29 research outputs found

    Multimeric protein structures of African horsesickness virus and their use as antigen delivery systems

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    African horsesickness virus (AHSV) , a member of the genus Orbivirus in the family Reo viridae, is the aetiological agent of African horsesickness, a highly infectious non-contagious disease of equines. The AHSV virion is composed of seven structural proteins organised into a double layered capsid, which encloses ten double-stranded RNA segments. The double stranded (ds) RNA genome of AHSV encodes, in addition to the seven structural proteins, at least three non-structural proteins (NS1 to NS3). The assembly of viral proteins in AHSV-infected cells results in at least three characteristic particulate structures. The first of these structures are the complete virions and viral cores. Empty virions or particles that simulate the virion surface can be produced synthetically by the co-expression of various combinations of AHSV structural genes in insect cells. Apart from the core particles and complete virions, there are two additional structures observed in AHSV-infected cells. Unique virus-specified tubular structures, composed of NS1, are observed in the cytoplasm of all orbivirus-infected cells. The second structure, distinctive hexagonal crystals, is unique to AHSV and is composed entirely of VP7, the major core protein. The assembly of all these particles can be produced synthetically when expressed individually in an insect cell expression system. The aim of this investigation was first of all to investigate the structure and assembly of these structures and secondly to evaluate their use as vehicles for foreign immunogens. The NS1 gene of AHSV-6 was cloned as a complete and full-length cDNA fragment from purified dsRNA genome segment 5 and the complete nucleotide sequence determined. The gene was found to be 1749 bp in length with one major open reading frame (ORF) of 1645 bp, encoding a protein comprising 548 amino acids. The 5' and 3' termini of the gene were found to contain the conserved terminal hexanucleotide sequences of AHSV RNA fragments, followed by inverted heptanucleotide repeats. The deduced amino acid sequence was analysed and found to define a hydrophobic protein of 63 kDa. Antigenic profile analysis indicated a hydrophilic domain with relative high antigenicity in the C-terminus of the protein. This represents a possible insertion site for immunogenic epitopes. The cloned NS1 gene of AHSV-6 was modified at the 5' and 3' terminal ends to facilitate expression of the gene. In vitro expression yielded a protein corresponding to the predicted size of NS1. The gene was also expressed in insect cells, using a recombinant baculovirus and yields of approximately 1.0mg NS1 protein/106 cells were obtained. Expression of NS1 in insect cells resulted in the intracellular formation of tubular structures with diameters of 23 ±2 nm. Biophysical analysis of the AHSV tubules suggests that they are more fragile and unstable than BTV NS1 tubules. To gain more insight into the structure, assembly and the biochemical characteristics of AHSV cores and virions, a number of baculovirus multigene expression vectors have been developed and utilised to co¬express various combinations of AHSV genes. Cells infected with a dual-recombinant baculovirus, expressing AHSV-9 VP3 and VP7 genes, contained high levels of VP7 and low levels of VP3. The simultaneous expression of the two proteins resulted in the spontaneous intracellular assembly of empty multimeric core-like particles (CLPs) with a diameter of approximately 72 nm. These particles structurally resembled authentic AHSV cores in size and appearance. The yield of CLP production was low as a result of the insolubility of VP7, which aggregates preferably into large hexagonal crystal as well as the low yield of VP3. The interaction of CLPs with either VP2 or VP5 was investigated by co-infection of the VP3 and VP7 dual recombinant baculovirus with a VP2 or VP5 single recombinant baculovirus. Each of the outer capsid proteins interacted separately with CLPs. Co-expression of all four major structural proteins of AHSV, using two dual recombinant baculoviruses one expressillJg VP2 and VP3, the other VP5 and VP7, resulted in the spontaneous assembly of empty virus-like particles with a diameter of 82 nm. Although co¬expression of the different combinations of AHSV proteins was obtained, the levels of expression were low. This low levels of the AHSV capsid proteins and the aggregation of VP7 down regulated the assembly process. In order to investigate the possibility of the use of CLPs and VP7 crystals as particulate delivery systems, insertion analysis of VP7 was used to identify certain sequences in the VP7 protein that are not essential for the assembly of CLPs or trimer-trimer interactions in the crystals. Two insertion mutants of VP7 (mt177 and mt200) were constructed. In each case three unique restriction enzyme sites were introduced that coded for six amino acids. In mt177 these amino acids were added to the hydrophilic RGD loop at position 177-178 and for mt200 to amino acid 200 - 201. Both regions were located in the top domain of VP7. Insertion mt177 increased the solubility of VP7, but did not abrogate trimerisation and CLP formation with VP3. The yield of mutant CLPs was significantly higher than the normal CLPs, possibly due to the increased solubility and availability of VP7 trimers. Evidence about the size of an insert that can be accommodated by VP7 was provided by the insertion of a 101 amino acid region of VP2, containing a previously identified immunodominant region of VP2. The two chimeric VP7/TrVP2 proteins were investigated for their ability to form crystal structures and CLPs. The chimeric proteins did not produce the typical hexagonal crystal structure, but rather small ball-like structures. This investigation yielded valuable information regarding the structure and assembly of AHSV tubules, CLPs and VLPs. These findings also have practical value, since the multimeric structures can be utilised as delivery systems for immunogens, like the AHSV VP2 immunodominant epitopes.Thesis (PhD (Genetics))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Veterinary Tropical Diseasesunrestricte

