479 research outputs found

    Criação de música baseada na proporção áurea: abordagem teórica e prática à escala de 34 tons de igual temperamento

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    The sensory phenomena of music perception are considered to be highly non-linear. The golden ratio plays a key role in nonlinear dynamic systems and has been recognized as an aesthetic element in many places over time. This research develops the 34-note equal tempered scale (34-TET). A microtonal model based on the golden ratio, containing the harmonic musical intervals, and permitting a consistent approach that embraces the different temperaments throughout history, as well as other music cultures. These theoretical properties are practically exposed in two portfolios, including compositional samples of art music with European roots (from the Renaissance to the twentieth century), popular music (bossa nova, tango, swing), maqãm, and Indian music. The second portfolio, created within the scope of this thesis, contains the artistic work “The Asian Garden” combining the equal tempered scales of 34 and 12 notes (12-TET), and provides additional cultural references from China and Japan. The 34-TET scale offers an overall approach to just intonation scale more than twice as good as that of 12-TET, with all consonant intervals well below the differential threshold. If a maximum impurity value was accepted, not appreciably different from that agreed upon when the equal-tempered 12- tone scale was standardized (17.65 cents vs. 15.67 cents), then the 34-TET scale would become, additionally, a useful tool for approaching different cultures.Os fenómenos sensoriais de perceção musical são considerados substancialmente não lineares. A proporção áurea desempenha um papel fundamental em sistemas dinâmicos não lineares e tem sido reconhecida como um elemento estético em vários contextos ao longo do tempo. Esta investigação desenvolve a escala de 34 notas de temperamento igual (34- TET). Trata-se de um modelo microtonal baseado na proporção áurea, contendo os intervalos harmónicos musicais, e permitindo uma abordagem consistente que abrange os distintos temperamentos ao longo da história, assim como outras culturas musicais. Estas propriedades teóricas estão praticamente expostas em dois portefólios, incluindo exemplos de composição erudita com raízes europeias (desde o Renascimento ao século XX), música popular (bossa nova, tango, swing), maqãm e música indiana. O segundo portefólio contém o trabalho artístico “The Asian Garden,” criado no âmbito desta tese, que combina escalas de temperamento igual de 34 e de 12 notas (12-TET), e fornece referências culturais adicionais da China e Japão. A escala 34-TET oferece uma abordagem global à escala de entonação justa que é mais de duas vezes melhor do que a da escala 12-TET, com todos os intervalos consonantes consideravelmente abaixo do limiar diferencial. Se fosse aceite um valor máximo de impureza não muito diferente do valor acordado quando a escala de 12 tons igualmente temperados foi padronizada (17,65 cents em vez de 15,67 cents), a escala 34-TET tornar-se-ia, adicionalmente, uma ferramenta útil para a aproximação de culturas diferentes.Programa Doutoral em Músic

    Search and rescue at sea: straddling the duty to render assistance and the interests of the coastal States

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    [EN] As a result of an ancient maritime custom and its subsequent sanction in several international conventions, the rescue of persons in distress at sea has an established legal procedure. The migratory phenomenon and the smuggling of migrants distort this regulatory framework, which was not designed for such an avalanche. The situation is aggravated especially in the receiving States and by the fact that even within the European Union (EU) there is no homogeneous policy, demonstrating in many cases more an intention of territorial protection ─that is, a policy of barriers, with deterritorialisation of the problem through agreements and disembarkation and confinement centres in third countries, extended jurisdictions (creeping jurisdiction), and disembarkation difficulties─ than of compliance with the conventions on human rights and the principles of protection of fundamental rights that inspired the construction of Europe.. What is striking about the approach is that irregular migration that has gained access through irregular border crossings is in a minority. In both the EU and Spain, less than 10% of irregular migrants irregularly cross the maritime border. Most of the immigration that later becomes irregular enters through legal entry. These data do not seem to be of interest to the media or known to public opinion. In order to ascertain that public opinion, fieldwork was carried out in