2,471 research outputs found

    Caso fatal de adiaspiromicose pulmonar humana

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    A fatal case of human pulmonary adiaspiromycosis is reported. The patient, a male farm laborer from Pernambuco, in the Northeastern part of Brazil, had moved to Planaltina, DF., one year prior the onset of his illness. The main clinical manifestations consisted in fever, myalgia, cough and dyspnea. After being sick for five weeks, the patient developed severe respiratory failure and died. Grossly, disseminated nodular lesions, a few millimeters in diameter, were observed throughout the lobes of both lungs. Microscopically, round structures, up to 600 /mi in diameter, with a thick membrane, identified as adiaconidia of Chrysosporium parvum var. crescens, were seen in the center of the nodular lesions. These adiaconidia appeared predominantly inside microabscesses or necrotic areas, both surrounded by a granulomatous reaction. The pulmonary alveoli not affected by the nodular lesions contained an inflammatory exudate composed of macrophages and neutrophils. The finding of several non-fatal cases of the disease in the area of the Federal District suggests that adiaspiromycosis is endemic in the Central Brazilian Plateau region, where the dry, warm and windy climate, particulary from August to October, may provide the appropriate environmental conditions for the dissemination of C. parvum conidia.É descrito um caso fatal de adiaspiromicose pulmonar, em paciente do sexo masculino, lavrador, que vivia em Planaltina-DF, para onde se mudara, vindo do Nordeste, cerca de um ano antes do aparecimento da enfermidade. As manifestações principais consistiram em febre, calafrios, mialgias, tosse seca e dispnéia. Após cinco semanas, o paciente faleceu, devido a insuficiência respiratória. Na autópsia, lesões nodulares incontáveis, medindo alguns milímetros de diâmetro, apareciam disseminadas por todos os lobos de ambos os pulmões. O exame microscópico revelou a existência, dentro dos nódulos, de estruturas redondas, volumosas (atingiam até 600 /tm de diâmetro), providas de membrana espessa, e identificadas como adiaconídios de Chrysosporium parvum var. crescens. Esses adiaconídios eram sempre encontrados no interior de microabscessos ou de áreas de necrose tissular, ambos cercados por reação granulomatosa. Os alvéolos pulmonares, não comprometidos pelos nódulos, apresentavam-se cheios de células da inflamação, principalmente macrófagos e neutrófilos. O achado de outros casos, não fatais, da doença, nos arredores de Brasília, indica que a adiaspiromicose deve ser endêmica na região do Planalto Central brasileiro, lugar onde o clima, principalmente nos meses de agosto a outubro, é quente e seco, com ventos fortes, fatores que devem contribuir para a disseminação dos conídios de C. parvum

    Development of a Solar Panel Control Strategy for Tracking Maximum Power Generation / Desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controlo de painéis solares para rastrear a produção máxima de energia

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    The solar panel is an essential energy conversion component of photovoltaic (PV) systems, an indispensable key for converting clean and sustainable solar energy into electricity. Over the last few years, there has been a growing demand for renewable sources due to sustainable development and global warming.  Therefore, this work  describes  the  prototype  of an electronic supervision and control system  for  the  orientation  of  a  bench  solar  panel. The developed tracker prototype has as its core an electronic circuit based on a commercial microcontroller model Tennsy 3.0, within which the control algorithm is embedded. In addition to the controller, a supervisory software was developed to monitor solar cells’ status in real-time. The supervisory showed the angle of the solar plate and values of luminosity and acquired power. Simulations results were presented to show that the amount of energy generated can   reach 37 %.

    Body Composition Indices and Single and Clustered Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Adolescents: Providing Clinical-Based Cut-Points

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    ArticleThe aims of the present study in adolescents were 1) to examine how various body composition-screening tests relate to single and clustered cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, 2) to examine how lean mass and body fatness (independently of each other) relate to clustered CVD risk factors and, 3) to calculate specific thresholds for body composition indices associated with an unhealthier clustered CVD risk. We measured 1089 European adolescents (46.7% boys, 12.5-17.49yr) in 2006-2007. CVD risk factors included: systolic blood pressure, maximum oxygen uptake, homeostasis model assessment, C-reactive protein (n=748), total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides. Body composition indices included: height, body mass index (BMI), lean mass, the sum of four skinfolds, central/peripheral skinfolds, waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Most body composition indices are associated with single CVD risk factors. The sum of four skinfolds, WHtR, BMI, WC and lean mass are strong and positively associated with clustered CVD risk. Interestingly, lean mass is positively associated with clustered CVD risk independently of body fatness in girls. Moderate and highly accurate thresholds for the sum of four skinfolds, WHtR, BMI, WC and lean mass are associated with an unhealthier clustered CVD risk (all AUC > 0.773). In conclusion, our results support an association between most of the assessed body composition indices and single and clustered CVD risk factors. In addition, lean mass (independent of body fatness) is positively associated with clustered CVD risk in girls, which is a novel finding that helps to understand why an index such as BMI is a good index of CVD risk but a bad index of adiposity. Moderate to highly accurate thresholds for body composition indices associated with a healthier clustered CVD risk were found. Further studies with a longitudinal design are needed to confirm these findings

    Avaliação da performance do algoritmo J48 para construção de modelos baseados em árvores de decisão

