8 research outputs found

    Damage to Soil and Residual Trees Caused by Different Logging Systems Applied to Late Thinning

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    This paper concerns the evaluation of logging systems in terms of the damage to the forest ecosystem. Damages to trees and soil during late thinning conducted in foothills areas in Poland using tree-length and cut-to-length logging systems were assessed. In both stands, the test plots were located within the primary and secondary skid trails. In the study, areas occupied by skid trails were determined as well as the depth of ruts. In order to determine changes in the soil properties at selected measurement points, a soil penetration resistance and a maximum shearing stress were measured. For each logging system, the share of trees damaged during harvesting operations and location of injuries were determined. The studies have shown that a 70% larger area was required to form technological trail with CTL than with TL. After CTL, skid trails were scarred by shallow ruts, and the share of ruts with the depth between 0.16 and 0.25 was three times smaller than after TL. The average increase in penetration resistance of soil in the ruts after TL was 324% and 302% and after CTL 308% and 220%, respectively, for primary and secondary skid trail, in comparison to the values obtained in measurement points located 5 m from the trails. In TL, comparable changes of soil properties were caused by skidder wheels and by hauled wood. The research has shown a greater share of damaged trees after TL. In both logging systems, the most damage was found within the root collar and lower parts of the bole

    Tractive Performance of Tyres in Forest Conditions – Impact Assessment of Ground and Tyres Parameters

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    This article deals with the assessment of traction properties of tyres on forest grounds. The research was carried out on skid trails located in pine stands. The tested grounds were different due to the cover of the soil and its mechanical properties. The study also deals with the evaluation of ways to improve traction by reducing the inflation pressure and using the tyre chain. The research was carried out using a specialized traction test stand for two tyres (9.5–24 and 400/55–22.5) different in width and tread pattern. The studies showed significant effect of ground conditions on traction. As a result of changes in the ground conditions, the values of drawbar force, rolling resistance and tractive efficiency were altered by 25%, 23% and 6%, respectively. The higher values of the drawbar force and tractive efficiency on all tested trails were obtained for 400/55–22.5 tyre. Both the use of tyre chains and the reduction of inflation pressure resulted in the increase in drawbar force and tractive efficiency. A better way to improve traction properties was the reduction of the tyre inflation pressure, which caused the increase in drawbar force and tractive efficiency. The use of tyre chains caused an increase in drawbar force over the entire slip range, while an increase in tractive efficiency has only been shown for the slip larger than 15%

    Assessment of Tractor Tires Used in Forest Conditions in Terms of Traction Performance and Impact on Ground

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    This paper presents the assessment of selected tractor tires used in forest conditions. The first element of this assessment is related to tractive properties, while the second part concerns the potential negative impact of the tires on the ground. The research was conducted on the skid trail located in a lowland pine stand in Poland (Lower Silesian District). The 9.5-24, 400/55-22.5 and 11.2R24 tires were used for the experiment, and the following tractive parameters were analyzed: traction force, pulling force and rolling resistance. These parameters were determined during the experiment using special measure stand mounted on a 3-point linkage of the tractor. In addition to the traction properties, the impact of the wheel on the ground was determined – this evaluation included measurements of footprint areas and calculation of contact pressures. Based on the obtained results, it was shown that the increase of the vertical load and reduction of the inflation pressure of tires can cause an increase in net traction force of as much as 35% and 16%, respectively. The analysis of contact areas and pressures showed that the widest tire (400/55-22.5) had the least negative impact on the ground. The reducing of inflation pressure allowed to obtain higher traction force, higher contact area and smaller contact pressures

    Evaluation of Changes in Soil Compaction Due to the Passage of Combine Harvester

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    This paper concerns the results of changes in soil compaction after the passages of combine harvester. The research was done on the maize-stubble; the soil was the mold formed in the sand. The measured parameter was a penetration of resistance in range of depth 0–60 cm. The measurements were done in the ruts after the passages the front and rear wheel of combine harvester. During the experiment two levels of vertical load of wheels were applied – these levels were dependent on filling of grain tank of harvester. Moreover, the influence of the lateral tilt of harvester on the soil compaction was analyzed (the harvester was equipped with the leveling system which allowed to obtain the tilt). The obtained results shows that the increase in vertical load caused greater compaction in ruts. Furthermore, it was found that the passage of tilted harvester caused lower compaction than the harvester without tilt

    Ocena narażenia operatorów na kontakt ze środkami ochrony roślin podczas przeprowadzania zabiegów opryskiwania