three regions of Spain (Galicia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands), territories that represent different profiles of economic development. The results confirm that the population studied is unaware of the relative magnitude of migratory flows, which leads to a negative bias towards immigrants arriving by sea, for fear that they will consume resources that could be used by national citizens. There seems to be a tendency for governments and their media to remain silent on the actual consumption of resources by those who are in an irregular situation but have entered legally. The deployment of border controls and the lack of enforcement of legal regulations and respect for human rights, focusing only on the small percentage of irregular migrants who enter by sea, is totally paradoxical. Law and good governance of rescues of migrants in distress at sea require compliance with conventions and the protection of fundamental rights. These fundamental rights are an integral part of the founding principles of the EU. Barrier actions cannot be justified and the international agreements must be respected. A general education and outreach campaign is needed to bring politicians and citizens together, but within the legal framework and the fundamental principles of European integration. The EU is not just a set of economic interests orbiting around the euro. It is a project that, according to the Treaty on European Union, revolves around three fundamental principles: democratic equality, representative democracy and participatory democracy. Attempting to reduce the flow of irregular migrants by sea by delaying the disembarkation of ships that are legally obliged to carry out rescue operations is a reprehensible action, with a minimal effect on the total number of migrant arrivals and one that seriously harms shipowners, violates human rights conventions, and puts the lives of those rescued at risk. In addition to the human drama, in the midst of this conflict are the merchant ships and their masters. They have a moral and legal obligation to rescue people in distress at sea, but they also have the right to proceed as quickly as possible, without undue delay. A rescue vessel is not a place of safety. The shipmaster uses the means at his/her disposal, but a rescue at sea is always expensive. In addition, rescued persons need accommodation, provisions and, in many cases, medical care. Monitoring them for weapons, drugs, or control of wandering in restricted areas such as engine rooms or the ship's operational centres, may not be an easy task. The rescuing merchant ship inevitably delays its voyage, with commercial repercussions. Even with insurance cover, salvage often has negative financial consequences for the shipowner. [ES] Fruto de una antigua costumbre marítima y de su posterior sanción en varios convenios internacionales, el salvamento de personas en peligro en el mar tiene un procedimiento legal establecido. El fenómeno migratorio y el tráfico ilícito de migrantes distorsionan ese marco normativo que no fue concebido para semejante avalancha. La situación se agrava especialmente en los Estados receptores y por el hecho de que incluso en el seno de la Unión Europea (UE) no existe una política homogénea, demostrando en muchos casos más una intención de protección territorial ─es decir, una política de barreras, con desterritorialización del problema a través de acuerdos y centros de desembarco y confinamiento en terceros países, jurisdicciones ampliadas (creeping jurisdiction), y dificultades de desembarco─ que de cumplimiento de las convenciones sobre derechos humanos y los principios de protección de los derechos fundamentales que inspiraron la construcción de Europa. Lo sorprendente del planteamiento es que la migración irregular que ha accedido a través de cruces fronterizos irregulares es minoritaria. Tanto en la UE como en España, menos del 10% de los inmigrantes irregulares cruzan irregularmente la frontera marítima. La mayor parte de la inmigración que luego se convierte en irregular entra por la vía legal. Estos datos no parecen interesar a los medios de comunicación ni ser conocidos por la opinión pública. Para conocer esa opinión pública se realizó un trabajo de campo en tres regiones de España (Galicia, Valencia y Baleares), territorios que representan diferentes perfiles de desarrollo económico. Los resultados confirman que la población estudiada desconoce la magnitud relativa de los flujos migratorios, lo que se traduce en un sesgo negativo hacia los inmigrantes que llegan por mar, por temor a que consuman recursos que podrían ser utilizados por los ciudadanos nacionales. Parece existir una tendencia de los gobiernos y sus medios de comunicación a guardar silencio sobre el consumo real de recursos por parte de quienes se encuentran en situación irregular pero han entrado legalmente. El despliegue de controles fronterizos y la falta de aplicación de la normativa legal y de respeto de los derechos humanos, centrándose únicamente en el pequeño porcentaje de inmigrantes irregulares que entran por mar, resulta totalmente paradójico

