4 research outputs found

    Isolation, characterization and amplification of simple sequence repeat loci in coffee

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    Simple sequence repeat (microsatellite) loci in coffee were identified in clones isolated from enriched andrandom genomic libraries. It was shown that coffee is a plant species with low microsatellite frequency. However, the averagedistance between two loci, estimated at 127kb for poly (AG), is one of the shortest of all plant genomes. In contrast, thedistance between two poly (AC) loci, estimated at 769kb, is one of the largest in plant genomes. Coffee (AC)n microsatellites arefrequently associated with other microsatellites, mainly (AT)n motifs, while (AG)n microsatellites are not normally associatedwith other microsatellites and have a higher number of perfect motifs. Dinucleotide repeats (AG) and (AC) were found in ATrichregions in coffee. Sequence analysis of (AC)n microsatellites identified in coffee revealed the possible association of theserepeated elements with miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). In addition, some of the evaluated SSRmarkers produced transposon-like amplification patterns in tetraploid genotypes. Of 12 SSR markers developed, nine werepolymorphic in diploid genotypes while 5 were polymorphic in tetraploid genotypes, confirming a greater genetic diversity indiploid species

    Annotation of a hybrid partial genome of the Coffee Rust (Hemileia vastatrix) contributes to the gene repertoire catalogue of the Pucciniales

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    Coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix is the most damaging disease to coffee worldwide. The pathogen has recently appeared in multiple outbreaks in coffee producing countries resulting in significant yield losses and increases in costs related to its control. New races/isolates are constantly emerging as evidenced by the presence of the fungus in plants that were previously resistant. Genomic studies are opening new avenues for the study of the evolution of pathogens, the detailed description of plant-pathogen interactions and the development of molecular techniques for the identification of individual isolates. For this purpose we sequenced 8 different H. vastatrix isolates using NGS technologies and gathered partial genome assemblies due to the large repetitive content in the coffee rust hybrid genome; 74.4% of the assembled contigs harbor repetitive sequences. A hybrid assembly of 333Mb was built based on the 8 isolates; this assembly was used for subsequent analyses.Analysis of the conserved gene space showed that the hybrid H. vastatrix genome, though highly fragmented, had a satisfactory level of completion with 91.94% of core protein-coding orthologous genes present. RNA-Seq from urediniospores was used to guide the de novo annotation of the H. vastatrix gene complement. In total, 14,445 genes organized in 3,921 families were uncovered; a considerable proportion of the predicted proteins (73.8%) were homologous to other Pucciniales species genomes. Several gene families related to the fungal lifestyle were identified, particularly 483 predicted secreted proteins that represent candidate effector genes and will provide interesting hints to decipher virulence in the coffee rust fungus. The genome sequence of Hva will serve as a template to understand the molecular mechanisms used by this fungus to attack the coffee plant, to study the diversity of this species and for the development of molecular markers to distinguish races/isolates

    Caracterizaci贸n y obtenci贸n de cepas mejoradas de hongos entomopat贸genos.