    The Culicoides sonorensis inhibitor of apoptosis 1 protein protects mammalian cells from apoptosis induced by infection with African horse sickness virus and bluetongue virus

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    African horse sickness virus (AHSV) and bluetongue virus (BTV) are arboviruses of the genus Orbivirus that are transmitted to their vertebrate hosts by Culicoides biting midges. These orbiviruses exhibit lytic infection (apoptosis) in mammalian cells, but cause persistent infection with no cytopathic effects in Culicoides sonorensis cells. Although regulation of apoptosis could thus be integral for establishing persistent virus infection in midge cells, nothing is known about the presence and function of apoptosis pathways in Culicoides midges and their derived cell lines. Here, we report the cloning and functional characterization of an inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP), designated CsIAP1, from C. sonorensis cells. The CsIAP1 protein contains two baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domains and a RING domain. Silencing of the Cs iap1 gene in C. sonorensis cells caused apoptosis, indicating that CsIAP1 plays a role in cell survival. Stable expression of the CsIAP1 protein in BSR mammalian cells suppressed apoptosis induced by AHSV-4 and BTV-10 infection, and biochemical data indicated that CsIAP1 is an inhibitor of mammalian caspase-9, an initiator caspase in the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Mutagenesis studies indicated that the BIR2 and RING domains are required for the anti-apoptotic activity of CsIAP1. The results suggest that the mechanism by which CsIAP1 suppresses apoptosis in insect cells may involve inhibition of a Culicoides caspase-9 homologue through a mechanism that requires both the BIR2 and RING domains. This study provides the first evidence that the CsIAP1 protein is a key negative regulator of apoptosis in C. sonorensis cells.The University of Pretoria’s Institutional Research Theme Programme (Grant AOU999) and the National Research Foundation, South Africa (Grant 81068).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/virusres2018-03-31hb2017Microbiology and Plant Patholog

    African horse sickness virus infects BSR cells through macropinocytosis

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    Cellular pathways involved in cell entry by African horse sickness virus (AHSV), a member of the Orbivirus genus within the Reoviridae family, have not yet been determined. Here, we show that acidic pH is required for productive infection of BSR cells by AHSV-4, suggesting that the virus is likely internalized by an endocytic pathway. We subsequently analyzed the major endocytic routes using specific inhibitors and determined the consequences for AHSV- 4 entry into BSR cells. The results indicated that virus entry is dynamin dependent, but clathrin- and lipid raft/caveolae-mediated endocytic pathways were not used by AHSV-4 to enter and infect BSR cells. Instead, binding of AHSV-4 to BSR cells stimulated uptake of a macropinocytosis-specific cargo and inhibition of Na+/H+ exchangers, actin polymerization and cellular GTPases and kinases involved in macropinocytosis significantly inhibited AHSV-4 infection. Altogether, the data suggest that AHSV-4 infects BSR cells by utilizing macropinocytosis as the primary entry pathway.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/yviro2017-10-31hb2016Microbiology and Plant Patholog

    A second RGD motif in the 1D capsid protein of a SAT1 type foot-and-mouth disease virus field isolate is not essential for attachment to target cells

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    Please open article to read abstractThe authors thank the United States Department of Agriculture (FAS Grant) and the National Research Foundation of South Africa for financial support. We also thank John Putterill (Dept. Electron Microscopy, OVI), as well as Chris van der Merwe and Allan Hall (Laboratory for Microscopy and Microanalysis, UP) for assistance with electron microscopy. Assistance by Tjaart de Beer (Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit, UP) with generating structural images is greatly appreciated