    What have we learned from the economic impact of the Covid-19 outbreak? Critical analysis of economic factors and recommendations for the future

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El brote de Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 representó un reto para la economía, la vida social y los servicios sanitarios. Justo cuando más se necesitaba la información para la planificación económica, los servicios de vigilancia y notificación no fueron capaces de ofrecer, a pesar de esfuerzos extraordinarios, datos consistentes, como así reconocieron los propios orga-nismos gubernamentales. Esta tesis incluye tres artículos publicados durante los brotes de COVID-19 y una investi-gación adicional fuera del conjunto de publicaciones. La investigación tiene como objetivo general proporcionar información a través de estimaciones alternativas. Para ello se han utilizado varias metodologías, entre ellas los modelos matemáticos de predicción epidemio-lógica, el Mejor Ajuste de Valores Relacionados (BARV), los análisis de diferentes encues-tas y la metodología bibliométrica, aprovechando u ofreciendo alternativas a los métodos bayesianos más complejos, las simulaciones de Monte Carlo o las cadenas de Markov, aun-que algunos datos obtenidos se apoyan parcialmente en estas metodologías. Cada artículo aborda un tema esencial relacionado con la pandemia COVID-19. La primera publicación se centra en los datos epidemiológicos básicos. Se refiere al primer brote de COVID-19, estimando su duración, incidencia, prevalencia, tasa de fallecimientos sobre infectados (IFR) y tasa de fallecimientos sobre casos (confirmados) (CFR). Como dato destacado de este trabajo, se previó que la seroprevalencia era demasiado baja para que la inmunidad de rebaño desempeñara algún papel. Aunque el valor obtenido fue aproxima-damente un 2% inferior al que demostró posteriormente un estudio poblacional (Instituto Carlos III), la conclusión sobre la inmunidad de rebaño no cambió, y los resultados confir-maron la idoneidad del enfoque. La segunda publicación se centró en las cuestiones legales y las noticias falsas, analizando la reticencia de la población a vacunarse, el impacto de las falsas noticas en estos comporta-mientos, las posibilidades legales de hacer obligatoria la vacuna y las posibles acciones contra los profesionales de la salud que publican noticias falsas. La principal conclusión fue que, aunque se podría encontrar una vía legal para la obligatoriedad de la vacunación, y para la persecución gubernamental de las noticias falsas, la opinión ciudadana parece prefe-rir que la administración no tome la iniciativa, por lo que se recomienda promover y fomen-tar la concienciación ciudadana. La tercera publicación presentó un modelo matemático simplificado para la estimación del coste-efectividad de la vacuna contra la COVID-19. Se actualizan los datos de dos fechas para la estimación de los costes directos para el sistema sanitario debidos a la COVID-19, computando el coste por ciudadano y por Producto Interior Bruto (PIB), así como el coste-efectividad de la vacuna. La estimó razón de coste-efectividad incremental (RCEI) para dos dosis por persona a un coste de 30 euros cada dosis (incluida la administración). Asumien-do al 70% de efectividad y con el 70% de la población vacunada resultó ser de 5.132 euros (4.926 - 5.276) por año de vida ajustado a calidad (AVAC) ganado (a 17 de febrero de 2021). Una cifra que desciende cada día de pandemia activa. Se incluyó una investigación adicional, no incorporada en el conjunto de artículos, centrada en los recursos humanos y la educación. Se analizaron los temas preocupan al personal de primera línea, es decir, a la enfermería, y cómo la pandemia ha afectado a sus publicaciones científicas, como índice de los cambios en el clima laboral que sufre este colectivo. Median-te un estudio bibliométrico comparativo entre las publicaciones de 2019 y 2020, se analizó el cambio de temas y ámbitos como reflejo del impacto del COVID-19 en el personal de enfermería. Así se comprobó que, en los ámbitos de enfermería de atención especializada, y sobre todo e[CA] El brot de Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 va representar un repte per a l'economia, la vida soci-al i els serveis sanitaris. Quan més es necessitava la informació per a la planificació econò-mica, malgrat esforços extraordinaris, els serveis de vigilància i notificació no van ser capa-ços d'oferir dades consistents, com així van reconèixer els mateixos