23 research outputs found
Epigeic spiders of the pastures of northern Wielkopolska
The fauna of epigeic spiders (Araneae) occurring on three different types of pastures in northern Wielkopolska was analysed. Studies were conducted from May 1992 to October 1993. The 18,995 specimens collected were classified as belonging to 137 species and 17 families. The family Linyphiidae proved the richest in species while Lycosidae was the most abundantly in terms of number of specimens. Zoocenological analysis of spider communities showed their differentiation testifying to differences in the sites studied. The dominants were: 1) Osowo Stare (Site 1): Pardosa palustris, 2) Sycyn Dolny (Site 2): Xerolycosa miniata, P. palustris, Xysticus kochi, 3) Brqczewo (Site 3): Erigone dentipalpis, P. palustris. Seasonal changes of dominance of the species at each site were established. A comparison of changes of the species' dominances in the years 1992 and 1993 disclosed similar values of the individual dominance coefficient at the sites in Osowo Stare and Brqczewo. This result indicates the occurrence of the process of stabilization of these biocenoses and a tendency to equilibrium in the environment. The least stable proved to be the site at Sycyn Dolny. Analysis of the seasonal dynamics of epigeic spider communities was also made by determining the mean number of species at each site in the two years of study. The highest number of species was noted in spring. It is interesting to note the appearance of species which are rare or very rare in Poland such as: Lepthyphantes insignis, Ostearius melanopygius, Enoplogriatha mordax and Enoplognatha oelandica
Taxes and labour supply under interdependent preferences
In this paper we identify how changes in the income tax rate affect the labour supply under interdependent utility functions. To reach that aim we create a model of the economy in which households choosing their optimal labour supply take into account not only their income, tax rate and individual consumption but also so called relative consumption level (Garbicz 1997). Taking into account the last issue we significantly modify the well known Becker model (1965). We conduct a comparative statics exercise using na lattice and supermodular game theory. Thanks to which we show sufficient and necessary conditions for a labour supply to be monotonic function of the income tax rate. We analyze the economic behaviour under static and dynamic setup. Under quite general assumptions concerning the household utility function we show that the higher the tax rate the lower the macroeconomic labour supply. Additionally we show the possibility of multiple equilibria in the economy that offers the explanation of differences in the working time between e.g. European countries and the US as well as discrepancies between micro and macroeconomic elasticity of labour supply (see Alesina, Glaeser, and Sacerdote 2005).supermodularity; lattice programming; multiplicity; interdependent preferences; labour supply;
Logistics service is a key process performed by CEP enterprises. Measuring quality of service in companies from this branch of industry is a current priority that has to be achieved in order to adjust their offers to the current market requirements. This paper will indicate the possibilities of using the SERVQUAL method to measure the expected and perceived quality of logistics services offered to individual customers of shipping and forwarding companies, and also to identify areas for improvement. The study used the example of InPost LLC. The purpose of the study determined the research procedure, which included indirect research focused on the analysis of literature sources, and direct research conducted among individual customers who used the services of the research object. The SERVQUAL method enabled the formulation of a general rating of service quality, based on the discrepancies between quality as perceived and expected by survey participants, considering the significance of five dimensions
Taxes and labour supply under interdependent preferences
In this paper we identify how changes in the income tax rate affect
the labour supply under interdependent utility functions. To reach that
aim we create a model of the economy in which households choosing
their optimal labour supply take into account not only their income,
tax rate and individual consumption but also so called relative consumption
level (Garbicz 1997). Taking into account the last issue
we significantly modify the well known Becker model (1965).
We conduct a comparative statics exercise using na lattice and supermodular
game theory. Thanks to which we show sufficient and
necessary conditions for a labour supply to be monotonic function of
the income tax rate. We analyze the economic behaviour under static
and dynamic setup.
