92 research outputs found

    Metaphysics of the new psychiatry

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    Nowy, kwantowy model mózgu implikuje zmiany w dotychczasowym rozumieniu kliniki zaburzeń psychicznych. Brak orientacji w prawdziwej naturze procesów psychicznych jest przyczyną bezradności w sytuacjach kryzysowych w życiu jak również błędnego spostrzegania mózgu przez analogię do mechanicznej maszyny. Mózg jest biologiczną maszyną kwantową, doświadczającą różnych aspektów energetycznej substancji materii, która jest poszukiwanym poziomem jedności rzeczywistości.The new, quantum model of brain implies the transformation of the contemporary understanding of the clinic of psychiatric disorders. The lack of the orientation in the proper nature of psychic processes, together with the false comprehension of the brain by analogy to mechanic machine, is the reason of a helplessness in the critical life situations in a human being. The brain is the quantum machine, perceiving different aspects of the energetic material substance, which is the wanted level of the unification of reality

    Prydynol — leczenie poneuroleptycznych objawów pozapiramidowych

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    Anticholinergic substances like atropine had been yet used in traditional medicine. Nowadays cholinolitics are broadly used in medicine, especially in neurology with muscle spasticity. Pridinol is the cholinolitic used in psychiatry. The article describes pharmacokinetics, mechanism of pridinol action, its tolerance and toxicology, together with the broad spectrum of its clinical indication with the special consideration of the place the drug has in the treatment of neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal symptoms. Pridinol is the drug, offering multiple therapeutic gains. It may be very useful for patients with neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal symptomsSubstancje o działaniu cholinolitycznym, takie jak atropina, były już wykorzystywane w tradycyjnej medycynie. Obecnie cholinolityki są powszechnie używane w medycynie, szczególnie w schorzeniach neurologicznych ze spastycznością mięśni. Prydynol jest cholinolitykiem wykorzystywanym w psychiatrii. W artykule omówiono farmakokinetykę, mechanizm działania prydynolu, tolerancję i toksykologię oraz szeroki zakres jego wskazań klinicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miejsca, które prydynol zajmuje w leczeniu pozapiramidowych objawów, towarzyszącym leczeniu neuroleptykiem. Prydynol jest lekiem oferującym wiele korzyści terapeutycznych. Może on pomóc wielu pacjentom, u których występują poneuroleptyczne objawy pozapiramidowe


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    Introduction: Female sexuality may be affected by many somatic and psychological factors. Somatic conditions have impact on psychological well-being. We assumed that chronic disease like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), when producing the long-term distress, may greatly influence sexual functioning. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether the severity of IBS influences sexual functions of women and take into consideration other factors like Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) comorbidity and duration of IBS. Subjects and methods: Study patients were recruited by contacting IBS patients at Gastroenterology Ward of Clinical University Centre in Katowice. The survey consisted of 3 parts. The first part were socio-demographic questions. The second part was polish translation of Female Sexuality Functions Index (FSFI) questionnaire. The third part consisted of questions about the patient condition, pharmacotherapy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Severity Score (IBSSS) questionnaire. 307 women were included in the study and completed the questionnaire. 143 participants were diagnosed with IBS. The mean age of participants was 27 (IQR=23- 33). 29% of the patients (n=41) had severe, 47% (n=68) moderate and 24% (n=34) mild IBS. Results: The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions was greater in women with IBS (48%) than in healthy control group (23%) (p<0.001). The median of FSFI was: 30.1 (26.3-32.8) for healthy control group, 30 (23.5-32.6) for mild IBS, 26.2 (22.2-31.6) for moderate and 24.4 (20.1-28.9) for severe. Conclusion: IBS decreases all domains of women sexual activity. Severity of sexual dysfunctions relate to intensity of IBS symptoms. All physicians treating IBS-patients should take sexual dysfunctions into their clinical consideration