organismes governa-mentals. Aquesta tesi inclou tres articles publicats durant els brots de COVID-19 i una investigació addicional fora del conjunt de publicacions. La investigació té com a objectiu general pro-porcionar informació a través d'estimacions alternatives. Per a això s'han utilitzat diverses metodologies, entre elles els models matemàtics de predicció epidemiològica, el Millor Ajust de Valors Relacionats (BARV), les anàlisis de diferents enquestes i la metodologia bibliomètrica, aprofitant o oferint opcions alternatives als mètodes bayesians més comple-xos, les simulacions de Montecarlo o les cadenes de Markov, tot i que algunes dades obtin-gudes es recolzen parcialment en aquestes metodologies. Cada article aborda un tema essen-cial relacionat amb la pandèmia COVID-19. La primera publicació se centra en les dades epidemiològiques bàsiques. Es refereix al pri-mer brot de COVID-19, calculant la seua durada, incidència, prevalença, taxa de defuncions sobre infectats (IFR) i taxa de defuncions sobre casos (confirmats) (CFR). Com a dada des-tacada d'aquest treball, es va preveure que la seroprevalença era massa baixa perquè la im-munitat de ramat exercirà algun paper. Tot i que el valor obtingut va ser aproximadament un 2% inferior al demostrat posteriorment en un estudi poblacional (Institut Carles III), la conclusió sobre la immunitat de ramat no va canviar, i els resultats van confirmar la idoneï-tat de l'enfocament. La segona publicació es va centrar en les qüestions legals i les notícies falses, analitzant la reticència de la població a vacunar-se, l'impacte de les falses notícies en aquests comporta-ments, les possibilitats legals de fer obligatòria la vacuna i les possibles accions contra els professionals de la salut que publiquen notícies falses. La principal conclusió va ser que, tot i que es podria trobar una via legal per l'obligatorietat de la vacunació, i per la persecució governamental de les notícies falses, l'opinió ciutadana sembla preferir que l'administració no prenga la iniciativa, per la qual cosa es recomana promoure i fomentar la conscienciació ciutadana. La tercera publicació va presentar un model matemàtic simplificat per a l'estimació del cost-efectivitat de la vacuna contra la COVID-19. S'actualitzen les dades de dues dates per a l'estimació dels costos directes per al sistema sanitari deguts a la COVID-19, computant el cost per ciutadà i per Producte Interior Brut (PIB), així com el cost-efectivitat de la vacuna. La va estimar raó de cost-efectivitat incremental (RCEI) per dues dosis per persona a un cost de 30 euros cada dosi (inclosa l'administració). Assumint al 70% d'efectivitat i amb el 70% de la població vacunada va resultar ser de 5.132 euros (4.926 - 5.276) per any de vida ajustat a qualitat (AVAQ) (a 17 de febrer de 2021). Una xifra que descendeix cada dia de pandèmia activa. Es va afegir una investigació addicional, no inclosa en el conjunt d'articles, centrada en els recursos humans i l'educació. Es van analitzar els temes que preocupen al personal de pri-mera línia, és a dir, a la infermeria, i com la pandèmia ha afectat les seues publicacions cien-tífiques, com a índex dels canvis en el clima laboral que pateix aquest col·lectiu. Mitjançant un estudi bibliomètric comparatiu entre les publicacions de 2019 i 2020, es va analitzar el canvi de temes i camps com a reflex de l'impacte del COVID-19 en el personal d'infermeria. Així es va comprovar que en els àmbits d'infermeria d'atenció especialitzada, i sobretot en atenció primària, els principals problemes detectat[EN] The SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus outbreak has posed a challenge to the economy, social life, and health services. Just when information was most needed for economic planning, moni-toring, and reporting services were unable, despite extraordinary efforts to provide con-sistent data, as government agencies themselves acknowledged. This thesis includes three articles published during the COVID-19 outbreaks and additional research outside the publication set. The overall aim of the research is to provide infor-mation through alternative estimates. Several methodologies have been used, including mathematical models for epidemiological prediction, Best Adjustment of Related Values (BARV), analyses of different surveys and bibliometric methodology, taking advantage of or offering an alternative to, more complex options such as Bayesian methods, Monte Carlo simulations or Markov chains, although some data obtained are partially supported by these methodologies. Each article addresses a key issue related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first publication focuses on basic epidemiological data. It refers to the first outbreak of COVID-19, estimating its duration, incidence, prevalence, Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) and