Under quite general assumptions concerning the household utility
function we show that the higher the tax rate the lower the macroeconomic
labour supply. Additionally we show the possibility of multiple
equilibria in the economy that offers the explanation of differences in
the working time between e.g. European countries and the US as well
as discrepancies between micro and macroeconomic elasticity of labour
supply (see Alesina, Glaeser, and Sacerdote 2005)
Taxes and labour supply under interdependent preferences
In this paper we identify how changes in the income tax rate affect
the labour supply under interdependent utility functions. To reach that
aim we create a model of the economy in which households choosing
their optimal labour supply take into account not only their income,
tax rate and individual consumption but also so called relative consumption
level (Garbicz 1997). Taking into account the last issue
we significantly modify the well known Becker model (1965).
We conduct a comparative statics exercise using na lattice and supermodular
game theory. Thanks to which we show sufficient and
necessary conditions for a labour supply to be monotonic function of
the income tax rate. We analyze the economic behaviour under static
and dynamic setup.
Under quite general assumptions concerning the household utility
function we show that the higher the tax rate the lower the macroeconomic
labour supply. Additionally we show the possibility of multiple
equilibria in the economy that offers the explanation of differences in
the working time between e.g. European countries and the US as well
as discrepancies between micro and macroeconomic elasticity of labour
supply (see Alesina, Glaeser, and Sacerdote 2005)
The surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland. The findings of a multi-center observational study by the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology (PSSO-01)
Introduction. PSSO-01, a Polish prospective multi-center project on rectal cancer, started in 2016 with participation on a voluntary basis. This study evaluates the early outcome of the surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland according to hospital volume.
Material and methods. The dataset derives from 17 clinical centers registered in the PSSO-01 study. From 2016 to 2020, the data of 1,607 patients were collected. Taking into account the number of patients enrolled in the study, the centers were divided into three categories: high volume, medium volume, and low volume. Nominal variables were compared between different categories of centers using the chi-square test. The STROBE guidelines were used to guarantee the reporting of this observational study.
Results. More patients with metastatic disease were operated on in the low volume centers (p = 0.020). Neoadjuvant treatment was used in 35%, 52%, and 66% of patients operated on in low, medium, and high volume centers respectively (p < 0.001). Laparoscopic resection in medium volume centers was performed more often than in other centers (p < 0.001). The total rate of postoperative complications related to high, medium, and low centers was 22%, 26%, 18% (p = 0.044). One year following surgery, a stoma was present in 63% of patients. A defunctioning stoma following anterior resection was reversed in only 55% of patients. Anastomotic leakage was the main reason for a non-reversal diverting stoma.
Conclusions. The representation of low volume centers in the PSSO-01 study was understated. However, the outcomes may show the actual situation of surgical treatment of rectal cancer in high and medium volume centers in Poland
Surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland — a report from a prospective, multi-centre observational study PSSO_01 conducted under the auspices of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology
Introduction. Since 2016, as part of the PSSO_01 multi-centre research project conducted under the auspices of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology, clinical data on rectal cancer treatment have been collected. The objective of the study was to illustrate the state of early results of surgical treatment. Material and methods. The research project is multi-centre in nature. Data shall be collected electronically. The study protocol does not impose or suggest any course of procedure. It only systematizes the way data are collected for scientific purposes. The analysis of early results of surgical treatment was compared with the results of population studies from other European countries (Netherlands, Belgium). Results. By the end of June 2018, 736 patients were registered in the study. In 399 (54.2%) an anterior resection was performed. More than half of patients undergoing subsequent surgical treatment (54.2%) receive neoadjuvant treatment, with the percentage of patients undergoing radiotherapy or radiochemical treatment for lower rectal cancer being about 70%. Most patients (96%) are operated in elective procedure. The percentage of laparoscopic surgeries is low (8.6%). Postoperative complications are observed in 21.1% of patients. Severe complications (grades III–V according to Clavien-Dindo classification) occur in 7.6% of patients undergoing surgery. Postoperative mortality is 1.1%. Discussion. Although the project does not have the character of a registry and does not allow for drawing wider conclusions concerning the compliance with the standards of qualification for neoadjuvant treatment, the important information is that more than half of rectal cancer patients receive preoperative treatment, and the percentage of severe postoperative complications does not exceed 10%. Conclusions. The results of the PSSO_01 project are representative and reflect the actual situation concerning surgical treatment of rectal cancer patients in Poland
Leczenie chirurgiczne raka odbytnicy w Polsce — raport z prospektywnego, wieloośrodkowego badania obserwacyjnego PSSO_01 prowadzonego pod auspicjami Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej
Wstęp. Od 2016 roku w ramach wieloośrodkowego projektu badawczego PSSO_01 prowadzonego pod auspicjami Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej, gromadzone są dane kliniczne dotyczące leczenia raka odbytnicy. Celem pracy było zobrazowanie stanu dotyczącego wczesnych wyników leczenia chirurgicznego.