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    Background: Low compliance is one of the crucial problems of contemporary psychiatry. Relapses, deterioration of cognitive functioning, negative symptoms, neuroleptic resistance are the examples of many consequences of noncompliance in schizophrenia Subjects and methods: The study was designed to assess the compliance in the 200 patients diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, all in the state of symptomatic remission and on the stable neuroleptic treatment. The compliance was assessed using a telepsychiatric system, sending reminders: 1 hour before the planned dose to remind them that drug intake is approaching, and at the moment of intake to check if they took the drug. The confirmed drug intakes were counted by the telepsychiatric system. Results: 158 patients completed the study period. The compliance in the first month of the treatment was 44.6% and decreased over the rest of the period to the level of 33.4%. 50% of the schizophrenic patients were compliant at a level lower than 37%. This group was considered the low compliance group, and in this group the compliance increased after 6 months from 9.3% to 10.3% (p<0.0001). Conclusions: The compliance in the group of schizophrenic patients in remission is very low. The telemedicine system improves the compliance in the patients with the worst compliance


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    Objective: The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of olanzapine treatment on selected cognitive functions in patients suffering from schizophrenia during an observation period of six-months. Subjects and methods: Twenty patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia according to ICD-10 criteria for research were examined. One day before initiation of olanzapine a baseline assessment was performed. The neuropsychological examination was repeated 28 days, 60 days, 3 months, and 6 months after the beginning of treatment. Cognitive function measurements were performed using Signal, COGNITRON and RT tests, being a part of the computer-based Vienna Test System (VTS). Results: Our study showed an improvement in the assessed cognitive functions. Impairments in cognitive domains were observed at baseline as compared to published normative data, and enhancement in achieved results was observed subsequently in all stages of the treatment until the 6th month. Conclusion: The above results are consistent with a number of other studies on the impact on cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia treated with olanzapine


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    Background: Environment and culture are shown to be an important factor influencing characteristics of psychotic symptoms. Content of hallucinations and delusions is a projection of internal processes on external world. Religion plays a central role to lives of many people, but in schizophrenia religious experience and spirituality is confounded by psychotic symptoms. The aim of this study was to find how content of hallucinations and delusions interact with cultural conditions, that were changing over the decades. Subjects and methods: 100 of case histories from 2012 were randomly selected. From the medical record, content of hallucinations and delusion was extracted and categorized. Data from 2012 was compared with previous study by the authors, obtaining perspective of 80 years of history in the one hospital. Results: Religious content of delusions and hallucinations appeared in 26% of patients. Diversity of the religious and spiritual themes in schizophrenia has been gradually decreasing. Many minor religious entities and figures such as “saints” and “angels” disappeared in 2012. Although, occurrence of contact with God and other religious figures was similar as in previous years, number of “visions” abruptly decreased. All of the religious content was culture-specific. Conclusions: Religious topics express general plasticity over a time, following cultural changes in society


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    Background: Poland is a democratic, sovereign state in Central Europe, member of the European Union. The healthcare in Poland is delivered to patients mainly through a public contributor called the National Health Fund, supervised by the Ministry of Health. The care for people with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities in Poland is coordinated by the Governmental Program on Activities for People with Disabilities and their Integration with the Society. The system of care for people with intellectual disability in Poland is constitutionally guaranteed. The aim of this review was to analyze the different forms of care for persons suffering from intellectual disability and mental health problems in our country. Methods: Analysis of available documents on the policy and organizations of systems of services for this group of patients was performed. Results: Non-governmental organizations play an important role in taking care of people with disabilities. In Poland there are no special psychiatric services dedicated for patients with intellectual disabilities. The comorbid psychiatric disorders are treated in general psychiatric wards or hospitals or in outpatient settings. Offenders with intellectual disabilities in the penitentiary system are referred to therapeutic settings in wards for convicts with non-psychotic mental disorders and intellectual disabilities. Training of medical students and young doctors offers only very limited basic knowledge on intellectual disability within psychiatry curriculum. The is no separate specialty in mental health in intellectual disability within psychiatry. Conclusions: The main conclusion of this review is that the specialist working with persons suffering from intellectual disabilities in Poland face many challenges regarding the need to introduces positive changes in this field