5 research outputs found

    Implementation of a sensorized neonatal head model for gynechological training

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    During labor it is very important to know the exact position and orientation of the fetal head when descending the birth canal. Indeed, incorrect evaluations may lead to dangerous situations for both the infant and the mother. Usually, gynecologists and midwives rely on their experience to determine the head position and to evaluate the risk level of each delivery. In this context, it is essential to train new physicians and midwives to correctly manage different types of delivery. Here, we present the design and implementation of a realistic sensorized neonatal head that could be used on low-cost birth simulators for training and evaluation of residents and midwifery students

    Design and implementation of a low-cost birth simulator

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    During spontaneous and operative deliveries it is important to correctly estimate the position and orientation of the fetus in the birth canal. In fact, incorrect evaluations can lead to errors in ventouse extraction, forceps application, and increased use of cesarean section. In this scenario, simulation is an appropriate tool for training and evaluating the abilities of gynecologists and midwives, because it allows student to practice both common situations and unlikely or risky events.Here we present eBSim, a prototype of a low-cost birth simulator that allows for precise identification of the fetal position, orientation, and station. The simulator consists on a sensorized physical model of the fetus and the pelvis, a corresponding virtual model, and an application, which allows students, instructors, and doctors to use the simulator for training and assessment of gynecological skills

    The development of a low-cost obstetric simulator to train midwifery students and test objective examinations' skills

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    The study presents the design a low cost simulator that allows precise identification of the fetal position, enabling doctors and students to train and improve their skills by inspecting visually and manually what happens inside a simulated birth canal. The system consists on a female pelvis, a custom-made fetal mannequin, and a visual display to show in real time the birth canal and the position of the fetus. Students are often unable not only to identify correctly the fetal head position, but also to discriminate between the two fontanels. This system can help them to train this ability and could be an important instrument for the instructors to objectively assess the clinical skill of each student

    Low cost laparoscopic training platform: Primary validation process

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    The use of simulation in laparoscopic surgery training appears to be qualitatively effective if supported by a suitable evaluation system. The increasing demand of more complex laparoscopic simulators has inspired the creation of a 4d simulator which is a physical low-cost laparoscopic training platform that reproduces the tactile feedback (eLaparo4d) integrated with a software for virtual anatomical realistic scenarios (Unity3D V 4.1). The aim of the present project is to show the validation process results of this system using two instruments: the face validity and the construct validity. The face validity was used for an ergonomic analysis of the simulator, the construct to test the system's ability to differentiate expert users (experienced surgeons in laparoscopy) from non-experts (student without experience in laparoscopic surgery). A sample of 20 students was selected, divided into 2 homogeneous groups with respect to the level of confidence with the use of video games, consolles, smartphones (this has been possible thanks to the use of a questionnaire, administered before the practical phase of training). The groups participated in a training program based on 5 basic laparoscopic skills (laparoscopic focusing and navigation, hand - eye - coordination and grasp coordination). So, a second and third study sample was chosen, consisting of 20 post graduate students (intermediate group) and 20 experienced surgeons in laparoscopy; for theese groups was provided a training program identical to the previous group as well as their subdivision into 2 group. We analyzed the results of the three samples obtained by comparing variables such as: score % of fullfillment panality time At the same time, the students improvements has been monitorized, developing a customized learning curve for each user. To evaluate the structural characteristics of the simulator a specific questionnaire has been used. The results encouraged us. The simulator is ergonomically satisfactory and its structural features are adapted to the training. The system was able to differentiate the level of experience and also has therefore met the requirements of "construct validity"