Materiał i metody. Projekt badawczy ma charakter wieloośrodkowy. Dane gromadzone są elektronicznie. Protokół badania nie narzuca ani nie sugeruje żadnego sposobu postępowania, systematyzuje jedynie sposób zbierania danych w celach naukowych. Analiza dotycząca wczesnych wyników leczenia chirurgicznego została porównana z rezultatami populacyjnych badań z innych krajów europejskich (Holandia, Belgia).
Wyniki. Do końca czerwca 2018 roku w badaniu zarejestrowano 736 chorych. U 399 (54,2%) wykonano resekcję przednią. Leczenie neoadiuwantowe otrzymała ponad połowa chorych, poddanych następnie leczeniu operacyjnemu (54,2%), przy czym odsetek pacjentów poddanych radio- bądź radiochemioterapii z powodu raka dolnej części odbytnicy wyniósł około 70%. Większość chorych (96%) operowana była w trybie planowym. Odsetek operacji wykonanych techniką laparoskopową jest niski (8,6%). Powikłania pooperacyjne zaobserwowano u 21,1% chorych. Ciężkie powikłania (III–V st. wg klasyfikacji Claviena-Dindo) sięgały 7,6% operowanych chorych. Śmiertelność pooperacyjna wyniosła 1,1%.
Dyskusja. Chociaż projekt nie ma charakteru rejestru i nie pozwala na wyciągniecie szerszych wniosków dotyczących przestrzegania standardów kwalifikacji do leczenia neoadiuwantowego, istotną informacją jest to, że ponad połowa chorych na raka odbytnicy otrzymuje leczenie przedoperacyjne, a odsetek ciężkich powikłań pooperacyjnych nie przekracza 10%.
Wnioski. Wyniki projektu PSSO_01 są reprezentatywne i odzwierciedlają faktyczną sytuację dotyczącą leczenia chirurgicznego chorych na raka odbytnicy w Polsce
Epigeic spiders of the pastures of northern Wielkopolska
Volume: 20Start Page: 1End Page: 2
A Process-Centered Approach to the Description of Clinical Pathways—Forms and Determinants
The aim of the study is to indicate the need for variability in the presentation of clinical pathways, in various phases of their implementation, and to define the forms of presentation of clinical pathways required by physicians in both the Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Systems, as well as the determinants of the selection of the forms of description, in relation to the performed medical actions. The results of the study are a significant lead-in towards further research on the required form of the user interface in systems supporting dynamic business process management (dynamic BPM). The research is a pilot of a survey study, conducted to ascertain the usefulness and feasibility of the adopted methodology, for a wider project on the determinants of the form of description of clinical pathways. An exploratory pilot survey, in a large multi-specialization hospital in Poland, was conducted. The survey sample consisted of 28 purposely selected heads of all hospital departments, and the medical team of the pediatric ward. Descriptive analysis was carried out on the data collected. The results of the study have unambiguously supported the claim that physicians require the form of presentation of clinical pathways to change, depending on the particular phase of the diagnostic–therapeutic process, as well as establishing the main determinants thereof. This pilot study is one of the first attempts to establish the factors determining the choice of clinical pathway presentation in HIS/EMR systems. While not conclusively decisive in terms of the forms of presentation or the determinants of their choice, it indicates the directions of further research, both from the point of view of ergonomics and the usability of HIS/EMR systems, as well as the management of medical knowledge, as part of the dynamic management of clinical pathways