    Custom-engineered chimeric foot-and-mouth disease vaccine elicits protective immune responses in pigs

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    Chimeric foot-and-mouth disease viruses (FMDV) of which the antigenic properties can be readily manipulated is a potentially powerful approach in the control of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in sub-Saharan Africa. FMD vaccine application is complicated by the extensive variability of the South African Territories (SAT) type viruses, which exist as distinct genetic and antigenic variants in different geographical regions. A cross-serotype chimeric virus, vKNP/SAT2, was engineered by replacing the external capsid-encoding region (1B-1D/2A) of an infectious cDNA clone of the SAT2 vaccine strain, ZIM/7/83, with that of SAT1 virus KNP/196/91. The vKNP/SAT2 virus exhibited comparable infection kinetics, virion stability and antigenic profiles to the KNP/196/91 parental virus, thus indicating that the functions provided by the capsid can be readily exchanged between serotypes. As these qualities are necessary for vaccine manufacturing, high titres of stable chimeric virus were obtained. Chemically inactivated vaccines, formulated as double-oil-in-water emulsions, were produced from intact 146S virion particles of both the chimeric and parental viruses. Inoculation of guinea pigs with the respective vaccines induced similar antibody responses. In order to show compliance with commercial vaccine requirements, the vaccines were evaluated in a full potency test. Pigs vaccinated with the chimeric vaccine produced neutralizing antibodies and showed protection against homologous FMDV challenge, albeit not to the same extent as for the vaccine prepared from the parental virus. These results provide support that chimeric vaccines containing the external capsid of field isolates can be successfully produced and that they induce protective immune responses in FMD host species.This work was supported by funding from Intervet SPAH.http://vir.sgmjournals.org/nf201

    Inherent biophysical stability of foot-and-mouth disease SAT1, SAT2 and SAT3 viruses

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus (FMDV) isolates show variation in their ability to withstand an increase in temperature. The FMDV is surprisingly thermolabile, even though this virus is probably subjected to a strong extracellular selective pressure by heat in hot climate regions where FMD is prevalent. The three SAT serotypes, with their particularly low biophysical stability also only yield vaccines of low protective capacity, even with multiple booster vaccinations. The aim of the study was to determine the inherent biophysical stability of field SAT isolates. To characterise the biophysical stability of 20 SAT viruses from Southern Africa, the thermofluor assay was used to monitor capsid dissociation by the release of the RNA genome under a range of temperature, pH and ionic conditions. The SAT2 and SAT3 viruses had a similar range of thermostability of 48–54 °C. However, the SAT1 viruses had a wider range of thermostability with an 8 °C difference but with many viruses being unstable at 43–46 °C. The thermostable A-serotype A24 control virus had the highest thermostability of 55 °C with some SAT2 and SAT3 viruses of similar thermostability. There was a 10 °C difference between the most unstable SAT virus (SAT1/TAN/2/99) and the highly stable A24 control virus. SAT1 viruses were generally more stable compared to SAT2 and SAT3 viruses at the pH range of 6.7–9.1. The effect of ionic buffers on capsid stability showed that SAT1 and SAT2 viruses had an increased stability of 2–9 °C and 2–6 °C, respectively, with the addition of 1 M NaCl. This is in contrast to the SAT3 viruses, which did not show improved stabilisation after addition of 1 M or 0.5 M NaCl buffers. Some buffers showed differing results dependent on the virus tested, highlighting the need to test SAT viruses with different solutions to establish the most stabilising option for storage of each virus. This study confirms for the first time that more stable SAT field viruses are present in the southern Africa region. This could facilitate the selection of the most stable circulating field strains, for adaptation to cultured BHK-21 cells or manipulation by reverse genetics and targeted mutation to produce improved vaccine master seed viruses.The Vaccine Initiative (ESCP) in South Africa.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/virusres2020-04-15hj2019BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyVeterinary Tropical Disease

    Synthesis of empty African horse sickness virus particles

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    As a means to develop African horse sickness (AHS) vaccines that are safe and DIVA compliant, we investigated the synthesis of empty African horse sickness virus (AHSV) particles. The emphasis of this study was on the assembly of the major viral core (VP3 and VP7) and outer capsid proteins (VP2 and VP5) into architecturally complex, heteromultimeric nanosized particles. The production of fully assembled core-like particles (CLPs) was accomplished in vivo by baculovirus-mediated co-synthesis of VP3 and VP7. The two different outer capsid proteins were capable of associating independently of each other with preformed cores to yield partial virus-like particles (VLPs). Complete VLPs were synthesized, albeit with a low yield. Crystalline formation of AHSV VP7 trimers is thought to impede high-level CLP production. Consequently, we engineered and co-synthesized VP3 with a more hydrophilic mutant VP7, resulting in an increase in the turnover of CLPs.The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and National Research Foundation (NRF).http://www.elsevier.com/locate/virusres2017-02-28hb2016GeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Genetic heterogeneity in the leader and P1-coding regions of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotypes A and O in Africa

