15 research outputs found

    Nanoforum VII edizione

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    Nanoforum è la principale mostra-convegno italiana e si pone come punto d’incontro d’eccellenza per i centri di ricerca e le aziende che vogliono innovare attraverso le micro e nanotecnologie. Promuovendo gli aspetti più promettenti delle Nanotecnoogie, Nanoforum favorisce il trasferimento tecnologico dal mondo della ricerca a quello imprenditoriale. Nata nel 2005, si è tenuta per 4 anni al Politecnico di Milano, successivamente si è spostata a Torino,accolta dapprima dalla Camera di commercio ed in seguito dal Politecnico. Dalla settima edizione (2011) è ospite della Facoltà d’Ingegneria dell’Università “la Sapienza” di Roma. Il principale obiettivo è creare un luogo d'incontro 'dedicato' per fare incontrare le esigenze del mondodella ricerca e dell'industria

    Multi-step anodizing on Ti6Al4V components to improve tribomechanical performances

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    This work presents the production and characterization of a controlled electrochemical modification of titanium surfaces, consisting of a two-step anodic spark deposition (ASD) process and a barrel finishing. The treatment was performed on titanium alloy Ti6Al4V, as most representative titanium alloy used in mechanical and aeronautical applications, where improved adhesion and tribological performances are required. FIB/SEM microstructural observations, nanoindentation, scratch, fretting tests and wear and friction tests were carried out both on laboratory specimens (planar pellets, 1. in. diameter) and on Ti6Al4V bolts of different shapes and sizes, to investigate the effect of a three dimensional shape on the correct execution of the electrochemical treatment and on the coating's mechanical performance. The formation of a double layered coating was observed, with a slightly decreased surface hardness and stiffness compared to the metallic substrate and increased scratch and fretting wear resistances, thanks to an excellent adherence to the substrate, an optimal value of the hardness to modulus ratio (H/E) and a marked decrease of the friction coefficient. The proposed coating procedure could be therefore a suitable solution for those applications where low friction, wear resistance under low load sliding contact and corrosion resistance are required. © 2012 Elsevier B.V