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    IP 2251-12-330-95Incluye tambi茅n Etapa 3.aislamientos de Beauveria bassiana de una coleccion de hongosentomopatogenos de Cenicafe / Beatriz Elena;Valdes Duque, Patricia Eugenia Velez Arango. -- En: Revista colombiana deentomologia. -- vol. 24, no. 1-2;(ene.-jun. 1998); p.61-66. -- ISSN 01200488 -- Analisis delavariabilidadgenetica del hongo entomopatogeno;Beauveria bassiana con marcadores RAPD / Ana Milena ValderramaF., Marco Aurelio Cristancho A., Bernardo;Chaves C. -- En: Revista colombiana de entomologia. -- vol. 26,no. 1-2 (ene.-jun. 2001); p. 25-29. -- ISSN;01200488 -- Estandarizacion de una metodologia para obtener cultivos monoesporicos del hongo Beauveria;bassiana / Maria Nancy Estrada V., Patricia E. Velez A., JuanCarlos LopezN. -- En: Cenicafe : revista del;Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Cafe. -- vol. 48, no. 1(ene.-mar. 1997); p. 59-65. -- ISSN 01200488 --;detection of Beauvericin from the entomopathogenic fungus: Beauveria bassiana / J.W.V. Arboleda, F.B. Deldago;and A.J. Valencia. -- En: International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control (ICIPMC),;Annual Meeting of the SIP, International Conference on BacillusThuringiensis (ICBt). (8, 25, 6 : 2002 Aug.;18-23) -- ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Actividad enzimatica dehongosy su patogenicidad sobre Hypothenemus hampei;/ Fernando Delgado Blandon, Yamel Lopez Forero, Elsa MariaGiraldo Cardozo. -- En: Revista manejo integrado de;plagas. -- No. 60 (2001); p. 43-49 -- Actividad lipoliticay proteoliticade Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium;anisopliae y su relacion con la patogenicidad sobre Hypothenemushampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) / Elsa Maria;Giraldo Cardozo ... [et al.]. -- En: Revista colombiana deentomologia. --vol. 27, no. 1-2 (ene.-jun. 2001);p. 61-65. -- ISSN 01200488 -- Caracterizacion de aislamientosdeBeauveriabassiana y Metarhizium anisopliae;de la coleccion de Cenicafe / Patricia E. Velez A... [et al.].-'- en: Revista colombiana de entomologia. --;vol. 25, no. 3-4 (jul.-dic. 1999); p. 191-207. -- ISSN 012488'-- Caracterizacion bioquimica cualitativa de;Colombiana de Entomologia, Socolen (28 : 2001 ago. 8-10 :Pereira, Colombia) -- [s.l. : s.n.], 2001 -- p. ; 28;cm. -- Avances en el estudio de la toxina beauvericina producidapor el hongo Beauveria bassiana patogenico a;Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) / JorgeWilliam Arboleda V., Fernando Delgado B. -- En:;Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia, Socolen(28:2001 ago.8-10 : Pereira, Colombia) -- [s.l.;: s.n.], 2001 -- p. ; 28 cm. -- Biologia de Phymastichus coffeaLasalle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae);endoparasitoide de la broca del cafe, en tres altitudes diferentes de la zonacafetera colombiana / Fernando;Cantor R. ... [et al.]. -- En: Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia, Socolen (28 : 2001 ago. 8-10;: Pereira, Colombia) -- [s.l. : s.n.], 2001 -- p. ; 28 cm.--Produccion de anticuerpos policlonales para;deteccion de Beauvericina del hongo entomopatogeno Beauverianabassiana /Jorge W. Arboleda V., Fernando;Delgado B., Arnubio Valencia J. -- En: Congreso de la SociedadColombianade Entomologia, Socolen. (29 : 2002;jul. 18-19 : Monteria, Colombia) -- [s.l. : s.n.], 2002 --p.;28 cm. --Polyclonal antibodies productions to;Caracterizacion de cultivos monoesporicos del hongo Beauveriabassiana / Maria Nancy Estrada Valencia,;Patricia Eugenia Velez Arango, Esther Cecilia Montoya Restrepo.'-- en: Cenicafe : revista del Centro Nacional;de Investigaciones de Cafe. -- vol. 48, no. 4 (oct.-dic. 1997);p. 217-224. -- ISSN 01200275 -- Esporulacion,;germinacion y patogenicidad de aislamientos monoesporicosde Beauveria bassiana / Maria Nancy Estrada Velez;... [et al.]. -- Cenicafe : revista del Centro Nacional deInvestigacionesde Cafe. -- vol. 50, no. 1;(ene.-mar. 1999); p. 5-23. -- ISSN 01200275 -- Caracterizacionenzimaticay patogenicidad de aislamientos de;Beauveria bassiana sobre la broca del cafe / Beatriz ElenaValdes D., Patricia Eugenia Velez Arango, Esther;Cecilia Montoya Restrepo. -- Cenicafe : revista del CentroNacional de Investigaciones de Cafe. -- vol. 50,;no. 2 (abr.-jun. 1999); p. 106-118. -- ISSN 01200275 -- Evaluacion en campo de un aislamiento de Beauveria;bassiana seleccionado por resistencia a la luz ultravioleta /Sandra Patricia Tobar H., Patricia Eugenia Velez;Arango, Esther Cecilia Montoya Restrepo. -- En: Revista del Centro Internacional de Investigacion de Cafe. --;01200275.;PONENCIA(S) EN CONGRESO: Transformacion de Beauveria bassianacon la proteina verde fluorescente y proteasas;de Metarhizium anisopliae / Carmenza E. Gongora B. -- En:Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia,;Socolen (28 : 2001 ago. 8-10 : Pereira, Colombia) -- [s.l.: s.n.], 2001 -- p. ; 28 cm. -- Taller con;caficultores experimentadores para evaluar Beauveria bassianaenel control de Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari);(Coleoptera: Scolytidae) / Francisco Javier Posada Florez...[et al.]. --En: Congreso de la Socieda