94 research outputs found

    Viewpoint Planning based on Shape Completion for Fruit Mapping and Reconstruction

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    Robotic systems in agriculture do not only enable increasing automation of farming activities but also represent new challenges for robotics due to the unstructured environment and the non-rigid structures of crops. Especially, active perception for fruit mapping and harvesting is a difficult task since occlusions frequently occur and image segmentation provides only limited accuracy on the actual shape of the fruits. In this paper, we present a viewpoint planning approach that explictly uses the shape prediction from collected data to guide the sensor to view as yet unobserved parts of the fruits. We developed a novel pipeline for continuous interaction between prediction and observation to maximize the information gain about sweet pepper fruits. We adapted two different shape prediction approaches, namely parametric superellipsoid fitting and model based non-rigid latent space registration, and integrated them into our Region of Interest (RoI) viewpoint planner. Additionally, we used a new concept of viewpoint dissimilarity to aid the planner to select good viewpoints and for shortening the planning times. Our simulation experiments with a UR5e arm equipped with a Realsense L515 sensor provide a quantitative demonstration of the efficacy of our iterative shape completion based viewpoint planning. In comparative experiments with a state-of-the-art viewpoint planner, we demonstrate improvement not only in the estimation of the fruit sizes, but also in their reconstruction. Finally, we show the viability of our approach for mapping sweet peppers with a real robotic system in a commercial glasshouse.Comment: Agricultural Automation, Viewpoint Planning, Active Perceptio

    DawnIK: Decentralized Collision-Aware Inverse Kinematics Solver for Heterogeneous Multi-Arm Systems

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    Although inverse kinematics of serial manipulators is a well studied problem, challenges still exist in finding smooth feasible solutions that are also collision aware. Furthermore, with collaborative and service robots gaining traction, different robotic systems have to work in close proximity. This means that the current inverse kinematics approaches have to not only avoid collisions with themselves but also collisions with other robot arms. Therefore, we present a novel approach to compute inverse kinematics for serial manipulators that take into account different constraints while trying to reach a desired end-effector position and/or orientation that avoids collisions with themselves and other arms. Unlike other constraint based approaches, we neither perform expensive inverse Jacobian computations nor do we require arms with redundant degrees of freedom. Instead, we formulate different constraints as weighted cost functions to be optimized by a non-linear optimization solver. Our approach is superior to the state-of-the-art CollisionIK in terms of collision avoidance in the presence of multiple arms in confined spaces with no detected collisions at all in all the experimental scenarios. When the probability of collision is low, our approach shows better performance at trajectory tracking as well. Additionally, our approach is capable of simultaneous yet decentralized control of multiple arms for trajectory tracking in intersecting workspace without any collisions.Comment: Salih Marangoz and Rohit Menon have equal authorshi

    Handling Sparse Rewards in Reinforcement Learning Using Model Predictive Control

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has recently proven great success in various domains. Yet, the design of the reward function requires detailed domain expertise and tedious fine-tuning to ensure that agents are able to learn the desired behaviour. Using a sparse reward conveniently mitigates these challenges. However, the sparse reward represents a challenge on its own, often resulting in unsuccessful training of the agent. In this paper, we therefore address the sparse reward problem in RL. Our goal is to find an effective alternative to reward shaping, without using costly human demonstrations, that would also be applicable to a wide range of domains. Hence, we propose to use model predictive control~(MPC) as an experience source for training RL agents in sparse reward environments. Without the need for reward shaping, we successfully apply our approach in the field of mobile robot navigation both in simulation and real-world experiments with a Kuboki Turtlebot 2. We furthermore demonstrate great improvement over pure RL algorithms in terms of success rate as well as number of collisions and timeouts. Our experiments show that MPC as an experience source improves the agent's learning process for a given task in the case of sparse rewards.Comment: Submitted to ICRA202

    Learning Depth Vision-Based Personalized Robot Navigation From Dynamic Demonstrations in Virtual Reality

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    For the best human-robot interaction experience, the robot's navigation policy should take into account personal preferences of the user. In this paper, we present a learning framework complemented by a perception pipeline to train a depth vision-based, personalized navigation controller from user demonstrations. Our refined virtual reality interface enables the demonstration of robot navigation trajectories under motion of the user for dynamic interaction scenarios. In a detailed analysis, we evaluate different configurations of the perception pipeline. As the experiments demonstrate, our new pipeline compresses the perceived depth images to a latent state representation and, thus, enables efficient reasoning about the robot's dynamic environment to the learning. We discuss the robot's navigation performance in various virtual scenes by enrolling a variational autoencoder in combination with a motion predictor and demonstrate the first personalized robot navigation controller that solely relies on depth images
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