Case Fatality Rate (CFR). As a highlight of this work, the seroprevalence was anticipated to be too low for herd immunity to play a role. Although the value obtained was approximate-ly 2% lower than that subsequently demonstrated by a population-based study (Instituto Carlos III), the conclusion on herd immunity remained unchanged, and the results con-firmed the appropriateness of the approach. The second publication focuses on legal issues and fake news, analysing reluctance to be vaccinated in the population, the impact of fake news on these behaviours, the legal possi-bilities of making vaccination mandatory, and possible actions against health professionals who publish fake news. The main conclusion was that, although a legal avenue could be found for mandatory vaccination and for governmental prosecution of fake news, public opinion seems to prefer that the authorities do not take the initiative, therefore it recom-mends promoting and encouraging public awareness. The third publication presented a simplified mathematical model for estimating the cost-effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. Data from two dates were obtained for the estimation of the direct costs to the health system due to COVID-19, computing the cost per citizen and per Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as the cost-effectiveness of the vaccine. The estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated for two doses per person at a cost of 30 euros per dose (including administration). Assuming 70% effectiveness and with 70% of the population vaccinated, it was found to be 5,132 euros (4,926 - 5,276) per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained (as of 17 February 2021). The figure decreases with each day of the active pandemic. Additional research not included in the set of articles focuses on human resources and education. It analyses the concerns of frontline staff, i.e., nurses, and how the pandemic has affected their scientific publications, as an index of the changes in the work climate experienced by this group. Through a comparative bibliometric study of publications in 2019 and 2020, the change in topics and fields was analysed, as a reflection of the impact of COVID-19 on nursing staff. It was found that in the fields of specialised care nursing and above all in primary care, the main problems detected are those related to protective measures and psychological factors, while the publications of nursing staff in nursing homes showed an increase in topics related to management and organisation. Finally, some aspects of the implementation of telecommuting and distance learning have been reviewed. Some of the boosts in this field resulting from the pandemic could be very useful and remain in the future, such as the incorporation of telewoMarco Franco, JE. (2021). What have we learned from the economic impact of the Covid-19 outbreak? Critical analysis of economic factors and recommendations for the future [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174883TESISCompendi

    Telenursing: The view of care professionals in selected EU countries. A pilot study

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    Background With the growth of digital nursing, several studies have focused on recording patients' views on remote care, or specialised nurse staffing aspects. This is the first international survey on telenursing focused exclusively on clinical nurses that analyses the dimensions of usefulness, acceptability, and appropriateness of telenursing from the staff point of view. Methods A previously validated structured questionnaire including demographic variables, 18 responses with a Likert-5 scale, three dichotomous questions, and one overall percentual estimation of holistic nursing care susceptible to being undertaken by telenursing, was administered (from 1 September to 30 November 2022) to 225 clinical and community nurses from three selected EU countries. Data analysis: descriptive data, classical and Rasch testing. Results The results show adequacy of the model for measurement of the domains of usefulness, acceptability, and appropriateness of telenursing (overall Cronbach's alpha 0.945, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 0.952 and Bartlett's p < 0.001). Answers in favour of telenursing ranked 4 out of 5 in Likert scale, both globally and by the three domains. Rasch: reliability coefficient 0.94, Warm's main weighted likelihood estimate reliability 0.95. In the ANOVA analysis, the results for Portugal were significantly higher than those for Spain and Poland, both overall and for each of the dimensions. Respondents with bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees score significantly higher than those with certificates or diplomas. Multiple regression did not yield additional data of interest. Conclusions The tested model proved to be valid, but although the majority of nurses are in favour of telenursing, given the nature of the care, which is mainly face-to-face, according to the respondents, the chances of carrying out their activities by telenursing is only 35.3%. The survey provides useful information on what can be expected from the implementation of telenursing and the questionnaire proves to be a useful tool to be applied in other countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 Healthcare Planning: Predicting Mortality and the Role of the Herd Immunity Barrier in the General Population

