4 research outputs found
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is defined as a platelet coun
Fee to establish an easement of transmission to energy plant – the selected issues of tax on goods and services and the tax on civil law transactions
W przypadku zakładów energetycznych posiadane urządzenia służące do doprowadzania energii elektrycznej do odbiorców (sieć elektroenergetyczna) najczęściej zlokalizowane
są na nieruchomościach niebędących własnością zakładu. Poza tym w celu umożliwienia przyłączenia nowych odbiorców zakład prowadzi lub planuje budowę nowych urządzeń, które również w większości przypadków zlokalizowane będą na cudzych nieruchomościach. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostaną skutki, na gruncie
podatku od towarów i usług oraz podatku od czynności cywilnoprawnych, umownego ustanowienia w formie aktu notarialnego służebności przesyłu za wynagrodzeniem.In case of energy plants, the appliances used for providing the recipients with the electrical power, are mostly located on the real estates (plots) that are not owned by the plants. Besides, in order to connect a new recipient, the plant constructs or plans to
construct new appliances that again in most cases will be located on the plots, not being owned by the plant. In this article the author presented also the consequences, under the tax on goods and services as well as under the tax on civil law transactions, of the
conventional arrangement, in the form of the Notary Deed, to establish the easement of the transmission against remuneration
Sex- and Age-Related Dynamic Changes of the Macroelements Content in the Femoral Bone with Hip Osteoarthritis
Background: The content of macroelements in bones varies with age and depends on sex. The aim of the study was to evaluate the content of macroelements and its correlation with age and sex in the femoral bone obtained during total hip arthroplasty. Methods: In the 86 patients, the content of macroelements (Ca, P, Mg, and Na) in the femoral head and neck (cancellous and cortical bone) was assessed by means of the inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry analytical technique (ICP-OES). Results: There was a decrease in the content of macroelements in the cortical bone with age in the women in the 51–60 years (statistically significant: −0.59 for Ca, −0.65 for P) and over 70 years age groups (correlation not statistically significant: −0.29 for Ca, −0.38 for P). A significant decrease in the content of macroelements in the cortical bone was found in men over 70 years of age. Conclusions: Patterns of increased loss of macronutrients (Ca, P, and Mg) in the femoral neck (cortical bone) were demonstrated in the following patients with osteoarthritis: women aged 51–60 years and patients of both sexes over 70 years of age