30 research outputs found
Hodnotenie konkurencieschopnosti slovenského strojárskeho priemyslu v kontexte EÚ
Príspevok bol riešený v rámci projektu KEGA 019TUKE-4/2022 Príprava
manažérov nových výrobných štruktúr budúcnosti na princípoch „Overall
Equipment Effectiveness“ (OEE) prostredníctvom vzdelávania študentov v
predmete Manažment výroby v študijnom programe Priemyselné inžinierstvo
a VEGA 1/0438/20 Interakcia digitálnych technológií za účelom podpory
softvérovej a hardvérovej komunikácie pokročilej platformy systému výroby.V súčasnej dobe globalizácia predstavuje neodvratnú realitu a
konkurencia na trhu stále narastá. To predstavuje pre podniky a
priemyselné odvetvia riešenie problému konkurencieschopnosti a jej
zabezpečenia. Dnes sa trhy stále viac otvárajú a medzinárodná
konkurencia sa zintenzívňuje, je pre mnohé odvetvia priemyslu kľúčové
udržať si konkurencieschopnosť. Slovenský strojársky priemysel
predstavuje významnú časť národného hospodárstva a jeho
konkurencieschopnosť na trhoch Európskej únie je kritická pre udržanie
významného postavenia na týchto trhoch
The paper deals with simulation and her forms of use in designing of production and non-production systems.
Points to the possibility of using software can help in planning and subsequently in other phase of the lifecycle
production and products. Article informs about some of the advantages of this type of software and his options. Sets out
some theoretical knowledge of simulation and in the practical part presents some frequently used simulation software
Current industrial engineering methods and techniques due to the complexity of new knowledge-based methods need to be extended to technologies and tools for modelling and simulation of production processes, logistics flows, production facilities as well as product design. It is important to focus on the whole life cycle of the company as well as the product. The article deals with the effects of digitization on lean-manufacturing tools that are often used in industrial practice
Current trends in the development of a dynamic and turbulent world economy are largely digitization. Once
upon the implementation and application of new production, made the setting and testing of variants directly to the
production lines for their full operation. First production tested, set its standards and then began the production
program. These procedures were but very costly and lengthy and on-going businesses big money and precious time.
Gradual deployment of various software techniques, these processes are transferred into digital form. Technology has
come to the point that all business and production processes nowadays we can make this into a digital form. In this way
we manufacture everything in detail and test plan prior to the launch date line. Such technology is called Digital
The paper deals with PLM systems, which are using for management of products during their lifetime. For
that it is necessary to have some special tool for it. Especially if we want to handle pre-production phase. The main
philosophy is to get fully functional virtual system before it will be created in real production. This virtual system needs
to be modeled according to requirements of product and its process of production. This concept is called virtual
commissioning. Environment, which contains machines, robots, equipment, workers and products, needs to be
simulated with all possible scenarios before it will be implemented to real production. The resolution of this idea is not
only cost saving, but also shorter time of production planning
Objektovo orientované prístupy k tvorbe informačného systému
Tento príspevok vznikol za podpory grantových projektov APVV-17-0258,
APVV-19-0418, VEGA 1/0438/20 a KEGA 001TUKE-4/2020Informačný systém podniku je vlastne programom
pozostávajúcim z logickej procedúry, prostredníctvom ktorej sú vstupné
dáta transformované na požadované výstupné dáta. Pri tvorbe
informačných systémov podniku pomocou štruktúrovaných metód
dochádza k segregácii dát a procesov a následne k ich separátnemu
modelovaniu. Objektovo orientovaný prístup je založený na princípe
kombinácie dát a metód, čím je dosiahnutý súlad modelu informačného
systému podniku s realitou
The Development Trend of the Occupational Health and Safety in the Context of ISO 45001:2018
The main task of safety and health at work is to protect the most important thing we have, the health of each of us. Employers are able to anticipate and prevent risks by properly implemented occupational safety and health management systems. The basic task of the article is to describe the history of safety management systems to identify the state of implementation of the ISO 45001 system in the world. Subsequently, the article describes the ISO 45001 standard from the perspective of the PDCA cycle and describes the benefits and importance of implementing the ISO 45001 standard. The conclusion of the article deals with the development trend of the occupational health and safety management system according to STN ISO 45001:2019 in the context of occupational accidents in the conditions of the Slovak Republic
Solution of Bottlenecks in the Logistics Flow by Applying the Kanban Module in the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Software
The presented article deals with the issue of solving bottlenecks in the logistics flow of a manufacturing company. The Tx Plant Simulation software tool is used to detect bottlenecks and deficiencies in the company’s production, logistics and transportation systems. Together with the use of simulation methods and lean manufacturing tools, losses in business processes are eliminated and consequently flow throughput is improved. In the TX Plant Simulation software environment, using Bottleneck analyzer, bottlenecks were defined on the created simulation model and a method of optimizing logistics flows was designed and tested by introducing the Kanban pull system. This resulted in an improvement and throughput of the entire logistics flow, a reduction in inter-operational stocks and an increase in the efficiency of the production system as a whole
Creation of simulation models using the flexsim software module
All companies and production processes, in the current trend of applying digitization, innovate at all levels of their operation. This trend is an essential factor in maintaining
competitiveness in global markets. Companies that have applied digitization and electronic data collection are intensifying these processes and extending them to the next levels of business processes. Those companies that have not used this trend so far are gradually introducing it. Data
collection, archiving and transformation is an essential parts of accelerating innovative elements in every company. An important factor when working with data is to be able to process it correctly. Elements of digitization are no longer common not only at the level of product modeling, equipment,
and production lines but also in the mapping of current older productions, which are still used but are not transformed into a virtual form
Znaczenie i wpływ cyfryzacji na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych w czasie pandemii Covid-19
The presented article deals with the position of Slovakia among the V4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary), according to the DESI index in selected indicators. Selected indicators of V4 countries were compared by the non-parametric form of ANOVA. When rejecting the null hypothesis of equality of mean values, pairs were subsequently identified between which there is a statistically significant difference. The article aimed to define specific differences and point out the possibilities of increasing competence in the given areas of the DESI index with emphasis on the V4 countries and the potential of digitization, which is gaining in importance in terms of the Covid-19 pandemic.Prezentowany artykuł dotyczy pozycji Słowacji wśród krajów V4 (Słowacja, Czechy, Polska, Węgry), według indeksu DESI w wybranych wskaźnikach. Wybrane wskaźniki krajów V4 porównano za pomocą nieparametrycznej postaci ANOVA. Odrzucając hipotezę zerową o równości wartości średnich, identyfikowano następnie pary, pomiędzy którymi występuje różnica istotna statystycznie. Celem artykułu było zdefiniowanie konkretnych różnic oraz wskazanie możliwości zwiększenia kompetencji w danych obszarach indeksu DESI ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem krajów V4 oraz potencjału cyfryzacji, która w warunkach pandemii Covid-19 zyskuje na znaczeniu