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    [EN] Using a mathematical model for COVID-19 incorporating data on excess of mortality compared to the corresponding period of the previous year obtained from the daily monitoring of mortality in Spain (MoMo), the prediction of total number of casualties in Spain for the first outbreak has been computed. From this figure, and following a stepwise meta-analysis of available reports, the case fatality rate (CFR) and the infectious case fatality rate (IFR) for the outbreak have been estimated. As the impact of age on these rates is notable, it is proposed to include an age-related adjusted fatality ratio in future comparative analyses between studies, calculated by adjusting the results by risk ratio to a reference age band (e.g., 60-69). From the casualty figures, and the corresponding CFR and IFR ratios, the forecast of serologically positive cases in the general Spanish population has been estimated at approximately 1% (0.87-1.3%) of the samples. If the data are confirmed by the ongoing study of the Carlos III Institute, until a vaccine is found, the immunity acquired in the general population after the infectious outbreak is far from the 65-70% herd immunity required as a barrier for COVID-19.Marco-Franco, JE.; Guadalajara Olmeda, MN.; González-De Julián, S.; Vivas-Consuelo, D. (2020). COVID-19 Healthcare Planning: Predicting Mortality and the Role of the Herd Immunity Barrier in the General Population. Sustainability. 12(13):1-10. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135228S1101213Mathematical modeling draws more accurate picture of coronavirus cases 2020https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-04/mcog-mmd041020.phpRed Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica-[Spanish epidemiological surveillance network]https://www.isciii.es/QueHacemos/Servicios/VigilanciaSaludPublicaRENAVE/EnfermedadesTransmisibles/Documents/INFORMES/Informes%20COVID-19/Informe%20nº%2022.%20Situación%20de%20COVID-19%20en%20España%20a%2013%20de%20abril%20de%202020.pdfJung, S., Akhmetzhanov, A. R., Hayashi, K., Linton, N. M., Yang, Y., Yuan, B., … Nishiura, H. (2020). Real-Time Estimation of the Risk of Death from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection: Inference Using Exported Cases. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(2), 523. doi:10.3390/jcm9020523Linton, N., Kobayashi, T., Yang, Y., Hayashi, K., Akhmetzhanov, A., Jung, S., … Nishiura, H. (2020). Incubation Period and Other Epidemiological Characteristics of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infections with Right Truncation: A Statistical Analysis of Publicly Available Case Data. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(2), 538. doi:10.3390/jcm9020538Rajgor, D. D., Lee, M. H., Archuleta, S., Bagdasarian, N., & Quek, S. C. (2020). The many estimates of the COVID-19 case fatality rate. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(7), 776-777. doi:10.1016/s1473-3099(20)30244-9Mizumoto, K., Kagaya, K., Zarebski, A., & Chowell, G. (2020). Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, Yokohama, Japan, 2020. Eurosurveillance, 25(10). doi:10.2807/1560-7917.es.2020.25.10.2000180Wu, J. T., Leung, K., Bushman, M., Kishore, N., Niehus, R., de Salazar, P. M., … Leung, G. M. (2020). Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China. Nature Medicine, 26(4), 506-510. doi:10.1038/s41591-020-0822-7Hauser, A., Counotte, M. J., Margossian, C. C., Konstantinoudis, G., Low, N., Althaus, C. L., & Riou, J. (2020). Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 mortality during the early stages of an epidemic: a modeling study in Hubei, China, and six regions in Europe. doi:10.1101/2020.03.04.20031104Russell, T. W., Hellewell, J., Jarvis, C. I., van Zandvoort, K., Abbott, S., … Ratnayake, R. (2020). Estimating the infection and case fatality ratio for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) using age-adjusted data from the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, February 2020. Eurosurveillance, 25(12). doi:10.2807/1560-7917.es.2020.25.12.2000256Wu, Z., & McGoogan, J. M. (2020). Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China. JAMA, 323(13), 1239. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.2648Chen, N., Zhou, M., Dong, X., Qu, J., Gong, F., Han, Y., … Zhang, L. (2020). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. The Lancet, 395(10223), 507-513. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(20)30211-7Wang, X., Ma, Z., Ning, Y., Chen, C., Chen, R., Chen, Q., … Zhao, H. (2020). Estimating the case fatality ratio of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. doi:10.1101/2020.02.17.20023630Italian Task Force COVID-19. Epidemia COVID-19 [Covid-19 epidemic]https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Bollettino-sorveglianza-integrata-COVID-19_26-marzo%202020.pdfUK coronavirus death toll reaches 1,789 amid data reporting concerns |World news| The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/31/uk-coronavirus-death-toll-reaches-1789-amid-data-reporting-concernsCoronavirus-missing-deathshttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/21/world/coronavirus-missing-deaths.htmlLipsitch, M., Cohen, T., Cooper, B., Robins, J. M., Ma, S., James, L., … Murray, M. (2003). 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    Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Uncertainty: Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Spain

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    [EN] When exceptional situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic arise and reliable data is not available at decision-making times, estimation using mathematical models can provide a reasonable reckoning for health planning. We present a simplified model (static but with two-time references) for estimating the cost-effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine. A simplified model provides quick assessment of the upper bound of cost-effectiveness, as we illustrated with data from Spain, and allows for easy comparisons between countries. It may also provide useful comparisons among different vaccines at the marketplace, from the perspective of the buyer. From analysis of this information, key epidemiological figures, and costs of the disease for Spain have been estimated, based on mortality. The fatality value is a robust data that can alternatively be obtained from death registers, funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematoria. Our model estimates the cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) to be 5,132 € (4,926 ¿ 5,276) as of 17 February 2021, based on the following assumptions/inputs: an estimated cost of 30 euros per dose (plus transport, storing, and administration), two doses per person, efficacy of 70% and coverage of 70% of the population. Even considering the possibility of some bias, this simplified model provides confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 is highly cost-effective.Marco-Franco, JE.; Pita-Barros, P.; González-De Julián, S.; Sabat, I.; Vivas-Consuelo, D. (2021). Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Uncertainty: Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Spain. Mathematics. 9(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/math90505661159

    Validation of a New Telenursing Questionnaire: Testing the Test

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    Abstract: Background: Existing surveys on telenursing refer to specific areas of nursing after the implementation of a programme, but telenursing in general has not been fully evaluated from a prospective approach. Aim: Design and statistical validation of a telenursing questionnaire. Methods: A new questionnaire was designed with 18 paired (to avoid leading) questions (Likert-5) plus three dichotomous questions (randomly ordered, inspired by existing validated tests) to analyse the dimensions of: acceptance, usefulness and appropriateness of telenursing from the nursing point of view (7 min test). The questionnaire was validated by classical tests and item response tests (Rasch) using six computer-generated databases with different response profiles (tendency to be positioned against, neutral and positioned in favour) with two degrees of agreement between each pair of responses for each option. Results: Classical testing: Cronbach’s alphas (from 0.8 to 0.95), Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) (0.93 to 0.95) and a significant p < 0.0001 for Bartlett’s test of sphericity were obtained. Rasch analysis: Reliability coefficients (0.94). Warm’s mean weighted likelihood estimates (0.94). Extreme infit-t and outfit-t values (+1.61 to −1.98). Conclusions: Both the classical test and the Rasch approaches confirm the usefulness of the new test for assessing nurses’ positioning in relation to telenursing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio