banks that persisted in LQ 45 index for 5 years. The data used in the form of secondary data i.e. financial statements and data of dividend distribution company in cash. Data collection gathered are secondary data taken from www.idx.com, www.e-bursa.com, Bloomberg, ICMD, and yahoo finance. Hypothesis testing is done by Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test, and t-test i.e. independent samples t-test used to determine whether two samples unrelated to each other have different mean values. The purpose of t-test in this study is to compare stock price as a dependent variable and price earnings ratio as an independent variable, whether there are significant differences or not on the stock prices, and as price-book value become independent variable then stock price as dependent variable, whether there are significant differences or not on the results. Keywords: LQ 45 Index, Banking Industry, Valuation, PER, PB

    Literasi Digital: Membangun Market Strategis Studi Kasus Kota Bandung

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    Pandemi Covid-19 berakibat pada rusaknya sendi ekonomi. Sektor pariwisata adalah salah satu yang terdampak besar, tak terkecuali wisata belanja di Bandung. Data sementara menunjukkan sektor pariwisata mengalami kerugi­an mencapai milliar dollar US dan menambah penganguran mencapai hingga 5,23 juta orang. Sektor riil merupakan harapan guna memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi. Salah satu sektor riil yang terdampak oleh pandemic adalah Makeupuccino. Makeupuccino merupakan sektor riil yang bergerak di usaha kosmetik dan kafe. Dampak pandemi terutama terjadi pada bisnis kafe yang akhirnya tidak dapat dilanjutkan usahanya. Di satu sisi terdapat pula sektor riil lain yang kehilangan omset, akan tetapi masih mampu bertahan. Mem­bangun market strategis adalah bagian dalam proses mengembangkan sektor riil tersebut. Pengembangan market strategis dapat diartikan dengan menciptakan kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah untuk membangun market strategis yang dapat saling menguntungkan diantara dua pihak yang bermitra. Proses pengabdian dilaksanakan melalui empat tahapan identifikasi mitra, identifikasi UMKM bimbingan dan pengarahan pada mitra dan UMKM, serta desain dan konsep kemitraan yang akan dilaksanakan. Hasil pengabdian kerjasama dapat di­laku­kan pada mitra Makeupuccino dengan UMKM yang bergerak pada sektor makanan sehingga saling melengkapi. Selain itu kemitraan dengan UMKM bunga dan makanan ringan, sebagai bentuk kemitraan yang dinilai mendukung upaya pengembangan terhadap mitra Makeupuccino. &nbsp

    Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Kemampuan Bisnis Online: Studi Kasus Makeupuccino

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    Makeupuccino merupakan salah satu bisnis online makeup yang saat ini berkembang pesat. Bisnis online seharusnya mampu meraih laba optimal dengan perkembangan teknologi, terlebih pada masa pandemi justru kurang optimal dirasakan. Hal ini yang menjadi evaluasi terhadap kemampuan dan kapasitas SDM yang ada. Kemampuan dan kapasitas yang dimaksud adalah pemanfaatan media sosial yang kurang optimal, kurang terkoordinasinya promosi dan ketersediaan barang, serta konsep dan perencanaan marketing masih terbatas. Berdasarkan analisis media sosial, seperti instagram insight, keyhole, dan sosial blade menunjukkan bahwa tingkat engagement dan follower Makeupuccino belum teroptimalkan dengan baik. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perencanaan dan pengembangan SDM dalam pengelolaan content atau materi, serta pendampingan SDM dalam pengelolaannya. Peningkatan dan pengelolaan dilakukan pada SDM agar media sosial yang dikelola Makeupuccino menjadi lebih terarah dan terkoordinasi. Hal ini dilakukan pada media sosial, baik Instagram dan youtube channel Makeupuccino. peningkatan hasil kegiatan pengabdian berpengaruh pada perbaikan kualitas SDM dan jumlah followers, like, subscribe, comment, serta engagement pada media sosial yang dikelola Makeupuccino

    Analisis Yuridis Putusan Verstek No.32/Pdt.G/2012/Pn.Kds Tentang Perceraian Di Pengadilan Negeri Kudus

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    Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif.Dalam hal teknik pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Setelah data diperoleh, maka disusun secara sistematis dan selanjutnya dianalisa secara kualitatif, sehingga diperoleh kejelasan mengenai permasalahan yang dibahas dan selanjutnya disusun sebagai skripsi yang bersifat ilmiah. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan majelis hakim dalam menjatuhkan putusan verstek Nomor 32/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Kds tentang perceraian di Pengadilan Negeri Kudus adalahtergugat tidak hadir dalam persidangan 3 (tiga) kali berturut-turut pada tanggal 26 Juli 2012, tanggal 2 Agustus, dan tanggal 14 Agustus 2012. Karena tergugat tidak hadir 3 (tiga) kali berturut-turut dan telah dipanggil dengan patut serta tergugat tidak mengirimkan kuasanyatidak serta merta majelis hakim mengabulkan gugatan penggugat melainkan dibuktikan terlebih dahulu dimana penggugat mengajukan bukti surat dan saksi sehingga majelis hakim menjatuhkan putusan verstek. Akibat hukum terhadap putusan verstek Nomor 32/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Kds tentang Perceraian Di Pengadilan Negeri Kudus adalah 14 (empat belas) hari sejak diberitahukannya isi putusan kepada tergugat dan 14 (empat belas) hari sejak penggugat mendengarkan pembacaan isi putusan dimana pihak penggugat dan tergugat menerima putusan verstek sehingga putusan verstek tersebut berkekuatan hukum tetap