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    Genetic information regarding the leader (L) and complete capsid-coding (P1) region of FMD serotype A and O viruses prevalent on the African conti- nent is lacking.Here,we present the complete L-P1 sequences for eight serotype A and nine serotype O viruses recovered from FMDV outbreaks in East and West Africa over the last 33 years.Phylogenetic analysis of the P1 and capsid-coding regions revealed that the African isolates grouped according to serotype, and certain clusters were indicative of transboundary as well as intra-regional spread of the virus.However,similar analysis of the L region revealed random groupings of isolates from serotypes O and A.Comparisons between the phylogenetic trees derived from the structura lcoding regions and the L region pointed to a possibility of genetic recombination.The in- tertypic nucleotide and amino acid variation of all the isolates in this stud ysupported results from previous studies where the externally located 1D was the most variable whilst the internally located 1A was the most conserved,which likely reflects the selective pressures on these proteins.Amino acids identified previously as important for FMDV structure and functioning were found to be highly conserved.The information gained from this study will contribute to the construction of structurally designed FMDV vaccines in Africa.SA-UKcol-laboration initiative via the Department of Science and Technologyhttp://link.springer.com/journal/705hb201

    Mapping of antigenic determinants on a SAT2 foot-and-mouth disease virus using chicken single-chain antibody fragments

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    Recombinant single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) of antibodies make it possible to localize antigenic and immunogenic determinants, identify protective epitopes and can be exploited for the design of improved diagnostic tests and vaccines. A neutralizing epitope, as well as other potential antigenic sites of a SAT2 foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) were identified using phage-displayed scFvs. Three unique ZIM/7/83-specific scFvs, designated scFv1, scFv2 and scFv3, were isolated. Further characterization of these scFvs revealed that only scFv2 was capable of neutralizing the ZIM/7/83 virus and was used to generate neutralization-resistant virus variants. Sequence analysis of the P1 region of virus escaping neutralization revealed a residue change from His to Arg at position 159 of the VP1 protein. Residue 159 is not only surface exposed but is also located at the C-terminal base of the G–H loop, a known immunogenic region of FMDV. A synthetic peptide, of which the sequence corresponded to the predicted antigenic site of the VP1 G–H loop of ZIM/7/83, inhibited binding of scFv2 to ZIM/7/83 in a concentrationdependent manner. This region can therefore be considered in the design of SAT2 vaccine seed viruses for the regional control of FMD in Africa.The South African Department of Science and Technology (DST) and SA-UK collaborative initiative.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/virusre

    Intra-serotype SAT2 chimeric foot-and-mouth disease vaccine protects cattle against FMDV challenge

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    The genetic diversity of the three Southern African Territories (SAT) types of foot-and-mouth diseasevirus (FMDV) reflects high antigenic variation, and indications are that vaccines targeting each SAT-specific topotype may be needed. This has serious implications for control of FMD using vaccines as wellas the choice of strains to include in regional antigen banks. Here, we investigated an intra-serotypechimeric virus, vSAT2ZIM14-SAT2, which was engineered by replacing the surface-exposed capsid-codingregion (1B-1D/2A) of a SAT2 genome-length clone, pSAT2, with that of the field isolate, SAT2/ZIM/14/90.The chimeric FMDV produced by this technique was viable, grew to high titres and stably maintained the1B-1D/2A sequence upon passage. Chemically inactivated, oil adjuvanted vaccines of both the chimericand parental immunogens were used to vaccinate cattle. The serological response to vaccination showedthe production of strong neutralizing antibody titres that correlated with protection against homolo-gous FMDV challenge. We also predicted a good likelihood that cattle vaccinated with an intra-serotypechimeric vaccine would be protected against challenge with viruses that caused recent outbreaks insouthern Africa. These results provide support that chimeric vaccines containing the external capsid offield isolates induce protective immune responses in FMD host species similar to the parental vaccine.MSD Animal Health (previously Intervet SPAH)http://www.elsevier.com/locate/vaccine2016-06-30hb201