42 research outputs found

    Classical capacity per unit cost for quantum channels

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    In most communication scenarios, sending a symbol encoded in a quantum state requires spending resources such as energy, which can be quantified by a cost of communication. A standard approach in this context is to quantify the performance of communication protocol by classical capacity, quantifying the maximal amount of information that can be transmitted through a quantum channel per single use of the channel. However, different figures of merit are also possible, and a particularly well-suited one is the classical capacity per unit cost, which quantifies the maximal amount of information that can be transmitted per unit cost. I generalize this concept to account for the quantum nature of the information carriers and communication channels and show that if there exists a state with cost equal to zero, e.g. a vacuum state, the capacity per unit cost can be expressed by a simple formula containing maximization of the relative entropy between two quantum states. This enables me to analyze the behavior of photon information efficiency for general communication tasks and show simple bounds on the capacity per unit cost in terms of quantities familiar from quantum estimation theory. I calculate also the capacity per unit cost for general Gaussian quantum channels.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, final version, updated reference

    True precision limits in quantum metrology

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    We show that quantification of the performance of quantum-enhanced measurement schemes based on the concept of quantum Fisher information yields asymptotically equivalent results as the rigorous Bayesian approach, provided generic uncorrelated noise is present in the setup. At the same time, we show that for the problem of decoherence-free phase estimation this equivalence breaks down and the achievable estimation uncertainty calculated within the Bayesian approach is by a π\pi factor larger than that predicted by the QFI even in the large prior knowledge (small parameter fluctuation) regime, where QFI is conventionally regarded as a reliable figure of merit. We conjecture that the analogous discrepancy is present in arbitrary decoherence-free unitary parameter estimation scheme and propose a general formula for the asymptotically achievable precision limit. We also discuss protocols utilizing states with indefinite number of particles and show that within the Bayesian approach it is legitimate to replace the number of particles with the mean number of particles in the formulas for the asymptotic precision, which as a consequence provides another argument that proposals based on the properties of the QFI of indefinite particle number states leading to sub-Heisenberg precisions are not practically feasible.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Matrix product states for quantum metrology

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    We demonstrate that the optimal states in lossy quantum interferometry may be efficiently simulated using low rank matrix product states. We argue that this should be expected in all realistic quantum metrological protocols with uncorrelated noise and is related to the elusive nature of the Heisenberg precision scaling in presence of decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On quantum interferometric measurements of temperature

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    We provide a detailed description of the quantum interferometric thermometer, which is a device that estimates the temperature of a sample from the measurements of the optical phase. For the first time, we rigorously analyze the operation of such a device by studying the interaction of the optical probe system prepared in a single-mode Gaussian state with a heated sample modeled as a dissipative thermal reservoir. We find that this approach to thermometry is capable of measuring the temperature of a sample in the nanokelvin regime. Furthermore, we compare the fundamental precision of quantum interferometric thermometers with the theoretical precision offered by the classical idealized pyrometers, which infer the temperature from a measurement of the total thermal radiation emitted by the sample. We find that the interferometric thermometer provides a superior performance in temperature sensing even when compared with this idealized pyrometer. We predict that interferometric thermometers will prove useful for ultraprecise temperature sensing and stabilization of quantum optical experiments based on the nonlinear crystals and atomic vapors.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Dephasing in coherent communication with weak signal states

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    We analyze the ultimate quantum limit on the accessible information for an optical communication scheme when time bins carry coherent light pulses prepared in one of several orthogonal modes and the phase undergoes diffusion after each channel use. This scheme, an example of a quantum memory channel, can be viewed as noisy pulse position modulation (PPM) keying with phase fluctuations occurring between consecutive PPM symbols. We derive a general expression for the output states in the Fock basis and implement a numerical procedure to calculate the Holevo quantity. Using asymptotic properties of Toeplitz matrices, we also present an analytic expression for the Holevo quantity valid for very weak signals and sufficiently strong dephasing when the dominant contribution comes from the single-photon sector in the Hilbert space of signal states. Based on numerical results we conjecture an inequality for contributions to the Holevo quantity from multiphoton sectors which implies that in the asymptotic limit of weak signals, for arbitrarily small dephasing the accessible information scales linearly with the average number of photons contained in the pulse. Such behaviour presents a qualitative departure from the fully coherent case.Comment: 20 pages, final versio

    Attaining classical capacity per unit cost of noisy bosonic Gaussian channels

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    I show that classical capacity per unit cost of noisy bosonic Gaussian channels can be attained by employing generalized on-off keying modulation format and a projective measurement of individual output states. This means that neither complicated collective measurements nor phase-sensitive detection is required to communicate over optical channels at the ultimate limit imposed by laws of quantum mechanics in the limit of low average cost.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Super-additivity in communication of classical information through quantum channels from a quantum parameter estimation perspective

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    We point out a contrasting role the entanglement plays in communication and estimation scenarios. In the first case it brings noticeable benefits at the measurement stage (output super-additivity), whereas in the latter it is the entanglement of the input probes that enables significant performance enhancement (input super-additivity). We identify a weak estimation regime where a strong connection between concepts crucial to the two fields is demonstrated; the accessible information and the Holevo quantity on one side and the quantum Fisher information related quantities on the other. This allows us to shed new light on the problem of super-additivity in communication using the concepts of quantum estimation theory.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Optimal lossy quantum interferometry in phase space

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    We analyse the phase space representation of the optimal measurement of a phase shift in an interferometer with equal photon loss in both its arms. In the local phase estimation scenario with a fixed number of photons, we identify features of the spin Wigner function that warrant sub-shot noise precision, and discuss their sensitivity to losses. We derive the asymptotic form of an integral kernel describing the process of photon loss in the phase space in the limit of large photon numbers. The analytic form of this kernel allows one to assess the ultimate precision limit for a lossy interferometer. We also provide a general lower bound on the quantum Fisher information in terms of spin Wigner functions.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Quantum fingerprinting using two-photon interference

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    We present a quantum fingerprinting protocol relying on two-photon interference which does not require a shared phase reference between the parties preparing optical signals carrying data fingerprints. We show that the scaling of the protocol, in terms of transmittable classical information, is analogous to the recently proposed and demonstrated scheme based on coherent pulses and first-order interference, offering comparable advantage over classical fingerprinting protocols without access to shared prior randomness. We analyze the protocol taking into account non-Poissonian photon statistics of optical signals and a variety of imperfections, such as transmission losses, dark counts, and residual distinguishability. The impact of these effects on the protocol performance is quantified with the help of Chernoff information.Comment: manuscript accepted to Optics Express journa

    Quantum Limits in Optical Communications

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    This tutorial reviews the Holevo capacity limit as a universal tool to analyze the ultimate transmission rates in a variety of optical communication scenarios, ranging from conventional optically amplified fiber links to free-space communication with power-limited optical signals. The canonical additive white Gaussian noise model is used to describe the propagation of the optical signal. The Holevo limit exceeds substantially the standard Shannon limit when the power spectral density of noise acquired in the course of propagation is small compared to the energy of a single photon at the carrier frequency per unit time-bandwidth area. General results are illustrated with a discussion of efficient communication strategies in the photon-starved regime.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. This tutorial is to be published in the Special Issue of Journal of Lightwave Technology on the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 201