    Hubungan Antara Konflik Kerja Dengan Kinerja Karyawan Pt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. Wilayah Surakarta

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between work conflict with employee performance. The hypothesis of this research is that there is a negative relationship between work conflict with employee performance. Subjects in this research are employees of staff PT. Indonesian Telecommunication, tbk. Areas Surakarta. The number of subjects in this research were 50 employees with purposive sampling sampling method. Research method using quantitative method. Data analysis used non parametric kendall's correlation technique. The result of data analysis shows that there is a significant negative relation between work conflict with employee performance, seen from r value equal to -0.299 with p = 0,000 (p <0,01). The result of categorization is known that work conflict variable has empirical average equal to 18,72 and hypothetic average equal to 25 which mean pertained low. Work conflicts have an empirical average of 19.00 and a hypothetical average of 15 which means moderate. Contribution of work conflict amounted to 8.9%. The remaining 92.1% is influenced by other factors outside the workplace conflict

    Perbandingan Penanganan Tanah Terlantar Di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Dan Kabupaten Sukabumi Dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This research discusses the problems of: first, the implementation of the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 on the Control and Utilization of Deserted Land in Tasikmalaya Regency and Sukabumi Regency; and second, the impact of the implementation of the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 on the Control and Utilization of Deserted Land on the existence of agricultural land in Tasikmalaya and Sukabumi Regencies to realize the food security. This research used the normative juridical method and analytical descriptive research specification.The study concludes that: first, the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 is not yet effective to resolve the cases existing in Tasikmalaya and Sukabumi Regencies. This results from the obstacles faced by the Government Regulation No. 11 of 2010 in mapping the land indicated as deserted land since, in fact, the identification and research do not involve the institution authorized forthe determination of the deserted land. Second, the utilization of the deserted land is not yet projected to add and optimize the procurement of agricultural land, so the control of the deserted land has no added value nor strengthens the food security in West Java Province

    The Analysis of Characteristics of Productivity and Quality Determinants at Tea Plantation in West Java

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    Tea plantation is declining today as seen on the condition of land conversion, low productivity, the weakened tea export power, less synergized and integrated managerial ability plantations, and many other references that need to be addressed immediately. One of them is a climate change. De Costa et al (2007) state that climate can affect productivity and the quality of the tea plantations. Another opinion argued that the tea plantations need to consider the condition of the land area and so on. From these two statements, the problem deciding factor of production is crucial to analyze. This study aims to analyze the determinant factor of tea production. It is obtained by means of a comparison of the land characteristics with production and quality of tea production. Experiments conducted in the field to test the characteristics of land and taking the production and quality of the tea plant. Experiments carried out by creating a profile 27 which has a different characteristic and variations in production and quality of the tea. It used regression, correlation, factor analysis, and stepwise for land characteristics to become the determinant factors of production and quality of tea. The results of the analysis determines that tea productivity and quality is determined from the N Total, CEC, Al condition, the weight of the contents, the texture of the sand and pF 1. Keywords: land characteristic, tea plantation, land suitability, soil quality, West Jav

    Improving Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rates in Adolescents: A Quality Improvement Project

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    Abstract Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project was to implement an evidence-based intervention to improve the HPV vaccine series completion rates in the pediatric primary care setting. The goal of the project was to increase HPV series completion rates in adolescents aged 11 to 12 by 10% within 3 months of implementation of the intervention. Methods: A multicomponent intervention was implemented at a pediatric primary care office that included a chart review of 11- and 12-year-old adolescents who had received their first and second dose of the HPV vaccine from June 2019 to June 2020 and patients from June 2020 to June 2021 that only received their first dose of the HPV vaccine. Patients who had only received their first dose between June 2020 and June 2021 and was in the timeframe to receive their second dose was contacted via telephone to schedule an appointment for their vaccine. At the time of scheduling the appointment, verbal consent was obtained to send a follow-up text message reminder two to three days prior to the scheduled appointment date. Results: HPV vaccine series completion rates increased by 12.5% during the 3-month project period. However, the collection data size varied significantly between the number of patients used for the pre-data and post-data collection. Conclusions: An evidence-based intervention can have a significant impact on improving the HPV vaccine series completion rates within adolescents with minor practice changes. Key Words: Human papillomavirus, HPV, adolescent, vaccination, vaccines, compliance, text messages reminders, phone call reminder


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    Marenda Sally Eliska, 2022, Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Kinerja Keuangan pada Perusahaan Industri Sektor Jasa Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja keuangan perusahaan sektor jasa yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebelum dan saat pandemi covid-19. Rasio keuangan yang digunakan adalah Current ratio, Deb to-equity, Return on investment, Total asset turnover. Penelitian ini memiliki sampel sebanyak 80 dan jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Data Kuantitatif yang bersumber dari laporan keuangan perusahaan sektor jasa yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang diambil dari situs https://www.idx.co.id tentang data perusahaan industri sektor jasa yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia . Jenis analisis data yang digunakan yaitu Uji beda paired sample t-test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan kinerja keuangan di perusahaan industri sektor jasa yang terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia sebelum dan saat pandemi covid-19 yang dilihat dari Current ratio, Debt to-equity, Return on investment,Total asset turnover