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    As árvores de decisão são modelos hierárquicos utilizados em várias áreas do conhecimento por sua capacidade preditiva e de resolução de problemas de maneira simples e objetiva. Entretanto, apresentam algumas limitações relacionadas à sua adequação à base de dados e ao se atentar quanto aos procedimentos para seleção dos parâmetros de crescimento e poda a serem adotados. Desta forma, têm-se como objetivo avaliar e discutir a performance do algoritmo J48 para construção de modelos de tomada de decisão em árvore em base de dados com atributos de diferentes tipos. Para tanto, realizaram-se experimentos em 10 bases de dados disponíveis em repositório internacional, considerando como variantes os métodos de treinamento, teste e poda, aplicados em toda base de dados e com o uso dos métodos Wrapper e CFS (Correlation-based Feature Selection) para seleção de atributos. Identificou-se que na presença de dados contínuos, os únicos modelos que apresentaram boa capacidade preditiva estiveram presentes em situações em que a grande quantidade de exemplos puderam compensar tal deficiência. Os modos de treinamento "validação cruzada" e "divisão por porcentagem" mostraram-se similares em suas predições quando ajustados a 10 folds e 75%, respectivamente. Ademais, a seleção de atributos não foi capaz de gerar melhores predições denotando que tal método de forma isolada não compensa possíveis inadequações nas bases de dados. Pode-se constatar que os resultados referentes à capacidade preditiva dos modelos são fortemente direcionados pelo quantitativo de exemplos pertencentes à base, presença de dados contínuos e de dados com ruído


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    Funding Information: We thank Mineração Rio do Norte S.A. and Limnologia/UFRJ for fieldwork support, Dr. Janet W. Reid (JWR Associates) for language revision, and Leonardo Preza Rodrigues for map charting. VLMH, JCN, FAE, RLB, and FR are partially supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, RLB, and FAE by FAPERJ, Brazil, and CGR financially supported by Sakari Alhopuro Foundation, Finland. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. All rights reserved.Tailings from bauxite mining in Porto Trombetas (Pará state, Central Amazonia, Brazil) was discharged (1979–1989) into Batata Lake affecting about 30% of its area. The lake belongs to a clear-water flood-plain system along the Trombetas River, a tributary of the Amazon River. Siltation is the main perceived factor impacting aquatic and flooded communities. Besides natural regeneration, a program to restore a section of igapó forest in the impacted area (IA) has been conducted since 1991. Decreased light is the main factor reducing total phytoplankton biomass (PhyBM) in IA. We hypothesized that PhyBM in IA increases over time because of the improvement of the underwater light conditions due to the natural regeneration and restoration. We sampled quarterly PhyBM and limnological variables (depth, transparency, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, suspended solids, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus), over 15 years (2005–2019) at eight sampling sites in the two areas (N = 349). We also obtained daily climatic and hydrologic data. PhyBM was higher in NIA than in IA. The temporal trend in the annual mean of PhyBM increased significantly over time only in the IA, approximating the NIA values, confirming our general hypothesis. The increase of PhyBM in the IA was negatively related to the residual light attenuation caused by non-phytoplankton turbidity and to total phosphorus, and positively to air temperature and site depth (p < 0.05; Marginal r2 = 0.18; Conditional r2 = 0.29). Instead, in NIA, PhyBM was explained only by the increase in air temperature (p < 0.05; Marginal r2 = 0.15; Conditional r2 = 0.34). We concluded that the PhyBM in the IA positively responds to the synergy between increasing light availability, air temperature, and site depth, and decreasing total phosphorus concentrations, regardless of hydrologic phase.Peer reviewe

    uncovering differences during Ehrlichia canis infection

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    The tick vector Rhipicephalus sanguineus is established as a complex of closely related species with high veterinary-medical significance, in which the presence of different genetic, morphological, and biological traits has resulted in the recognition of different lineages within taxa. One of the most striking differences in the "temperate" and "tropical" lineages of R. sanguineus (s.l.) is the vector competence to Ehrlichia canis, suggesting that these ticks tolerate and react differently to pathogen infection. The present study addresses the SG and MG proteome of the R. sanguineus tropical and temperate lineages and compares their proteomic profile during E. canis infection. Batches of nymphs from the two lineages were allowed to feed on naïve and experimentally E. canis infected dogs and after molting, adults were dissected, and salivary glands and midgut tissues separated. Samples were screened for the presence of E. canis before proteomic analyses. The representation of the proteins identified in infected and non-infected tissues of each lineage was compared and gene ontology used for protein classification. Results highlight important differences in those proteomic profiles that added to previous reported genetic, biological, behavioral, and morphological differences, strengthening the hypothesis of the existence of two different species. Comparing infected and non-infected tissues, the results show that, while in midgut tissues the response to E. canis infection is similar in the salivary glands, the two lineages show a different pattern of protein representation. Focusing on the proteins found only in the infected condition, the data suggests that the cement cone produced during tick feeding may be implicated in pathogen infection. This study adds useful information to the debate on the controversial R. sanguineus systematic status, to the discussion related with the different vectorial competence occurring between the two lineages and identifies potential targets for efficient tick and tick-borne disease control.publishersversionpublishe