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    Plant protection products are one of the most dangerous substances in the agricultural working environment. The application of plant protection products by the broken implements or by wrong techniques can create the threats both for the operators, other people and for natural environment. The objective of this research was the evaluation of exposure of the sprayer operator on the liquid spray. Research was conducted for two types of the manual handling sprayers (backsprayer and shoulder-sprayer). To evaluate the exposure level the water-sensitive papers were used – they were placed on the elements of the workwear and personal protective equipment of operators. It was conclude that the highest exposure concerned the upper limbs (especially forearms) and the chest. Moreover, on the flat crop higher exposure on the liquid spray was observed for the shoulder-sprayer while on the orchard crop the differences between the sprayers in aspect of expo-sure were insignificant.Środki ochrony roślin są jednymi z najniebezpieczniejszych substancji w rolniczym środowisku pracy. Aplikacja środków ochrony roślin przy użyciu niesprawnego sprzętu lub nieprawidłową techniką może stanowić zagrożenie dla osoby wykonującej opryskiwanie, dla osób postronnych oraz dla środowiska naturalnego. Celem pracy była ocena narażenia opera-tora opryskiwacza na kontakt z cieczą roboczą przy wykonywaniu zabiegu opryskiwania. Badania przeprowadzono dla dwóch typów opryskiwaczy ręcznych: plecakowego i biodrowego. Do oceny stopnia narażenia wykorzystano papierki wodoczułe, które umieszczono na elementach odzieży roboczej i środkach ochrony indywidualnej operatora. Wykazano, że największe narażenie na kontakt z cieczą użytkową dotyczyło kończyn górnych (zwłaszcza przedramion) oraz klatki piersiowej. Ponadto wykazano, że podczas zabiegu na uprawie płaskiej większe narażenie na kontakt z cieczą wystąpiło przy użyciu opryskiwacza biodrowego, zaś przy opryskiwaniu uprawy sadowniczej nie stwierdzono istotnego wpływu typu opryskiwacza na pokrycie ciała operatora cieczą użytkową

    Tractive Performance of Tyres in Forest Conditions – Impact Assessment of Ground and Tyres Parameters

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    This article deals with the assessment of traction properties of tyres on forest grounds. The research was carried out on skid trails located in pine stands. The tested grounds were different due to the cover of the soil and its mechanical properties. The study also deals with the evaluation of ways to improve traction by reducing the inflation pressure and using the tyre chain. The research was carried out using a specialized traction test stand for two tyres (9.5–24 and 400/55–22.5) different in width and tread pattern. The studies showed significant effect of ground conditions on traction. As a result of changes in the ground conditions, the values of drawbar force, rolling resistance and tractive efficiency were altered by 25%, 23% and 6%, respectively. The higher values of the drawbar force and tractive efficiency on all tested trails were obtained for 400/55–22.5 tyre. Both the use of tyre chains and the reduction of inflation pressure resulted in the increase in drawbar force and tractive efficiency. A better way to improve traction properties was the reduction of the tyre inflation pressure, which caused the increase in drawbar force and tractive efficiency. The use of tyre chains caused an increase in drawbar force over the entire slip range, while an increase in tractive efficiency has only been shown for the slip larger than 15%

    Effect of a Micronutrient Fertilizer and Fungicide on the Germination of Perennial Ryegrass Seeds (Lolium perenne L.) in Field Conditions

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of micronutrients and a fungicide on the germination of perennial ryegrass seeds. The experiment was conducted between 2016 and 2018 in Blizocin (51°22′ N, 17°09′ E), Poland. The first experimental factor was InnoFert Mikro, a micronutrient fertilizer used at doses of 0.5 and 1 L∙ha−1, while the second factor was the Soprano 125 S.C. fungicide used at the same doses. From each of the plots, 100 seeds were collected and placed on a Petri dish. Then, every day for 14 days, the plant germination was observed. The highest germination capacity of 95.3% was recorded for seeds from plots where combined full doses of the experimental factors were applied. This figure was 2% higher than for the control sample. The germination speed of the seeds from the above plot, determined by Maguire’s index, was the highest out of the other seed groups, although the seeds from the above plot had the longest average germination time. It was also noted that by increasing the dose of micronutrient fertilizer, the germination speed also increased. In the case of the fungicide, half a dose had a positive effect on germination, but increasing the dose to 1 L∙ha−1 resulted in fewer germinated plants when compared to the control sample

    Analiza właściwości trakcyjnych oraz mocy kół eksploatowanych na różnych podłożach rolniczych

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    The paper presents results of the research on traction properties of two tractor tyres used on two agricultural grounds. The first ground was a stubble and the second one cropland. The investigated tyres had the same structure (diagonal, with a traditional tyre tread but different external dimensions. The research was carried out in field conditions with the use of a stand aggregated with a farm tractor. Analysis covered traction efficiency, slide, towing power and power lost on the rolling resistance and wheel slide. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that on a ground with lower compaction, the values of power losses were higher and traction efficiency was lower. Moreover, it was proved that the value of the power lost for rolling resistance had a decisive impact on the values of traction efficiency.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości trakcyjnych dwóch opon ciągnikowych eksploatowanych na dwóch podłożach rolniczych. Pierwszym podłożem było ściernisko, natomiast drugim gleba uprawna. Badane opony posiadały taka samą konstrukcję (diagonalne, o klasycznej rzeźbie bieżnika), lecz odmienne wymiary zewnętrzne. Badania przeprowadzono warunkach polowych z wykorzystaniem stanowiska agregatowanego z ciągnikiem rolniczym. Analizowanymi właściwościami były sprawność trakcyjna, poślizg, moc uciągu oraz moce tracone na opór przetaczania i poślizg koła. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że na podłożu o mniejszej zwięzłości wartości strat mocy były wyższe, a sprawność trakcyjna niższa. Ponadto wykazano, że wartość mocy traconej na opór przetaczania miała dominujący wpływ na wartości sprawności trakcyjnej